: Ya know...I was thinkin...

Oroku Saki
In episode 15...
When Timmy fell down the hole....It would have been funny if a tree would have fallen down there out of no where and hit him...

I guess thats what I get for thinkin eh?:ermm:

Yup. It would. :)

that would have been funny but stupid.

'Funny but Stupid' is the definition of a lot of things that I laugh my arse off at. Monty Python, Ren and Stimpy, That's My Sonic, and quite a few bits in SoMT. The sooner we all admit that we LIKE stupid things, the closer we are to the achievement of the Superman.

The Ferret

i like the whole tree falling on timmy thing...it reminds me of the days of my youth...haveing trees fall on me...ahhh...such fond memories

MARKed man
If a second tree would fall on Timmy he would have quit secret of mana theater to become a lumberjack.

Then he could appear on Monty Python specials, sing the "I'm the Lumberjack" song, and become rich and famous... instead of the "Timmy, the tree victim"

I picture Timmy one day going to a psychiatrist and talking about his days in SOMT, and the nightmares of all those trees falling on him.

*hint hint ... Special Episode #9... hint hint*


and this is what happens when we think.... I don't NOT unthink we should do it any more it's too weird

Independent thought is part of what makes us all individuals. We think, therefore we are. We do not think... we must be watching television.


It's so very true!(h)
but I'll change my answer then...

All people should think
Some people should keep their mouths shut.

Well a tree fell out of nowhere in the EE in #43 so there you go.

Sprite Monkey
Ask and ye shall recieve.

MARKed man
I hate trees. Grandma was right you know, Trees team up on you! That's why most trees are found in forests.
You think you're save, walking trough the forest and suddenly.....
WAM, they got you from behind! Trees are evil, Beware!

No, no, the things you have to watch out for are household appliances. Or should I say... Robots in disguise!?

*Glares accusingly at his toaster, which shows great restraint and in no way transforms into an evil Decepticon.*

...Alright, Breadburner, you've won this round...


It's not the breadburner it's the whole house get out while you can.

Mana Boy
Watch out. Even your pants might turn on you some day! They will just eat your socks! Then while you run away from the horrible site of your pants eating your socks, WHAM! You get whacked in the head by a tree. Then, WHAM! A bunch of trees gang up on you! You look for a way to run between them, but you see nothing! Nothing!

You see a piece of candy lying on the ground! You take it and give it to a frog just sitting to your left. The frog then makes a beeping sound like you hear in the first Zelda game when all doors are unlocked! Then all of a sudden a tree jumps at you and turns into pieces of corn right in front of your face. Then all of the trees turn into corn! Corn is everywhere! All of the corn gathered together creates a rip in the dimension!

You stare blankly at the rip. You wonder what it is. Then you feel the urge to jump in! You jump into the rip and you are sent to a magical dimension where there is corn everywhere! You see giant pieces of corn all over and even a corn gift shop! You see many others shops around it. This is all so overwhelming that you pass out. You wake up and see your dog's booty.

It takes you about 5 seconds to realize that your dog sat on your face while you were sleeping again! You put your dog on the floor and it runs off. You then get out of bed an go downstairs. You then see a bowl of Frosted Flakes on the table. You sit down and start eating them. You then go to school and all through school you keep thinking about that dream you had... Just then you realize that you don't have a dog!


Sprite Monkey
Dude, what have you been eating for breakfast? Drugs?

No he's been on OverClocked Coffey. If nothing else that WILL mess you up.

Now now... let's not badger the poor kid. He has some interesting ideas, right? After all, his avater looks kinda cute. ;)


*runs out the door, screaming frantic gibberish while desperately stripping, falling over several times doing it, before knocking himself out by running into the trunk of the big oak tree down the street*

The Moral: Everybody is trying to make you paranoid.

Mana Boy
I just thought that I had to share that with some people. After all, it was interesting right? That's the whole point! Interesting people make interesting things that make interesting points. Wow, you guys read the whole thing?! Once you got to the second paragraph you really didn't stop reading? Didn't it get too weird for you? Oh well. I didn't think anyone would totally read it all. I thought maybe somewhere through the thing you would say, "WHAT IS THIS?!"

MARKed man
WOW, that story confused me! Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing reading this wierd post? And why does my dog stare at my like that?