: 8 bit adventures

hmmm.. i hope this is in the right forum, and I hope I don't get flamed for such blatantly un-constructive criticism, but how did 8 Bit ADVENTURES (not to be confused with 8 bit theater, though its maker might have you think so) ever get to be in the top 150? I think it's at like 143. I was looking through the top one fifty and it caught my eye because of its distinct "8-bit" name. I thought "gee, i know where this is headed", and i did. This comic was the lamest eight bit theater rip off I have EVER seen. The first comic was basically a pallette swap of 8 bit theater's first. Fighter and black mage, literally pallette swaps, were walking along on some stupid adventure that fighter chose, for a sword or something, and black mage turned them around, and threatened to stab fighter with his knife. I went on for a few comics to see if this was for real, and it was. Fighter was really stupid, and black mage had "attitude" and profanity. Ugh.

Um, feel free to post your comments on 8 Bit Adventures...

pssst - you forgot the url!

URL: http://8bitadventures.freewebsitehosting.com/

And on the votes:
Thu Nov 21 8:54:37 EST 2002 - 141.157.196.hidden
Wed Nov 20 18:39:08 EST 2002 - 141.157.194.hidden
Wed Nov 20 18:38:39 EST 2002 - 141.157.195.hidden
Wed Nov 20 17:12:33 EST 2002 - 141.157.193.hidden
Wed Nov 20 8:33:27 EST 2002 - 141.157.193.hidden
Wed Nov 20 8:31:07 EST 2002 - 141.157.192.hidden

Methinks someone is cheating.

Holy rip-off Batman!! <sarcasm>Oh and look it's Megaman. I bet that was put there to add to the originality </sarcasm>

I checked the about page, and what did I find? Birthdate: February 2nd, 1989. It's just a little kid.

That explains (but doesn't exempt) his lack of intelligence. Kids today are runing everything...:grumble:

i read every episode and it saddens me how someone who seems to have a little more skill in photoshop than most has to rip off 8-Bit Theater. you know, the FF1 Black Mage doesn't have to be evil! the FF1 Fighter doesn't have to be stupid! But in this instance they are, and not even a recolour of the sprites can disguise that. i'd chuck this onto the "8-Bit Theater wannabe pile"

Conscructive criticism? be original with your characters. constructive enough?

and don't cheat by voting for yourself multiple times - thats just sad.

last month, God knows how, it was not far off from me on the list... and so i checked it out... I felt like crying... And, I went through the same basic thought process as everyone else and after about 10 strips quickly exitted the site.

I didn't even get through 10. maybe 4 or 5 at the most. It hurt my mind too much to get to 10.

/me falls to the floor from lack of creativity after reading 2 episodes.

I've reported it to Fuitad, hopefully we'll see some sort of action soon.

Isn't there anything that can be done about this problem?

*is sad, because this comic is betaing his*

Hell, I'm virtually never on the Top 150, nor do I ever expect to be. I'm just upset that some dipshit thinks he can screw the system. It's the principle of the thing.

Boo ya! Stick it to 'em Blurry!

I would bash him...but its 34 days til Christmas and I don't want coal...again

wow, there are more of these than i thought! I direct your attention to FINAL FANTASY EXCURSIONS. the first comic features thief and fighter about to go into the "forest of instantaneous death". The second sports a graphic actually STOLEN from 8 bit theater's 21st comic of BM getting all electric, and the third has BM assaulting the elderly. I didn't go any further, a combination of those grievances and the cliched personalities stopped me. And this one's rated even higher than that last one!

These comics most likely aspired from 8-bit. Well I'm sure we can go around 'excavatiing' other stolen idea comics.

I don't give a flying fark about them being unoriginal. 8-Bit Adventures cheated to get onto the top 150. That should be the concern.

FFE is a wicked comic. The author does admit that he did take 8-bit theatre, to get a start on his comic. But, afterwards, there is very little in common (I would say more, but it would ruin the story)

Yeah I'll vouch for what KOS is saying, FFE gets more original as it progresses. At least it doesn't cheat like this little 8-Bit Adventures shit.

jonny axx
unoriginal Sprite comic....
izit a joke?

Oh yeah. Now that has to definitly be stopped.

Oh if only it were. Such things are not merely objects of myth, but have a very definite reality.

touche, i'll check out FFE and try to get past the first few.

Has anything been done concerning the 'cheat' thing?

Someone should tell Fuitad. I would, but I can't be arsed.

Kensuke NOL
-_- Kids today. Cant find total originality in all but few sprite comics these days (*aheam* points down to sig)....and, oh yeah, cheaters should fry.

Yeah, I notified Fuitad... I hope it got through.

wow, it's been a long time since i made this thread but I resurrected it due to its continued presence on TWC. It's now at #70 and still appears to be cheating to beat your mother. Yeah, you *waves hand vaguely*.