: Why is Justin Taller??

i was just looking at today's comic and Justin is taller than Nanase by about 6", but back on June 3rd (http://www.elgoonishshive.com/dailyjun2002.htm?06032002) is looks like Justin and Nanase are the same hight and in comic time, thats only been a couple weeks.

Major Kerina

Sudden Growth Spurt?

Platform Heels?


spc mango
i hope you meant heels for nananse...

i also noticed the profile shots have krillen noses


Justin's standing on a chair? Nanase is standing in a hole? Dan forget he'd made them the same height earlier?

spc mango
moperville south has potholes?

justin is rolerblading in those panels?

odd perspective/improvement in drawing ability/evolution of character designs. Here are height ratios for the characters so far:

Most of the female cast (plus Tedd): 6 heads. This means if you decapitated the character (God forbid), removed the hair and stacked six heads you'd get the height of one of them.
Elliot: Approx. 6 1/3 heads.
Justin: Approx 6 1/2 heads.
Tony: Either 6 1/2 or 7... don't remember off the top of my head.
Greg: somewhere between 7 1/2 to 8 heads (fluctuates just because I betray his height slightly at times to make him fit within the panels)

Transformation adjusters:

Half-Squirrel: -1 Head (so half-squirrel Grace is 5 heads instead of six)
Half-Cat: None
Half-Jeremy: +1/2 Head (half-Jeremy Grace is 6 1/2 heads)

Major Kerina
Where's one of those factoid things that tells you stuff like the average height of a human head when you really need it?

spc mango
most people measure in feet, but ok

well... that's certainly...... different......
makes sence, tho.....
now i needs some councelling.... who ever MEASURED the charactors against stacks of heads???

most cartoonists measure by heads

That's what I've heard. It's a scale thing.

Ninja Brad
heads are much easier to scale then feet...i mean, most feet are flat and off panel much of the time

spc mango
*shrug* feet worked for the british...

how many heads = 5 foot 8 inches?

My head looks to be about 10 inches (rl measure of course) so some quick math gives us....
females and Tedd, 5 feet even
Elliot- 5 feet, 3 inches
Justin- 5 feet, 5 inches
Greg- 6 feet, 8 inches (wow)
Tony (7 heads)- 5 feet, 10 inches
which also means Grace is a mere 4 feet, 2 inches as a were-squirrel.
Ok, everyone measure their heads with the closest ruler!

Admiral Jimmy
Specific, that's assuming they all have the exact same size head as you do. It's just ratios.

Well, it's an approximation based on my own average-sized noggin. Besides, I can't imagine Elliot being much shorter than 5' 3". Of course, if you figure Greg would have an 11 inch head, it means he's 7' 4 inches, taller than Shaquille O'neal. evryone wanted some numbers, so I threw some out

Major Kerina
Good point....not every body has the name size head....but there is a fixed ratio of.....ugg....what's the so-called 'golden' ratio? I saw it some where....2 to 3 to 3?...rats....the full arm to the upper arm and lower arm or the head to the chest to the whole body....

umm... yeah.... n'stuff... well, it's dan's universe, so they're as tall as he wants them to be!
that's how i figure it. i once had a charactor that was 2 measurement units taller than everyone else. so if he was standing with a human, 2 feet, an ant, 2 mm.
if both, both at the same time. the universe warped around HIM. not the other way around.

Major Kerina
I seems like the head ratio doesn't quite work out logically but when you see it drawn on paper....it works out perfectly....

When I'm drawing, I don't measure in heads... I just alter the height if it looks wrong. ^_^

A lot of my characters are smaller than usual, so they have smaller heads... it doesn't work for me, I'm afraid.

Major Kerina
How can you sure your characters maintain the same height though?

Uhh... It's not that hard. The top of one head comes up to the chin of another, and everyone else is pretty much halfway inbetween.