: Thread Number 100

Well we're at thread 100. So what do you people think about that.

Yay! I didn't notice, otherwise I would have posted this... Well, it's a good thing. BTW... how long has this forum been around? Anyone know? I just joined in mid-October.

I joined not long after the forum was created. But...

Taken from Sprite Monkeys old news posts,

6/19/2002 - Raise A Raucus


A "raucus"? Doesn't he/you mean "ruckus"? Because "raucous" is an adjective.

...Who cares. Lets all do the happy dance now for this 100th thread <('-'<) <('-')> (>'-')> <( )> <('-'<) <('-')> (>'-')> :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Wasn't that fun!?


I joined last weekend, so I have obviously by now thouroughly embedded myself in the forum and become a 'regular.'
As such, I have to say that this forum rocks and I love everybody here and damn those newbies. Go team!


Indeed you have. :D

In any case this forum does rock. I in such I say the words of Ford Prefect...

"My doctor says that I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and that I'm therefore excused from saving universes."


Yup. Back to the happy dance :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Um... Not that I am trying to make any suggestions here, but may I ask, just what the hell is with your obsession with bananas? I mean, they are long and make a great snack, but still... This number of bananas is really starting to scare me.
An Ogre leading an army of bananas... are you trying to give your enemies the slip?


Boo! Boooo!

- No-Puns Ferret -

Sprite Monkey
Ohh... Kuro-chan...

You're my new best friend. :)

Oh sprite monkey, you are my new enemy in the war of the bananas.

HELP! HELP!!! The bananas are coming! Hurry before they ..... um ..... you know ..... try to peel on us or something. ............. Terror!!!

...Can't... hold out... any... longer!

"Peanut butter jelly time! Peanut butter jelly time! [rstfb]"

--Typhin, who thinks it might've been better if the banana had more frames and did other things rather than loop through them...

Yeah. Well, I have a knife, ice cream and cherries.
Who wants a banana split?

*sound of chainsaw running through the banana horde*

All done. enjoy.

*The rest of the horde run away in fear, knowing they are no match for a woman, a knife, and a passionate desire for desert... especially if it is covered in chocolate...*

Hey Sprite Monkey. A Seth avatar and an Angela avatar... I see possibilities. ^_^


I do, I do. Can you give me one with a banana that died really painfully?

Even better. This one is still screaming. Here ya go!!

:love: made with tender-loving care and horrible sadism... this little banana is still screaming.


Oh those are the best! And still screaming, you really now how to treat a guy.

I'll dress up in leather and whip it a couple of times (even though my avatar uses a staff :)) That will keep the little banana screaming! I'll handcuff it to the... wall! (*cough) and whip it until it calls me master...

Your banana may be next... beware. :D Better protect your bananas!

*giggles* Later,

.... I think I'm going to go cry now...

*Hesitates then grabs some of the messy banan split goodness smeared all over this thread.*

What? Ice cream makes everything better.

*Slinks off with her ice cream and a warning glare towards anyone trying to stop her or take her ice cream.*

Sprite Monkey
Oh, Kuro-Chan, you are SO my new best friend.

What does a guy have to do to get treated like a banana around here? ;)

Just be a bad boy... we'll take care of the rest ;)

Heh heh... with all these banana splits covered in rich chocolate and cherries, I think the Banana army is dwindling down to a peel off...


This is scary. Very scary.

Augh! PUNS! You sadist!

Ohhh how I love the sadism... Wanna be bad... wanna be bad...

I'm just going to hide now... :(

Michael Chandra
Someone's going crazy here. Can I join?
I'd love to tear up some things in my good old demon shape again.
Or blast them with lethal warlock magic. Gotta love the fire!

Sure, the more the crazier. *concentrating* must act like banana ...... become the banana.

Michael Chandra
Cool, someone trying to become a banana.
Okay, first to do is suffering just like them.

Lots has happened in one day. The only reason my bannana army was dwendled down was because I was not there to lead them, so now ATTACK! *Suddenly over 100,000 bannanas come rushing in, some in tanks, some in aircraft, and some in communist conscript uniforms* Let the battle field run with blood! :nuklear: *A great battle progresses between the bannanas, the god Sprite Monkey, and Kuro Chan with a chainsaw. Oh, and these arn't regular bannans, this is the bannana war machine.:headshot:

Bannans? Whew... I was worried there for a while. I thought maybe you were sending "bananas" after us.

Time to pull out the other "knife" ... d:)b

Inu Yasha. I have another banana split heading your way. :D

I used to eat bananas when I was young by just continually shoving the whole thing in my mouth. I don't like them anymore because they're too mushy. *steps on a few bananas and squashes them to prove her point* ... yuck, banana guts on my shoe. :lick:

Be careful, Jemsy-chan. If you get Orge mad, he may send the banana commandoes after you. They are the little tropical green buggers that attack with kiwis and oranges. Very brutal tactics.

But, onward, faithful comrades. We shall split their lines, peel our way through and give those little yellow bastards the slip! We'll show them why yellow is another word for chicken, and you don't get any more yellow than a banana!!!

We can beat these beady-eyes freaks to a pulp!
We'll shake them up and chop them to pieces!
We'll dry them in the sun!
We'll add yogurt or ice cream and turn them into desert.

and why do we do this?!!! Because... WE'RE HUNGRY!!! and I want chocolate with my bananas!!! CHOCOLATE!!!


I think this topic is driving me bananas too. I'm going to go now before Sprite Monkey starts chasing me again about that whole costume issue...

I hate to say it, but the only way to win this battle is probably by resorting to gorilla warefare.

Guerilla? No, gorilla. *thousands of gorillas come rushing out of the trees to eat the bananas* See? Told you...

--Typhin, who couldn't resist the opportunity for such a bad pun. ^_^;;

*stares blankly at the gorillas* .... savages. *proceeds to walk through the battle field now strewn with numerous banana peels*

Well, that saves me some work. I was getting tired hacking and slashing all those bananas anyway... I need a snack.

*munches on a couple of the casualties*

*Chibi Hugbee runs by brandishing a masher*

:banana: ..............................................................................:hammer:

GET BACK HERE! I want your squishy goodness!

:banana: ......................................... :hammer:

Aww come on! I just want to love you!... what hammer?

:banana: ...........:hammer:

I just want to smother you with love!,,,, And cherries, and chocolate and whip cream.....

:banana: :hammer:

Mmmmmmm..... Sweet squishy splitty goodness.....

... And that, kids, is how the banana race became extinct. Poor little buggers. They didn't even stand a chance.

Cool. We could turn this little historical event into a gigantic money-making scheme. We can sell t-shirts, make television documentaries and tell everyone the story about the brave little who were led into combat and slaughtered... by feet, hammers, chainsaws and banana-split-obsessed lunatics.

I like it :D


*sniffs* And I would also like to thank the gorillas. This wouldn't have been possible without you guys! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Nuts just after I finish sharpening my claws it's all over, well I'll just have to be ready for the next wave of the banana horde. But on the plus side Kuro-chan made me a new banana split.

You! Sadistic! How could you! Inhumane! I'm calling the Feds on you!

Allright. This time I'm sending my bannanas with MODERN WEAPONRY. Long range riffles, stinger missiles, M1 Tanks, full airforce baby! And lets not forget the battleships and the carriers. And hell with it, lets throw in a Flying Fortress in also. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahha!!!!

And now, all the bannanas ATTACK!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: War is hell my friends. War is hell :devil:

Damn, cant send anymore bannanas. Well, Lets see how this works out. I'm turning in for the night now, so I'm confident in my high tech army.:sleeping:

You sent them out, but forgot to actually give them a target. Because they're out there idle, they perish in the night by gorillas and other beastly creatures that come out at night.

Banana Extinction!

Don't worry, tomorrow one of the onions will spit out another banana seed and you can start over. ^_^

--Typhin, who has not been playing Pikmin recently, either.

*giggles* CHAINSAW TIME!!!


Um... what does that mean?

What, "Chainsaw time", or "Banana Extinction"?

The latter is a play on "Pikmin Extinction", something that happens in Pikmin if all your little guys die on you. If you leave them outside at night, they'll get eaten or killed by the monsters.

...Looking at that box of yours makes me feel guilty for never beating Terranigma...

--Typhin, who last remembers being stuck right after getting the plane.

Sprite Monkey
Billybob, if you do that again, you're banned. Period.

fine... Hey, you gots a new avitar. YAY, and now he looks evil, YAY, so my previous thread makes sence, YAY.

Woohoo, new wave of bananas and I brought the whipcream. Who wants to help me use it?

It was made with wholesome goodness and :love:. Hopefully, it tasted all right. Just remember: If it wiggles, stab the banana with your fork (or spoon) a couple of times.


But, a question to Sprite Monkey. Why not let people do silly stuff like that on the forum? That was the most fun I had in a long time and I enjoyed getting involved in the Banana Wars!

I think, next time something like this is done, it should be done on a seperate thread: One that lets people know that it is just for fun.


Yes. Hey, Sprite_monkey, I think moderators can create subforums. Am I right? Of course I have no idea because I'm not one. :D

I think it was the several posts of nothing but bananas that went over the line.

But that's me.

--Typhin, who could be wrong. Who can fathom the ways of the great Sprite Monkey? Not I, my friends. Not I.

But... Banana's are our friends... ::sniffle::
Ah well, I have Ice cream!

Sprite Monkey
Yes. Personally, I don't care for the dancing banana, but I know that other people like it and use it. I'm all loving and kind (kinda like Jesus with horns) so I don't really let it bother me if someone uses a banana here and there. However 5 posts in a row of nothing but dancing bananas is pushing my tolerance. Feel free to cavort and frolic in humorous frivolous ways on the forum, but try to keep your common sense and wits about you.

As BBGB already knows, I'm sure, I deleted one of his thread/polls for being totally off topic and vaguely offensive. You're on thin ice, buddy.

My SPOON's too big!

-Da RF-

Originally posted by Kuro-chan
I think, next time something like this is done, it should be done on a seperate thread: One that lets people know that it is just for fun.

You're right. Ill go do that. As soon as I get home from this school of death.

My SPOON's too big!

I am thuh Queen of France

I'm so full of laughter. I'm just keeping a good cap on it.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. .... :? That was kinda random...

Normally, I would refrain from speculating about Sprite_monkey's personal life, but I'd just like to say this: Whenever he's emailed me, he's always signed as "Jerry". That's all I have to say.

I hear you!

... Does this mean we can chant "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" everytime someone has a fight on the forum, like they do on Springer?! :p


As Seth would say:


spoil sport... :(



Self explanitory


Also self-explanatory. Ding!


My following agrees with me. We must be allowed to have fun!! FUN!! FUN!!!
Come on, my army of misfits and deranged lunatics! Let us run amok and have lots of fun on this forum! :D

Sprite Monkey
Yea, running more amuck doesn't sound like a good idea. I already don't care for all the off topic-ness, stupid threads, two words posts, pointless polls and general idiocy thats about this place. :flaming:

One phrase I never liked... "I could care less about that." Now wouldn't that mean that you care about it? And thats saying the exact opposite of what your attempting to imply. Why dont you just say "I couldn't care less about that." WHY MUST I GO UNDERSTOOD!

Sprite Monkey
If it is said with the right amount of biting sarcasm, 'I could care less' is a powerful tool.

Originally posted by RabidFlamingo
One phrase I never liked... "I could care less about that." Now wouldn't that mean that you care about it? And thats saying the exact opposite of what your attempting to imply. Why dont you just say "I couldn't care less about that." WHY MUST I GO UNDERSTOOD!

NOOOOOOO! You beat me to it! That's my pet peeve! AGH!

MARKed man
What? All those banana's are gone! You guys ate them all before I could join in! I hate you guys!