: That Figures

I now cannot read posts from work. My proxy server at work automatically bans webpages that involve "hate speech." Apparently, after reading and replying to the post from KewlLuzerWhatever and his "hate speech" against our favorite webcomic artist, the proxy kicked in and I now cannot read any thread from work without getting a big "Access Denied" webpage.

I also cannot request to have this un-blocked because EGS does not provide any "legitimate business purpose" to the company I work for.

So... unfortunately you will be seeing less of me than ever, simply because I cannot post from work (where I do nothing but troll webcomic forums, such as this one and ClanBOB.net's forum for Life of Riley).

Apparently I can MAKE posts, however. Go figure.

This shall not stand! I deleted the offending thread, and hopefully that solves the problemo for ya.

Nah, once it's banned it's banned for good. Thanks for trying though, Dan.

Aww, Xaen... sadly you have become a casualty of stupidity... get well soon!

ways to market personal stuff off as buisness related:

1) right it off as a moral booster.
2) right it off as demographical research
3) pull a daring midnight raid on the building, hacking into the computer system.
4) hypnosis.
5) hope you have a REALLY nice boss.

Originally posted by IL-PALAZO
ways to market personal stuff off as buisness related:

1) right it off as a moral booster.
2) right it off as demographical research
3) pull a daring midnight raid on the building, hacking into the computer system.
4) hypnosis.
5) hope you have a REALLY nice boss.

1) I was temtped to try that, actually.
2) HA! Won't work for this company, trust me.
3) That would work, except the proxy server is in another state.
4) Hehehehehehehehe.
5) Unfortunately my boss (who is REALLY nice :D) has no control over the proxy. I work at one of 15 call centers, all use the same proxy server. Progressive Casualty Insurance Company is a really BIG company (Number 3 biggest in the Nation as of March, 2003, 3rd to Allstate and State Farm).


Because I forgot to mention it, the Proxy's letting me through today. Thanks for the help, Dan!!! *hugs*

spc mango
blast, i was going to suggest seduction.

do you have any idea how many peanut butter sandwiches that can yield in a single sitting?

943534. but only on a tuesday.

awww.... no hypnosis?

Major Kerina
Hypnosis cool but I've been too stressed to try it. Hectic times. I'm glad things are better Xaenyth :)

Thanky Kerina! :)

Major Kerina
Was this what was bothering you the other night? I was concerned and I wanted to know if you were ok. Feel free to AIM whenever you want.

Nah, the other night I was having weird internet connectivity issues. I could connect to AIM no problem, but couldn't access any webpages or my e-mail. Then I got like, 6 different people IMing me within one second. IM's are the bane of my existance, I don't like them, but I have AIM to communicate with those I want to talk to. My frustrations of the Internet problems on top of the bombardment of IM's just really set me off.

I usually just block everyone but the people that I deem worthy of communication with me.. its real easy to un-block them later

Major Kerina
I'm sorry. I won't AIM you anymore unless you say it's ok or if you AIM first.

Kerina, you're one of those people who can AIM me anytime you want... I just may not always be responsive. I'll let you know if I don't want to be bothered or if I'm busy with something else (of course, it'll be put a bit more nicely than that), but feel free to IM me anytime.

you wouldnt mind if i added you would you. its just im pretty new to AIM (yes, im a MSNer) and so far iv got like 6 contacts so id like to fill up some space.

Major Kerina
Mine is the same as my user name here so feel free to add me too if you like.

Originally posted by Matt_Catt
you wouldnt mind if i added you would you. its just im pretty new to AIM (yes, im a MSNer) and so far iv got like 6 contacts so id like to fill up some space.

Goes for me as well. If anyone would like to add me, just IM me on 'Johnny de Java'.

Of course, I don't really expect anyone to, because I'm lie, what, six to nine hours away from where the most of you are. Oh well, that's life.

yay. thanks

You're welcome! :)

Lord Vader
Originally posted by Major Kerina
Hypnosis cool but I've been too stressed to try it.

Hasn't anyone thought of Mind Tricks besides me?
*Mind tricks a squad of stormtroopers into dancing around a campfire*
Mind Tricks are fun!

Major Kerina
I'm mainly doing it for relaxation and improving my visualization.

Lord Vader
Well, in any case, if your proxy begins screwing stuff up again, you can always just use https://megaproxy.com

It should get you around most filters.

Major Kerina
Thanks for the site :)