: 42... just one more than 41?...

Summer Syn
I would like to think that episode 42 was one of the funniest episodes in a while... with the only exception of 41's easter egg... but the new easter egg is just as bloody funny, but she brings up a good point...
...and to sprite monkey... the blinking was anoying as hell, but still too easy to find. This is in no way a challenge to you to make them any bloody harder... they can be plenty hard all by their lonesomes.

And on a personal note... that had to hurt... D@mn, she can pack a fuggin punch, kaint she?
And what the fuggin hell is "Haga foo!... Chuggy mo hoggen fas!"...? it sounds like a new brand of Haggan Das Chunky Ice Cream

I hurt from confusion...

Michael Chandra
Summer Syn, mocking him will only have him making the buttons IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND!

Sprite Monkey, could you pm me, I want to try to make a deal with you.

The secret meaning behind "Haga foo!... Chuggy mo hoggen fas!" REVIELED!

It's gibberish.
The girl has him so head over heels he can't think straight. :p

Cool! You became a moderator! :D

Michael Chandra
Really? How did you find out that?

Um... it says right at the top of the forum who the moderators are (right above where it says who's online). Methought (past tense of methinks) you knew that.

Michael Chandra
Like I look at that spot. I prefer looking at what threads are updated.

I always check to see who's online. That's how I know you're online! Er... wait...

Michael Chandra
Yeah, that line is important. Who's mod isn't.

Sprite Monkey
Well, knowing who the mods are will help you remember who not to piss off. :) Reading through all the forums and threads became awfully tedious for me to do all the time, so now I have a back up.

New rule: Anyone who responds to 12 posts at once (FLAMING SPINACH!!!) gets shot!!!

Michael Chandra
Er, you forgot my name.

I feel so hurt... I'm just trying to... keep this forum alive...

Most of the time there's nobody on. And this is a discussion. I don't see why I (and M.C.) can't respond to a lot of posts consecutively. What would be wrong would be to reply 12 times to one post. I mean, I have something to say, so shouldn't I be able to say it, right? So long as it's not offensive. I see no reason why I shouldn't do this kind of thing. Do you understand my point of view, Sprite_monkey? As far as I know, we've always been on good terms. I don't want that to end.

Thanks for listening to my long speech.

BTW, Sprite_monkey, I am flamingspinach, not Flaming Spinach or FLAMING SPINACH. Are you Sprite_monkey, Sprite_Monkey, or Sprite Monkey? Or maybe Spritemonkey, SpriteMonkey, spriteMonkey, or spritemonkey? Or maybe sprite_Monkey? I always thought it was Sprite_monkey because that's how it's spelled in your voting link.

Well two things.

(1) This forum is plenty alive.

(2) Some people who like to or have to read all of the forum find it a little annoying when there's 12+ new posts.

Next time I see a conversation between Michael Chandra and Flaming Spinach i'm skipping it.


OK, I was kidding about the alive part. But I didn't know people would be averse to reading twelve new posts. What's the big deal? Aren't you happy to read new posts? Aren't you happy to have new material to reply to?

Alright you boys need to grow up and start acting a lot less like bickering Five years old boys who can't descide if batman is cooler than superman

Somehow, methinks you are the one who is acting like a five year old person (can't beat political correctness).

"Alright you boy need to grow up and start acting a lot less like bickering Five years old boys who can't descide if batman is cooler than superman"

"All right; you boys need to grow up and start acting a lot less like bickering five-year-old boys who can't decide if Batman is cooler than Superman."

Please! Besides, how do you know we are not five-year-old boys?

hmmm lets see I'm just stating as it apeared to me and the fact that your still (as in just you) bickering on about proves you need a TIme out

Hmmm... this is a bit off topic... from the start of the thread.

I frankly don't think that spritemonkey should make the buttons move around... the blinking one took forever to get because you needed to have the right timing. I still haven't found the right one in Special Edition 08 : Chicanery! even with the tab trick it takes forever to find get the right one especially if they are:
A) Moving
B) Blinking and
C) Fakes
However that said I sort of liked the moving bit even if I haven't found it yet it gives it that target range feel.

OK, sorry. I shouldn't be arguing with people. About Easter Eggs: I am watching this thread very carefully to see what people want for their Easter breakfasts. Thanks for the input, rob_ot3. I will try to incorporate it into my movies. What do you think of visible but password-protected EEggs? How about EEggs w/out the hand? Without Tab?

Sprite Monkey
"Aren't you happy to have new material to reply to?"

I'm sorry, but little else angers me more than loading a forum thread just to read, "me too," or "Yup. It would."

Blinking buttons aren't that hard to click. Just keep clicking over and over really fast until you get it. That's what I did. I still haven't gotten the EE in #41 though (I stopped reading the post about it b/c I want to get it on my own). Oh and one more thing:

*disintegrates flamingspinach*

Originally posted by Sprite Monkey
"Aren't you happy to have new material to reply to?"

I'm sorry, but little else angers me more than loading a forum thread just to read, "me too," or "Yup. It would."

OK, I repent. No bad feelings? I won't make pointless replies. OK? :evolved:

Sprite Monkey
It's a good start. :)

Originally posted by flamingspinach
What do you think of visible but password-protected EEggs? How about EEggs w/out the hand? Without Tab?

well, password protected ones would be anoying because you would need the password to see it and where would we get the pw ?) ? and I don't think you can disable the hand or the tab baecause it's an accessability feature.

Look who turned into Mr. Narrow Minded. Yes you can disable hand and tab. You really need to read more of the forums.

Michael Chandra
Sprite Monkey, my 2 bits.

1: Making the eggs impossible to get makes people cheat, otherwise you can't get them.
2: It was more fun when the eggs were hidden in the movies.

How about this: You go back to hiding the eggs in the movies, or at the end, and making them POSSIBLE to get.
Then, add a script that resets the movie when you press TAB. Prevents cheating.
This way it's more fun for you AND for us.

Also, sorry for the list of replies, I just got back from mathematic training weekend. Haven't been on since Thursday.

What's the point of having an easter egg if it's impossible to get? It should be hard, maybe even complicated, but still possible. And yeah, blocking tab would be a good idea. (Idea: have three secret buttons that need to be clicked in the correct order to open the egg)

Alright you boys need to grow up and start acting a lot less like bickering Five years old boys who can't descide if batman is cooler than superman

Dude Batman would beat the crap out of Superman.

WHAT?? Dude, Superman is SUPER! He could beat up GOD!
Batman's only superpower is wearing a belt!

MARKed man
Goku would wipe the floor with both of them.
Nothing can stop his KAMEHAMEHA, not even superman.
(face it: a super-man could never win against a super-saiyan)

except Goku loses by default since DBZ is so stupid

Michael Chandra
Nah, it's just boring if a main character always wins with ease.

Mmph, I still haven't managed to get the easter egg in #41, or even a good deal of them. They're being hidden inside movies now? Gah!

--Typhin, who's never going to be able to find these things and will be missing half the fun... ~_~

Nono, Batman would win because Superman could never exist! So thus, Batman is the winner of all! But when it comes to the coolest Marvel comics character, Morbus wins hands down.

Sprite Monkey
Patrick would maul both of them.


Summer Syn
For the record...


Majin Buu may be the "WORST VILLIAN EVER" acording to Sprite Monkey... but leave him alone...

Yes... I Like Dragon Ball Z... but this is a Secret Of Mana Theater Forum

if you all wanna B*tch about Dragon Ball Z... then go here...

but leave all DBZ related crap off of here... and on a personal note...
I still don't see how Batman was so popular as a Super Hero... he has no powers...
and Superman... his only weakness is reminents of his exploded planet... that everyone and their mothers can get ahold of...

C'mon... grow up...

People around here only pick on others just for fun. There is no personal agenda or vendetta against you. I'm cool with others teasing me just so long as I can tease back... (thinking back to banana splits) So, let us tease, play and have fun...
Otherwise, there isn't much point in trying to get involved, right?

(However, I cannot speak for Sprite Monkey. He is often in his own little world. We like to poke him once in a while to see if there is still some life in him. As soon as we hear him snoring, we know he is just fine. We also like to whisper things to him while he sleeps, sorta like manipulating his dreams.
... If he heard about what I did to his costume, boy, am I going to get it... :p)


Sprite Monkey
That was YOU?!!?


*save target as "KuroAvatar.gif"*

Come here, my pretty... Daddy has an egg with your name on it...

I still don't see how Batman was so popular as a Super Hero... he has no powers...

Thats exactly it! Batman didn't have to rely off of laser eyeballs and such. He was just good enough all by himself!
And by the way, whos Patrick? I'm to lazy to look him up on my favorite webpage.

I always have to wait until Sprite Monkey isn't paying attention before I can chase Autumn around with a brush in my Panda Suit... I don't think he wants to know what happens when I catch her........... errr...... ¬_¬ I wonder where Autumn is now... *Brandishes brush*

Cool. I was thinking of having scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning...

But something tells me that is not what you had planned... I'm going to hide under that little pebble in your room. :p


I don't know who Patrick is either. I think it's an insider thing between SM and Hugbee, like many other things.

Ask and ye shall receive.


He'll never find me under here... :D

MARKed man
Sprite Monkey has a little pebble in his room?
What more is in there? WAIT! I don't wanna know! :scared: