: When do we get the next animation?

come on now...

Viper Daimao
not till you take out the trash, clean your room, and do your chores young man!

we recorded the voices tonight, and Matt Kowalick as bill is HOT!

mac b
as erik said, we've begun work on the next animation. however i hesitate to put any sort of concrete release date on it. It will be the longest cartoon we've ever done (and hopefully the best). So having never done anything like this before it's hard to estimate when we'll be finished with it. So sorry to poon out and not really answer but that's my answer.

but i will tell you this. officer bunny appears in the next cartoon and a gentleman by the name of Razor-fist layed some voice tracks down the other day that rocked my fucking socks off. Why is his name razor fist, well i'll let Quickie enlightne everyone about that, if he so chooses.

razor fist = :boxing:+:devil: