: Noooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!

*string of vile ancient curses and grave oaths*

Never, EVER buy laptops. Do not allow yourselves to be lured in by their convenience, their portability, their crispy high-res active matrix flat screens, smooth pressure-sensitive touchpads, and built in DVD players.

They are one with the Dark Lord, and they have a will of their own.

Mine decided to betray me in the middle of my graphic design project, where it froze, coughed its last, and died twitching in the crackling haze of its own faulty electrodes. This is the 4th --I reiterate-- the 4TH laptop I have gone through since I started college. And, having now irretrievably lost most of my final project material for all of my classes in the space of five minutes, banged my head against my sock drawer and ironed both of my hands, I hereby resolve that this "laptop a year" cycle must end, and I am ending it now, no matter how much I'd miss being able to do my homework or watch a movie or write whenever and wherever I want to.

*hurls her POS Compaq into the fiery chasm from whence it came*

Maybe Santa will show up with a Dell this year. At any rate, I am computerless and internetless until this thing is either fixed or traded in. So, I will probably not be on ICQ for several weeks, and contact with everybody I normally talk to will unfortunately be limited to what I can scrawl in the MoP forums during class time. :( I feel like my umbilical chord's been severed. This better get fixed soon. I might go into Castaway mode and start having lengthy conversations with volleyballs.


That's terrible. Did the computer self-ignite!? I sure hope you have a backup of all that work.

*Pats Tracie on the back* It's not dead, dear... it's just gone to a better place.

Black Drazon
Sounds like your laptop has my old computer's problem, eh Tracie?

It was an IBM made laptop wasn't it? I think since X-box launched it's "X-box Live" advertising, all other IBM products have felt inferior and have crashed.
I would know, my computer has been on the line lately, almost making me lose all hard worked stories, and other school stuff.
But poor you Tracie. Thisshould show you though. Convieniance isn't always convieniant.
But I'll get back to thinking of ways to get you to ref a Dryan battle.

Sounds like you guys have had your fair share of computer disappointments too. Nature of the technology, it would seem.

Just to give y'all a heads-up, comics are gonna be sporadic over the next few weeks, with finals, thanksgiving break, lack of functioning current computer technology, and the annual Cold that visits me every winter before exams looming over me. I'll always have something to churn out on update days, though, provided I can get 'em to Jacen ok. We go back to our two-a-week schedule when school checks out for the winter in a couple weeks.

I'm looking forward to going home for a nice turkey dinner this weekend, though! I've been living off of fruit loops for the past few days, and just the thought of all of that stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, corn, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie makes my head swim. I might have to smuggle out a few helpings in Gladware containers before I drive back to college. I could live off of the leftovers for a week. *drools*

Gaming news: anyone know when the next Zelda's out? The salespeople for Software Etc. have had to peel my face off of the glass whenever I pass the preview box shining gloriously through the store window. Need....Link fix....soon....

It says "Expected release date: 2nd March" at the IGN preview. The game was first planned for late 2002... who knows. The only thing I do know is that it will take three months more until it gets here to Sweden. :( We don't get Metroid Prime until 3rd March. *Whines*

It's not a fair life having to wait for a new zelda and metriod game. They should make more! More i say! Of course not lose the greatness of each game.
I mean it could turn into FInal Fantasy. & sold amazing and was great.. then 8 came along :P then they made it back with 9. I haven't finished 10 yet, so no comment.
Power to online gaming, I want I want it I want it *stumps like a little kid*
That's my 2 cents of the day.


it's probably known by now... I don't know when Tracie will see this...

but the next Zelda Wind Waker when pre-ordered, also ships with Zelda:OOT, and Ura Zelda (Zelda:OOT master quest).

Anyways, the real question... given that's a new year, I take it Santa hasn't exactly been too generous towards Tracie? Just kinda of wondering if MoP was ever going to be coming back... or if it just died under the college/holiday crush....

(wishing I could do more to help, but I'm a broke student too)

Je Saist.

Don't worry, Tracie'll be back here soon. She feels that she has a lot of apologizing to do, so don't be too hard on her. :/

I'm back, for real this time, and I indeed have apologies.

Firstly, I'd like to clarify that any comic delays were wholly on my head; Jacen's been on track, and even ahead of the game, ever since the comic started. So, please direct any complaints to me; don't belabor the inboxes of the innocent.

Secondly, it's one thing to have delays, it's another entirely to have delays and not SAY anything to anybody. Nope, we're just gonna disappear for a month and a half, release no word of our status or whereabouts, and leave people hanging.
Well, it would appear our evil plan has worked. So, to those few out there who are still with us, thank you for your patience; you have my deepest apologies. In future, if the comic is going on hold for any reason, I'll be sure to let you know why and for how long.

Thirdly. I apologize to anyone I have lost contact with on a personal level for this past month and a half. I've made a lot of friends both inside and outside of these forums, and I hope no one considers this month and a half of silence as me not wanting to talk to them anymore. It is quite the opposite, and the lack of online presence was not meant personally to anybody. Now that assorted funkiness is over, and we have comic again (YES!), I can show my face in the forums and on ICQ once more, and resume my random, mentally questionable rantings.

Furthermore, upon my return, I am met with new faces as well as the old gang. All I gotta say is, Welcome! And I hope you all decide to stick around for awhile. It's always good to see new people posting in the forums; the more, the merrier. And if there's anybody out there reading this who maybe has wanted to post in the forums, but has been hesitant for some reason, fear not! We don't roast newbies in this forum, and everybody's welcome.

On that note, welcome to the MoP forums, Saist, and many thanks for the Zelda update. The Software Etc. people will probably appreciate the lack of droolage on their glass display cases now that I have a pre-order deadline to look forward to! *happy dance of anticipation*

Final news: MoP's back, with a slight twist brought to you by Jacen: The Gimpmasta'. Enjoy.:Party: :Popcorn:

Welcome back, at last. :) But don't put all the blame on yourself, now. While you were gone, I've voted for MoP every day, and now hopefully others will start doing that as well again. :p Break out the popcorn!

:Popcorn: :Popcorn: :Popcorn: :banana: :Popcorn: :Popcorn: :Popcorn:

And if you wonder why my avatar constantly changes, I point you to the Jane Doe forum (http://www.topwebcomics.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13291) (that's a linky)... now that you have the time to read it, please do. :)

Originally posted by Tracie
*hurls her POS Compaq into the fiery chasm from whence it came*

Ok, you know you've been working in retail too long when you see "POS" and immediately think "Point Of Sales."

*buries head in hands and begs God for a mercifully quick death*



last time I checked, POS pretty much meant the same thing when talking Point of Sales or well, the other...

at least in my experience...

/me also blushes at Tracie's welcome

Yeah! Jacen and Tracie are back! And IN COLOUR! *dances around with little MoP flags*
Look how many people are coming onthe boards now, I mean... it's not only the same threeanymore, it's so great! I should really stop drinking so much pop each morning.. *looks at Jacen a dives for cover,* Watch out she's gonna blow :P

I'm just gonna pretend that post made sense and move on.

Sense is overrated.

:banana: :hammer:

Whoa, how did you do that animated chasing banana thing?
That is so cool.

You haven't been away from the foums that long, have you, Tracie? :p

:bunny: :hammer:

Indeed, I have.

I'm clueless when it comes to this new interface Fuitad put up. I haven't had a chance to explore all of the little buttons and knobs and all other assorted nifty kb-eating functions they put in yet.

*stares at the button labeled 'Do Not Press' with unmasked suspicion*

Tracie! Girl I am glad you are still alive! I am also happy that you have MoP back up :D :cheers: I hope you hear from ya! OH if ya don't remember who I am....haha its Christine

opps....I really don't know how to write! I ment "I hope TO hear from ya" haha!

Someone is high on sugar. :)

PS: You can use the edit button to change your posts.

I know! I know! But that is just the way I am, I rather leave stupid stuff. I'm just too lazy! :banana:

Christine!! *hugs* How are you? I've been wondering what you've been up to. Hope your break was a good one. I've been running into other folks from the graphic arts crew, but haven't seen you yet. You still in another one of John's classes this semester? I'm psyched that you posted in the forums. It made my day. :D Hope you come back, it was really good to hear from you!

I doin great chica! I hope things are better for ya :) (the whole computer thing and all) What did you end up making in that awful woman's class? I made a B...blah! Anyway!:O_o: well gotta get back to class...I'll write more later!

Computer is better! I was able to get it fixed over the break. If I remember correctly, Awful Woman gave me a B too. I guess I was a Q person instead of an X person, or a Y person, or whatever the hell kinda letter she wanted us to be. I'm not sure she had both feet planted firmly in Reality most of the time anyway. Different personalities = different styles = different ways of approaching assignments. That's the way individuals work. If she keeps grading the way she does, she'll end up with conformity over originality.

Yeah...she's got problems.... I really like my GD 2 and GD 3 teachers.....they are soooooooo much better! And the projects are awesome! sooooooo! what classes are you takin this semester? Tuesday and Thursday I am in the FAB lab ALL FREAKIN day!:twitch: ha! And I work the other days....fun stuff huh!

Ah, that explains why I haven't run into you yet. All of my Fab Lab days are mon/weds/fri. I managed to squirm my way into a 3D animation class. I'm sitting in it right now, killing time while the ACNS people figure out how to get Maya to work again. it's a lot of fun, but a lot of work, too. We're four weeks into the class already, and we just learned how to make a sphere. That's right, a sphere . Look out, Pixar.

You still balancing labs and work with ROTC? Sounds like you've got your hands full this semester.

Sounds interesting. You're learning Maya? All I have is Blender (http://remar.gdchat.org/daniel/pics/render.jpg). :p

*mouth drops open* COOL! Geez, that's a complex wireframe. How long did that take you? All the spikes and the weaponry, the tubes and the black pointy flame-like thing.... *looks at her sphere* ...That's ok, sphere. We don't need giant implements of destruction or complex polygons. Not when we have...roundness! ...Yep. Just simple, uncomplicated roundness. ..... *runs away in shame*

It took me a couple of weeks, it's not as if I just slammed it together. :p It does have a purpose (http://remar.gdchat.org/daniel/pics/corlyz.jpg) though, but I'm just interrupting your conversation with this, I guess.

Dang I don't know diddly squat bout that stuff!!! I am actually thinking about taking animation next semester.....DO tell how it ALL turns out! :D
But anyway, on the whole class thing, that really sucks! I may never see you this semester! BLAST! OHHHHH i do have a question for ya..... I am still wondering if you are adding any extra characters or anything?? To you know MoP? :p :bunny:

I'll let you know how the animation thing works out. With the extra lab time I'll be putting in out of class, though, we're bound to run into each other sometime or another. Extra characters, yes. When? Soonly. Quite soonly, now that I think about it. But that is all I can divulge...

I just wanted to wish you guys a Happy New Year! YEAH! :party:

A happy new red X to you, too. :) Seems like the forums have gone completely haywire until Threeboy has cleaned up this mess. Until then, I'll look at the word "hammer" chasing the word "banana" in my above post, while Fruitad enjoys some time outside in the sun.

Blagh... 80*80 pixel restriction on the avatars? What about the avatars I worked hard to make recently that are the standard 105 format? The forums have major shortcomings, but I'll give Threeboy as much time as he needs to fix it. :) But if I can't get 105 avatars, I'll be sad. *Is spoiled*

I was a dumbass and spilled Sumi ink all over my computer. So, once again, it's down for repairs for two weeks. I love my extended warranty. :) Don't know how this will affect the comic yet; It might be as easy as moving my scanner n' stuff over to Jacen's. We'll see what happens. In the meantime, no instant messaging until I get the PC back, so look for me in the forums.
On a better note, Happy New Year, Christine! *breaks out the fireworks*

Hm... was it bad luck, or do you have a secret urge to claim revenge on computers? Oh, and the images don't work yet...

Tracie!!!!! You have got to stop beating up your computer! I hope things get better chica! :)

Tracie! Are things getting better? I hope so chica! Anyway, I am sitting here in class...you know John's photo class. Well we are doing the SAME crap as before. HOW boring...... blah blah blah I really don't want to be here... ARGH BLAH BLAH BLAH!