: Favorite Mana Character?

Mana Boy
I think I like the Sprite best because of the magic, attacks, and because he's sooooo short. I just think he's funny.

The sprite looks so god-damn like Princess Vi from Samurai Pizza Cats (I've said that before, but where..?), and I freaking loved that show.

I miss Samurai Pizza Cats, they stopped running that show a while ago.

"He says he never forgets a face but in your case he'll make an exception." - Speedy

Yeah, it's a pity since I'm still missing 11 episodes of it.

--Typhin, who's also kinda annoyed that the ones he has are all on RealMedia. ~_~

Ummm... Where can I find the episodes on Real Media?

The site that ued to have them went down. I can send them to you over IM if you want. My contact info should be in my profile.

--Typhin, who is annoyed that he's missing the "Blowing Up With People" episode...

Yeah... the dubbed version was interesting, but I would be willing to hurt people if I can actually see the original version...

... Do you know someone who I can hurt. If so, and you are interested in hooking me up with the original version, please send a self-addressed email to:

Kuro-chan (Amateur people-hurting person)
at: I_love_little_black@phonymail.cough

BTW: The above message was not to be taken seriously... with the exception that I want to see the original version.

I saw a couple of the original episodes of Kyatto Ninden Teyandee, but I don't think there's a subbed version. The original 'translation' was just the writers watching the show and basing their own scripts on what seemed to be going on. That's how the Big Cheese turned from fox to rat, and the Ninja Legend Cats became Samurai.
All I can tell you about the original, with my meagar understanding of spoken Japanese gleaned from watching subs, is that the voices aren't all that different (Except for Lucille's, whose Japanese voice pierced my eardrum. Sure, it sounds funny now, but I had to spend an hour every day for two weeks with my head to one side and stuffed with antibiotic eardrops and cotton balls!), and that Speedy had a foul damn mouth!
There's obviously some editing for things that would be dubbed 'unsuitable,' including TWELVE entire episodes. This confuses me, since they left in the obviously Japanese things, like a giant 'H' falling on Speedy's head that other more recent dubs have cut out. In the Japanese opening credits, Speedy (Yattaro) has a jetpack that doesn't appear anywhere else, and the episodes all start in a darkened room with all the Pizza Cats and B-Team under spotlights. The closing credits are too freaky to talk about.
I could go out and find those episodes again, if you can translate them.

-Extra Toppings DaRF-

MARKed man
I like swords (fighter, 8-bit theater) so I chose Seth, he's the fighter and all...

My favorite character is watts. That crazy old dwarf. Ho ho ho, he's allll over the place. One time I was all like "hey watts, why are you all over the place" and he responds "welcome, what can I do for you?" lol lol lol its funny

And yet, they still managed to believe it was a children's cartoon the entire time. It's still great fun.

--Typhin, who kinda likes the one where they show a sign written in Japanese, and Guido reads it, and Speedy says something like, "Hey, I didn't know you could read Japanese..."

What about that Neko......he was one smart Cat.....He would go to places NO OTHER shopkeeper would go and sell his stuff to you when you need it the most for twice the pricee.....yeah....it sucked........

To steer back to topic (sortof) I like the sprite best out of playable characters... watt really is the best, but hey, he's not an option :)

Sprite is funny as hell, gets the best magic (offense) and can wield the mana sword almost as well as the hero... so what if he's not 'supposed' to? Hehe...

Need help getting the mana sword? E-mail me

Watts is in interesting throughout the entire SD series:

SD1: He tags along for part of your journey, selling you items as you need them. Later, he makes and fabrishes silver armor and the silver sword.

Note: The silver sword scores the highest number of enemies you can hit with only one weapon.

SD2: Well... we all know... *cough* the weapon smith who happens to be wherever you are.

SD3: He's a coward. Eventually you get the cannon powder from him.

SD4: ... Um... I am still looking for a copy of that. :(


I never played SD3 or 4... heard they were excellent games though, as expansions upon SD2 in quality, which surprised me a lot. Others I hear say are a disgrace (I mean hey, there's a cult for worhsipping SD2), but overall opinion of it: just below SD2: aka super high supreme good quality game. I still need to find it...

You need the rom to play SD3, If you want I can send it to you.

What is SD4? What system? If it's SNES, where can I find it? If it's PSX, ah, forget it. :D

Black Yoshi 108
Seiken Densetsu 4? I didn't even know there was one!

Unless... was Seiken Densetsu 4 released in the US as Legend of Mana? If so, yeah! I solved the mystery! If its not... :ermm:

Oh well. Either way, Legend of Mana is a GREAT game IMO.

SD4 (Legend of the Sacred Sword 4) is indeed Legend of Mana.

Was Legend of Mana for Playstation? I think Squaresoft still hosts a site for it... amazing. Darn. I wish it was SNES; then I could actually play it on a good emulator...

Legend of Mana is for PSX. Now I have a question,

Mahna, or Mana?

Mana. The translation left it as that, as far as I know.

Also, I find I have become addicted to the "Song of Mana", as I own the soundtrack. (But I was not aware of the song for the first couple of months I owned. I originally dismissed, but when I listened to it again, I was like, "Wow! This is neat!")

Anyways, later,

:ditsy: can anyone send me the secret of mana 3 sd4 iso rom :D so i can play it on my perfect emulator :D
I never saw that game in the stores in town in norway in .. yea u get the point

Okay... how about going back to original topic...

What about Flammie? How come no one can vote for Flammie? He a cute-looking mana beast who carries the heros around for over half the game, yet we cannot vote for him?! Well... that just sucks...


It's pronounced 'MAH-nah,' but damned if I know anyone who bothers with proper pronounciation.


Mana Boy
I would have put flammie but I... uh... WAS JUST GOING FOR THE THREE MAIN CHARACTERS! Yeah that's the ticket. Yeah... Flammie would have been on there if I wasn't looking for the three main dudes and dudet.

That's how I say mana, RandomFerret.

Oh, well boodle to you!