: Fistful of Benevolence

Hello :)
I was wondering if anyone wanted to give their opinions of my webcomic? It updates slowly because I don't have much time on my hands, and each page takes a rather long time to draw, but I'm trying my best :) This isn't a punchline comedy strip so its best to start from the beginning, or you wont have a clue whats going on. Thanks!


wow. Very cool. Love the art. Um, yeah. Great job.

Great art! I wish I could draw and shade that well, the strip is very clean looking - plus the sketchy look is cool.

The story is intriguing enough to keep me interested - enough to bookmark it as well.

An archive would probably be a good thing, if people miss the strip for a while it would make it easy for them to begin where they left off.

My only other suggestion (and this may be just me personally) is that you lighten it up a little sometimes. A little bit of appropriately placed humour can make the reader feel less depressed and even make characters seem more human.

Overall though, great work!


Kensuke NOL
Wowzer. The Sketch art is awesome! The story got me confused though, but its nice so far.

Keep it up! (And if you dont mind, would you be so kind to check mine out as well ;) )

jonny axx
Pretty impresive. I love your heavy frames, and the sketchy look of the art. I think you have way too much filler in there. Your page loads are too long to have all that fluff, you need people to remember the story between pages.
Very nice.


What? A keenspace link that actually works? That deserves some kind of award!

I didn't have time to read all of them, but I liked the ones I read! It seems like you have some well-developed characters. Nice character design, too. I love the hair on some of them. ^_^

I'm wondering how you know how large your word bubbles need to be, since those are added later with the font?

I like the art, also. ^_^ It's got that "clean sketchy" look, kind of like Megatokyo.

A few things: The "Cotnests" link doesn't work on the archived pages.

The title image seems too large... it fills the height of an 800x600 screen's browser (for a title effect?) but it's really unbalanced by the ad to the right of it. Also, I don't think it should be on all the archive pages as well. Perhaps a flatter "banner-style" title image would be more appropriate on those pages?

Monkey: Thanks :)

Jester: Yeah, I'm going to add a archives link soon. The site in general needs a lot of work, I've been spending all the time on getting the actual comic out and havent stopped to actually update the page.

Kensuke NOL: Thanks, yeah the story is supposed to be a bit confusing at this point. More information comes along as it progresses. Sure I'll check out your stuff soon :)

jonny axx: Thanks :) I dont think there's been much fluff so far. Are you referring to the pinups?

skoolmunkee: yeah the site needs a lot of work as I said earlier :) I type the words in a layer above the art and then I make the speech bubbles.... oh! yeah your question may be answered by the fact that I do the entire comic digitally on my wacom. So its really easy for me to do the steps in any order.

Comics like this prove my position on KeenSpace. Our service might have tons of crap but we have some very polished and potentially-polished gems.

thank you :)

lil sommin'