: Who do you like more?????

Who do you like more Jeremy or Brownie....... ???????....!!!!!!!

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

Sir Robin
Jeremy got my vote, mainly because of the scene with Susan ;)

I voted for Brownie...Jeremey's neat, but you can't cuddle him. Well, you could, I suppose...

No, my vote is still for Brownie.

I'm for Jeremy... I like spikes.

And thanks to that Jeremy factoid filler, I know more about him than Brownie, the suppesedly narcoleptic cat.

That, and I think his spikes are cool.

Jeremy, for the same reason as KatieCat. That scene with Susan was pure genius.

I named Brownie. Brownie is my avatar. I had no choice but to vote for Brownie.

I gotta go with Jeremy. I know Im gonna get hating about this, but Brownie seems...bland... Jeremy just seems more dynamic in comparison...

Originally posted by Xaenyth
Jeremy, for the same reason as KatieCat. That scene with Susan was pure genius.
KatieCat said Browny. Sir Robin is who you're refering to.

I vote Jeremy. Why? Because Jeremy form is more powerful than Cat form.

I vote Jeremy.

Reasons? He's fuggin' cool. All them spines an' Portal..

By the way: My first post on the EGS forum here. I've drifted over from 8-Bit to post in another forum! ZNAH! [/mindlessselfpromotingrant]

Brownie...unquestionably Brownie...
Why? Because full-blooded cats are cuter than part-hedgehog cats...and because you can only get hurt cuddling Brownie if he gets annoyed and bites or scratches...!
Besides, I'm currently mourning our family's late, somewhat narcoleptic cat...:cry:*sniff*
:bunny::bunny:no special hops this time...still too sad...:bunny::bunny:

Originally posted by Chrysicat
Brownie...unquestionably Brownie...
Why? Because full-blooded cats are cuter than part-hedgehog cats...and because you can only get hurt cuddling Brownie if he gets annoyed and bites or scratches...!
Besides, I'm currently mourning our family's late, somewhat narcoleptic cat...:cry:*sniff*
:bunny::bunny:no special hops this time...still too sad...:bunny::bunny:
2.. 4.. 6.. 8.. who do we apreciate browny .. browny.. yaaaah... BROWNY!!:bunny: :bunny: :angel2: :angel2: :bunny:

Originally posted by Chrysicat
Brownie...unquestionably Brownie...
Why? Because full-blooded cats are cuter than part-hedgehog cats...and because you can only get hurt cuddling Brownie if he gets annoyed and bites or scratches...!

Hmm, Brownie is a she, not a he. So that bring to mind if the two "cats" know each other.

I'd have to go with Brownie myself.

Originally posted by Sakura
Hmm, Brownie is a she, not a he. So that bring to mind if the two "cats" know each other.

I'd have to go with Brownie myself. You're right about the Brownie's sex...sorry, i was exhausted last night...and can't remember where that little detail is found even today...!
As for the two "cats" knowing each other...ummm...do you really think both of these families would leave cats intact, anyway??
I certainly hope not; I don't think Brownie would survive the experience of carrying Jeremy's kittens....:bunny:
<edit>...and with this innocuous post, I became the latest denizen of this Forum of the Depraved to hit 100 posts...and there was much rejoicing...!</edit>

Waaa! I can't decide!:O_O:

Originally posted by Chrysicat
<edit>...and with this innocuous post, I became the latest denizen of this Forum of the Depraved to hit 100 posts...and there was much rejoicing...!</edit>

At one time Ranma and this name had at least a hundred and Lio had a thousand, but when Clan Bob moved from TWCF all the post there disapeared.

yeah. I had a ton as well, but than Clan BOB deleted it all. frickin messed up the majority of my links, too.
so I moved them. and than THAT page was deleted.
I'm STILL picking up the pieces.
oh well. backup hidden links work.
if only the sites they linked to would be so endearing.

I picked Jeremy, because if you look at the really, really old posts, there is a animation of Jeremy running. That was just too kewl to not consider in the vote because to my knowledge, there isn't a brownie animation.

Major Kerina
You can't go wrong with a narcoleptic cat ^_^

narcoleptic cat is almost an oxymoron! I cast the vote that nature never intended!

Did you mean oxymoron or redundant?

Jeremy. Because it has GODLIKE POWERS!

That, and Grace's Jeremy form is INSANELY COOL! And shirtless.

Originally posted by showler
Did you mean oxymoron or redundant?

I hope he meant redundant.

As Do I. I say Jeremy, because of LordMitchell's reasons. ^_^

Major Kerina
Depends on the cat i guess. I've known some real neurotic cats.