: World to Bobby Crosby: Suck my Nutkins!


It's funny because it's true.

and also because Bobby is an ass

Razer Wolf
Who does a retarded and crappy comic too.



I see you haven't had the pleasure of meeting mister crosby yet. And not bing crosby cause he's dead. Go hang around in the cartoonists lounge and you'll find out soon enough

This thread (page 2) is a good one: http://topwebcomics.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14043&pagenumber=2

Holy CRAP...

...thats a DOG?

Gooni, I now feel confident of my artistic ability to do a guest strip of zanyness if the time calls for it.

And it looks like someone needs to take a logic class.

oh... my... lord........ urge to kill.... rising....

Bobby Bashing and I wasn't informed? hmpf!
I just don't see what anyone sees in his strip. Yet he has fans..

Never underestimate the bad taste of idiots in large numbers. This is why I support the POEMTBAMDOE. That's the Petition of Evil Masterminds To Bring A Meteor Down On Earth. (I just pulled that one right out of my ass in about 5 seconds, incredible.)

what about if you failed your evil mastermind entrance exam?

Then you make sure you don't fail by pulling your death ray on the test grader before he can activate his robot legions of death for your failure.

Then you only become a James Bond villain. I mean, come on, how stupid do these guys get?

"No, I won't shoot him... I'll... strap him to a table and let LASERS kill him! Really slow lasers!"

yes. And even though I've knocked him unconscious, instead of shooting him in the head, I'll instead strap him to this easily breakable chair and explain my plans thoroughly when he wakes up

Jalapeno 48
but if u strapped him down to the easily breakable chair, couldn't he just break the chair easily and come after you? Perhaps you need the newer model, the Not Too Terribly Easily Breakable chair is what you need? Durable enough to keep your hostages tied down, but breakable enough for comedic goodness.

Originally posted by BlurryMystr

It's funny because it's true.

christ, that was worse than the picture of some guy with a spike through his dick :Puzzled: :Puzzled: :Puzzled: :Puzzled:

Originally posted by TehFreak
christ, that was worse than the picture of some guy with a spike through his dick :Puzzled:
You rang?
Meh, i'm gonna get a dickpiercing one of tehse days.

You what?

I doubt a dickpericing would save you from a laser-desk deathtrap as well as, say, a NICKLE.


i was thinking about getting my...

nevermind, not really a topic of conversation i wann persue

well if it's what you want us to suck you better tell us

I thought she already had her nipples pierced due to that previous cam

^.^ chebbs, we wub you!!
/me wanders off to England to get shit pierced wif Chebbsies.*

you pierce your shit?

nah, not my shit but my shit pierced... ya know...

his genitalia

Bless you.

Ever wonder if anybody has a leaking problem with one of those? That would suck so much. She'd be all "Oh so and so" and you'd be all "Aw yea" then she'd be all "you just pissed on my face"

Razer Wolf
Mind explaining that in English?

Well, you know how when people with nose piercings shoot snot out the side of their nose when they blow it? It's like that, only with urin.

I once heard of a guy who got his girlfriend to pierce his for him, it got infected and had this huge welt for like two weeks.

Razer Wolf
Actually, no, I didn't know that about nose piercings. Nice double post btw.

Don't make me lock this thread.


Heh, sorry about that. Somethin' weird's happining with my browser. Whenever it takes more than a minute to do something, it tries to do it again. This is why I'm trying to change to Mozilla...

Eeeew, sorry to hear.

I do so hate piercings. Mention of genetallia piercing just makes me cringe.

Razer Wolf
/me hates piercings also. Now tattoos on the other hand...

Jalapeno 48
Why In the hell would anyone want to pierce their Junk? I mean, who will ever see it? and is it really worth the money, much less pain? Big Lemon face

Razer Wolf
Well, other than anyone ever sleeping with you.

Course in my case, that'd still mean no-one'd get to see it...

Jalapeno 48
Also, it may provide additional stimulation to fellow sleeping mates, but I'd rather get a tongue ring for that purpose. the thought of metal in my jimmy just doesn't sit well with this pepper lol

Razer Wolf
I aint getting no metal shoved through anywhere. Except accidentally. Or swords. I wanna go out by sword. Yeah.

Good idea razer. I see nothing painful that could go wrong with that plan.

I'd prefer death by boob smothering. Female boob smothing. No manboobs, since I know my bastard family would have that put on the tombstone

Is it just me, or isn't there another thread where we're supposed to be talking about how we want to die?

Personally, I'd wanna drown in hot fudge, but not too hot, I don't wanna be a toasty corpse. It's either that or the squirl thing that I posted on the other thread and Shky started yelling at me about afterwards... the forum nazi that he is...

i hate you

hate, or bait? Ha! Dub:1 Shky:0

"Here lies gooni, loved son
Who died between two sweaty heaving man-boobs"


Better than four sweaty man boobs :happy:

Razer Wolf

Bobby Crosby Update! From his site:

Arcane MaRiNe: You should try and get it in a newspaper
BobbyC512: Impossible. Or at least in its current adult and insane form.
Arcane MaRiNe: It'd probly get better reviewed as a newspaper cartoon
BobbyC512: Anyway, I'm planning on making movies and TV shows of it instead


Razer Wolf
So glad I rarely watch TV.

The evil of Bobby Crosby knows no bounds. His comic shall spread like evil cancer to every conceivable information medium. Radio, slide shows, soup labels, light bulbs, even, DUM DUM DUM, the INTERNET!... oh, wait.

And there's only one cure for cancer. LOTS OF RADIATION.

So everyone focus your nuclear weapons on bobby

Or, we could surround his house with microwaves, set them for a minute, and then open them before the bell goes off!

*laughs maniacally and then pukes a lung onto the floor*

death to crosby! and his pumpkin dog too!
Let's pay off the corporate execs at Rand Smith and Nally or whatever and have his house labelled as Afghanistan, then give a copy to BushyBush. He'll fix things up dandy. We'll tell him that forces have captured a small amound of land in (i think he lives in) California... He'll be all over it.

Eh, I think Pupkin will end soon. It's like clubbing a baby to death. It's disgusting and painful, but it can't last too long.

It's like clubbing a baby to death.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

yay! three!