: Reactions to Comic for 11/18/2002

Don't worry, Blue will save us or cry trying!!!

Major Kerina
Hehe....great job. The look on the goo is classic. ^_^

Wow...hehe....colorized-personality Nanases are so fun :)

they were so funny" hahahahaha" that's all i can say.

Admiral Jimmy
Hehehe....wonder how many OTHER colors are running around...and what their personalities are ^_^

Major Kerina
Well since it's a red, green blue makeup (as Dan stated in the last storyline comic thread)...Just one more that hasn't shown it's "true color" yet....(hehe)

spc mango
...i didn't the demon nuclei were programmed for confused...

and since the attack is two illusions and one real nananse...

does that mean pink or blue is real now?

does nananse think ellen or the goo is more dangerous?

Major Kerina
All good questions. Guess we'll have to wait and see for the answers....

Not sure which color girl I like better red, blue or green. Makes me think of that old Darkwing episode I saw like 10 years with the kid was divided into mulicolor light personas. :love:

Man, I hope Nanase can talk some sense into Ellen before the goo runs out of Nanase's to pick on.

There's a purplish one talking to Ellen. Does that one have an "colour-based" personality as well? If so, what is the personality? "All too easy" -> Mortal Kombat reference?

Major Kerina
I'm pretty sure that's the real Nanase in the first panel...minus green from her coloration.

But if the colour modifies, does the personality as well?

She should be red when we see her next then, but can she split more than that? Or will she be yellow and able to split the green version again if necessary?

Ouch, I think I strained something from laughing too hard.
"meanie meanie meanie!" hoo boy, glad to see the comic kick the wackiness up a notch (bam)

spc mango
colour? what showler, are you a canuck too?

Yes, but apparently only some of the time (mis-spelled it in my second post, must go edit)


Major Kerina
Originally posted by showler
But if the colour modifies, does the personality as well?

She should be red when we see her next then, but can she split more than that? Or will she be yellow and able to split the green version again if necessary?

Yeah, apparently. Green is playful. Blue is sad. Red is *shrug*.

And it seems she can only send out one of these distractions at a time. And according to Dan (previous storyline thread, as I said before), it's red, green, blue....just like the other color-based attack...

spc mango
i was kind of fond of the green nananse...

it's too bad we didn't get to meet the personalities the first time the attack was made, but i guess we had more pressing matters

One word--KAWAII!

Okay, but when green was out she appeared to be purple (red and blue), with blue out she should be red, unless green is reintegrated in which case she'd be yellow (red and green). Right?

umm, if Dan follows the color symbolism, and it looks like he will, Red nanase is going to be mighty angry at the goo.

Tuesday should answer the color debate (he typed while taking a break from drawing the last panel for said day)

Originally posted by pvtmango
i was kind of fond of the green nananse...

it's too bad we didn't get to meet the personalities the first time the attack was made, but i guess we had more pressing matters

Perhaps the personalities (and maybe the ability to act seperately) are what makes the magical spectrum attack different from the regular spectrum attack.

I would say red would be anger as well. With those tears blue could be her childhood innocence or something. :bubblegum

Originally posted by General Specific
umm, if Dan follows the color symbolism, and it looks like he will, Red nanase is going to be mighty angry at the goo.

I hope not too much, or the (speculated) yellow Nanase would be a scaredy-cat, and that doesn't seem like a good idea in a fight.

Unless there are only three colour/personalities and the others are like mixing paint. Majenta being a mix of angry and weepy, yellow mixing angry and playful, cyan mixing playful and weepy. Odd combinations in some cases.

of course, doesn't red also signify love in some cases? *shudders*

Major Kerina
I doubt there's mixing....but *shrug*

Actually according to a painting guide for ads I was reading yellow is the closest to playfulness, creativity and cheerfulness.

Green according to this symbolizes freshness and fertility...as well as *quoting* "...to signify a state of heightened sexuality"

But it does note that these two colors are closely associated.

As for Red another possibility is love and passion for what it can symbolize.
(Edit - Whoa, creepy conjunction of ideas, General Specific)

Hehe.. cute... I wonder how many more colored ones of Nanese will there be (Many colors of the homo rainbow.... dont be afriad to let your colors.. shiiiiinnnee)

Thom Khatt
Well, remember the spar between Elliot & Nanase. Two of the colored Nanase's were phantasmic. The third was the real Nanase. I think that the personality base is only for the other two that aren't the real Nanase.

Of course, it's late, I'm tired, and I could be wrong...


anyway, yeah, i like the colour-personas. i wonder if it's actual personality, or if they're acting that way o purpoise to lull the goo into a false sence of security later... it'd also explain how it's an attack and not just a 'light show'
^heh heh, i made that pun up by myself. i'm very punny.

what tha................i KNOW i replied to this thread. and i KNOW it was on topic. so if Dan REALLY thinks that this is off topic he can delete it again.................

1) i really liked the comic
2) i wanna see yellow Nanase. if this is a big colorful rainbow technique like i think there is, then there is a few colors missing: red, orange, yellow, and if you are really picky indigo (or purple, i dunno which you used). and if each color is a different personality, i want to see what kind of personality yellow is. but of course yellow = blonde....................would yellow be a complete dits? or a completely different personality altogether??

ya see, i was a bit more concise before. but it's really the same exact information

Red is the color of passion :wink: ....buuut, as Showler said, Nanase looks magenta, not red.

I didn't think the strip would come out so fast. Kewl.

spc mango
ditzy nananse?

i shudder at the thought of one with so much power, but not two brain cells to rub together...

Mmmmmm... *rubs brain cells together*

Major Kerina
*sees some bio-static charge*....oooo....pretty...

That's a lot of tears....btw....wow...blue Nanase sure can let the waterworks go....

simply lol

Originally posted by Major Kerina
*sees some bio-static charge*....oooo....pretty...

That's a lot of tears....btw....wow...blue Nanase sure can let the waterworks go....

You have to remember Nanase is trained in ANIME martial arts. The whole FLOOD OF TEARS is just another anime technique.

Poor green though.

On the bright side, we have learned that Ellen's ray beams are not the only thing to stun the goo.

1. Best comic in the Ellen v The Goo sequence, Dan!

2. I agree with others who say Nanase in the first panel is the real Nanase; the color (I lived in London for a whaile but always spelled it the American way) is too close to Nanase's own, and she would be the one to bring Ellen up to speed, which I presume she is doing even as we speak; er, type.

Wowie. Cool comic, Dan. I've been reading "the Shive," as I like to call it, for the past two months or so now, and I finally decided to jump onto the forums. Anyhow, weeee, multiple Nanases!!!

Major Kerina
Welcome SDHero ^_^

spc mango
i dunno...
the blue nananse may still be the real one...

it all depends on who nananse is more scared of, ellen or omega goo...

although, on the 4th panel of nov 16, nananse's outfit takes on a pink hue...

is that a graphics issue, or is that the real nananse going pink on us?

and on that note, hey dan!
why did you choose green as the third primary over yellow?

cause it's the light spectrum, not the pigment sprctrum?

ooh, ooh, wait...What if none of them are the real Nanase? huh? huh? I don't know what advantage that would give everyone, but it might be unexpected.

RGB - red green blue. Is that different from the pigment spectrum?

My current theory: 11/16 Nanase performs "Mahoh no supekutoru" and spins off Green to distract the Goo. The loss of Green leaves her with Red and Blue making Majenta. 11/18 Majenta pulls Ellen aside while Green distracts the Goo. Green is "poofed" so a second "poof" is Blue being produced to continue the distraction. The question now is whether Green is instantly reintegrated into the primary (little joke there) Nanase resulting in a Yellow (Red and Green) or if there is a delay involved which would leave us with just Red.

And I didn't get an answer about the Mortal Kombat reference?

yeah, that was a Mortal Combat reference... CURSE YOU FINAL BAD GUY OF MKII!!! CURSE YOU!!! ...but that's enough about Mortal Kombat.

you know now would be the perfect time to attack it form behind it's guard is down.

And accomplish what exactly? It doesn't matter what you do to the outer goo shell...

spc mango
to get to the demon nuclei, they must get through the goo shell. assuming that the nuclei is inside...

and as for the pigment primaries, they are red, blue, and yellow.
or magenta, cyan, and yellow, i think those are more accurate...

and the final MK2 bad guy=shao khan

Yeah, you gotta shmack the little thingy inside the goo that's controlling it. Which, if either Ellen or Nanase have ever learned any energy-projectile attacks, wouldn't be too hard. Considering the difficulty Ellen seems to be having, though, I doubt she's got a quasi-Kamehameha or something up her sleve.

Could you blow away enough goo to reveal the nucleus and maybe remove it's ability to defend itself?

Hmmm...then it'd be like the green gelatin boss in MegaMan 8??? (If you've played it you know what I'm talking about)

EGS FemTreker
They need a fire hose.... As Tedd said... goo is nothing more than suspension of soilds and fluids... Increase the fluid, you'll liquify the goo.

Thom Khatt
Originally posted by EGS FemTreker
They need a fire hose.... As Tedd said... goo is nothing more than suspension of soilds and fluids... Increase the fluid, you'll liquify the goo.

Unless, of course, the goo is able to incorporate something to help leaven out the liquids. It might be able to increase it's size with the added liquid...

Major Kerina
It's just a covering....you need to get deeper into it and get out the demon nuceli....hurting the outside like Ellen is doing seems counter-productive....

spc mango
ellen knows not of the demon nuclei...

'sides, if she hurts the gooey shell enough, it'll leave the nuclei exposed. in theory

Major Kerina
The goo doesn't look much hurt after all that she's done thus far....

I think Ellen is essentially making splashes in a pool. There's a noticable effort, and some water is flying out, but you can't really tell there's a difference in the pool's level. There's too much goo, and continuing with the pool analogy, it would be quicker to dive to the bottom to pick up a marble instead or trying to drain it.

spc mango
i think diving in will be an astronomically bad idea.

and ellen seemed to be in it mostly for therepy, and i think she feels a bit better. she hasn't hit nananse yet...

my point was going through the medium to get at the goal instead of removing the medium. yeah, I wouldn't want to take a dive into the goo either, but knocking out the nuclei is probably better than getting rid of the literally tons of goo surrounding it.
I'm still trying to get pouring water on the goo to destroy its cohesion into my pool analogy. of course, I haven't seen a swimming pool with teeth and fire-breathing appendages in a while

edit: making the goo thinner in constitution is like breaking the wall on an above ground pool, same amount of stuff, just spread all over your yard. Also, there's probably a nice chemical reaction that would change the goo like an endothermic reaction makes the water go bye-bye.
boy, I'm running out of words from my science classes

Major Kerina
Superb analogy ^_^

spc mango
but the sprinklers are kaput...

and i don't suppose that moperville north has fire houses...

Major Kerina
Nice science class words though :)

well. the goo is much like a video game i played called the ooze for the sega genisis. you're invincible 'cept for this little bobbing head. if that's hit, you die. and you can controll tendrils of yourself. vents and fans are bad. so it brings up the thought:
what if they lure it to a floodtrap? this goo seems more solid than that goo, but a flood trap would propably act as a strainer for that goo, seperating the nuclei from the main body....
so in theory, any kind of strainer would bea great tactic, but in practice, it would be hard to execute....

spc mango
since the goo is largely liquid-y...

couldn't the crew just cover it in cement?

of course, were would they get cement mix?

and how long does it take cement to harden?

Major Kerina
Possible answers...

Maybe....if they had a few spare tons of it....


Probably too long....

Originally posted by pvtmango
and how long does it take cement to harden?

Three seconds if you buy it from ACME. But it tends to very brittle and rarely prevents them from hopping away.

spc mango
well, if they had an acme catalogue, they could order rockets.

lots and lots of rockets. and send MNHS into orbit! or...they'd just create a big explosion that will not kill the goo, but only make it vry vry angry

Major Kerina
Huh? ACME? The coyote thing?

spc mango
well, moslty the coyote. but all WB characters have a club discount or something

ACME. Purveyor of fine (yet ineffective) products since 1902.


spc mango

i thouhgt cartoons weren't even around til the 30s?

I guessed.

Major Kerina
What's in 1902?

She blocks me out, and now complains she only gets half the conversation. This ought to be worth a few chuckles.

spc mango
1902-Presedent roosevelt passed the reclaimation act

Major Kerina
Of...that was when ACME was founded...hey, we had a topic once didn't we?

spc mango
*checks notes (holy sluggy reference*

yes! we had a topic!