: Mac v PC

What's the mass opinion? And we're not talking about processor speed or anything, we're talking about which is better. PC's all the way, man. Sure they suck hard at a lot of things, but Mac's give no contest in the games department, and what else matters, eh? :chinese:

I agree totally. You just cannot compare the PC's raw gaming archive and 3d power to a mac's. :Pirate::hammer: :twitch: :boxing: :devil: :cheers: :monkey:

Your sure PC's suck at some things? no no no They suck at almost everything! They are great for running solitare and GAMES which don't require a lot now do they? U want a real machine? something with some balls perhaps that can acomplish something well then the answer is clear, get a mac!


Need I say more? :p
Anyways, can you do this :monkey: on a mac? Didn't think so.

Bottom line, PCs are good for recreational purposes only, other than that they are useless! Tell me how many machines are plug and play to network that have a solid fast effiecant operating systems that will back up work by themselves with no chance of system failures or virus. How many computers can u design a movie with in 3d? What kind of computers are used for regular film? How many computers can u plug a computer sound board into and have more power than god with? What could even come close to a mac's power when using photoshop? What other kind of computer can u leave for 6 months before it crashes? Who has always made the most powerful laptops? Who managed to make a complete computer with in the size of an 8" X 8" cube? Who makes the most powerful industrial computers? Did know that there are certian macs that are not allowed in certain foregin countries because they are too powerful?

As far as software this is a fraction of it(thanks seb i saw that little video):
Pro Tools
Photo Shop
Vector Works
Lightwave 3d

They mac software for a mac, they are the most powerful programs too!

Thanks for trying guys! LOL!
PS seb u suck!:cool:

Uh, well reacreation is all that matters. And Mac's are PC's slaves. And an 8x8 mini-computer? http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/handhelds/
PC has a 6" x 5.8" x 2.3" . Oh, what now?:boxing:
And which god are we talking about having more power than?

well seb i am glad u could come up with a response to at least one of my questions! But unfortunately U must be shot down once again, the example u gave in ur last reply is of a machine that will be released two days from now, 11/22/02, but macintosh made the G4 cube one or two years ago, so unfortunately u loose, because nobody else could come up with anything better, or even equal to that the time.

:cyclops: :cyclops: :evil: :cool: :Oldman: :nuklear: :Ogre: :rambo:

But...mines smaller.... never thought I'd hear myself use that as an argument....

I always knew it as Macs used to be better than PCs in several different ways. They were able to do a lot of stuff that musicians and artists needed. For example, CD burning. Macs were able to do that before PCs. They were also able to handle DV (Digital Video) Editing before PCs, and all those great programs that "CobainLivesOn" kid mentioned in his post. But, Recently, they have made PCs that are able to do all that stuff, but still artists continue to use Macs today. And those macs sure are powerful. So I think it all comes down to a matter of preference. It might be just what you were brought up as a child using.

Personally? I like the PC. duh.


Yes it true those programs are out for PC, but the performence of them on a windows machine will not compare. For example, The took a Single processor 800mhz G4, and they took a Pentium 3 that was around 1200 mhz and they had them both Render 1000 frames. When the mac was finished, the PC had only made it half way through.

Oh yea and seb sucks!:jester:


you all suck computers all suck dick like edan and seb and chris most of all mine is a mixture of the two so i win:wstupid: :wstupid: :wstupid:

WEll peter i think u suck major dick!(prefrably mine) and a yeh. U don't know ur ass from a propeller:Popcorn:


I don't care what kind of computer I have, just as long as it works cuz mine is a piece of shit, though macs are better at more important things like video editing, music, and programming. I don't know very much about computers though, so don't trust my judgement

peter sux sebs cock. great concert though pete :cheers:

Chris: We all now that you're very familiar with peter's ass, so you can easily distinguish it from a propeller. Is it just me, or is this thread on a downward spiral to utter and total gayness?

Well I do think this agrument is getting quite gay, but Sebastian I think your the one familar with peter's cock. :monkey:

Ah, I've been discovered. Damn it.

naaa u haven't been discovered, we all knew all along anyway, we just didn;t want to confront you. :clown: :clown: :angry: :cheers: :beard: :cheers:

NO more smileys! They're burning my brain. I know that they're high-tech graphics for a mac-user, but enough is enough.

Hey smileys are cool. And they're pretty high tech for my computer too so don't just complain about macs.
:help: :banana: :drunk:

Mac's and PC's both have distinct advantages. Of course, the PC is much better for gaming than a Mac. Mac's are more for simpler things like browsing the internet. Mac's can also be superior for things like graphic design and video formatting, but with the right software, the PC can surpass the Mac. Mac's are also mostly overpriced, and if you know where to go, you can get a top of the line PC for about $700. I leave my argument there.

Haha. http://www.kinemen.com/8bit_college/switch.html And did I mention http://www.nightlightpress.com/switch/ ?

...PCs are being improved more quickly and than the Power PC chips that Apple uses
...PCs usually have more expansion options
...there are many software titles are only available for the PC
...web browsing is faster on PCs (because of memory issues)
...some evidence suggests PCs render Flash movies faster than Macs
...modern PCs use less electricity in sleep / low power mode than macs
...pcs have the right mouse button!
...Windows has better file management tools available within its Find utility
...Dialogue boxes in Windows are moveable; but not in MacOS up to version 9
...Windows Media Player was more features than Apple's QuickTime
...pcs are cheaper
...pcs have better games (have fun playing your high caliber 3d tetris mac users!)
...pcs are just better

oh, and why would u want a man sucking your dick guys? get your bitch and stop bitching...

Ok this thing is getting way too technical for me, but why do you guys care so much anyways?

Because chris is immature and his hand keeps spazzzing over the smilies.

yep u got me there seb

Okay The sad Sytroticly lie in this thread is starting to piss me off! I have both a Mac nad a PC in My Room, both are rather new, I built my own PC. Now on to the Lies:

PC's are better for gamez..
False, the used to be now when a program comes out they make it both mac and PC compatible they are just sold in dif places, I can play PC people In Counter Strike using Dave. And yes there is a Mac version of Half-Life it just hard as Fsck to find cuz it is a older gamer but newer ones are mac and pc comaptible.

Pc's are catching up to macz.
Flase, OMFG just compare Mac OS X Jag to Windows XP, for god shakes Mac has once again put bill gate to shame. And I am also wondering if joo people that Bill gate help desing the 1st Mac Os system and then ran off with a 85% done copy of Mac OS 1 and changed minor thingz like calling the Trash the recling bin, and chaning the control bar to the botem instead of the top.

Mac Prices are more.
True, but for good reason higher quilty. Personally I would rather have Higher Qui. then cheaper prices.

Mac are better then PCs or Vise Versa.
False. Mac and PC are both good types of computers we have to remember that just cuz joo like a Mac does nto make it the best, or just cuz joo like Windows does it make it right, I mean fsck if joo want to get down to it Linix Rocks and we are all just said and Like that..