: live-action anime.

wow..... just... wow

:lol ... if this sucks you know this is going to really really suck... but in consderation that it don't suck.... dddaaayyymmmnnn I wana see!!!!

See what i'm talking about (http://www.advfilms.com/news/index.asp?c=&i=921)

Even though iv only seen 2 episodes of NGE in my life, it looks good.

I'd have a lot more confidence if ADV had chosen for its first Live Action effort something without giant mecha...they would seem pretty hard to do in Live Action, even if the producers resorted to CGI.

Aqua Guyver
:O_O: HOLY INSTRUMENTALITY PROJECT, BATMAN!! Neon Genesis Evangelion as a live-action film?! Talk about ambitious!

Hmm . . . making an Evangelion feature film would be quite an undertaking. I'm not sure how they'll be able to convert an entire, 26-episode series into a 2-3 hour movie without losing some of the qualities that made Evangelion so great (character development, plots-within-plots, etc.). After all, End of Evangelion only managed to cover the last two episodes of the series, so making a film that encopasses 13x that amount will be a challenge.

Still, if they manage to pull this off, I'll definately go to see it. Unlike the DBZ live-action film in the works, this one has the potential to be something truly great. Thanks for the heads' up, J-Kitty!

Aqua Guyver

So what will the new NA audience friendly ending be?

Shinji and Asuka live happily ever after?

Aqua Guyver
I don't know--maybe they'll reuse the ending from the series. Don't ask me why, but I just think that ending was a lot "happier" than the conclusion of End of Evangelion, even if you couldn't understand what was going on half the time. ;)

And you're right, Chrysicat--mecha will be hard to pull off, even with the latest CGI technology.

Aqua Guyver

Not realy. im studying special effects and i might be able to make it look like a real person is in a giant mech

*Checks bottom of main page*

Hey Chrysicat, I didnt know it was your B-day today

I can see them doing it, especially if they got the team that created Lord of the Rings to do their CG work. I can definately see this working out. Afterall, the only thing special about NGE are the GIGANTICALLY TALL MECHA... but that's just a spit in the bucket compared to the work put into LOTR.

Originally posted by Matt_Catt
*Checks bottom of main page*

Hey Chrysicat, I didnt know it was your B-day today Yeah, I'm 26 now...not that I was going to advertise it if no-one else did...:bubblegum
Thanks for the b-day wishes, Matt_Catt...

just cause i go away for 2 months doesnt mean i dont keep up with things...

Yes, happy birthday Chrysi! You're well on your way to becoming an old man. Or old woman? Or are you as ambiguous as I am?

...I really should change my avatar.

Oh i didn't know it was ur B-day Chrysicat ...... well happy B-day and have a great B-day party unless u already got one

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

Knowing movie producers it will most likely look at maybe two Angels as there isn't enough time to do more in a single film. Of course there will also have to be sequels, but that will depend on how the first one goes.

Did someone mention a live DBZ moive? Does anyone have a website or something I could check out?

Major Kerina
Happy Birthday Chrysicat :)

Originally posted by Xaenyth
Yes, happy birthday Chrysi! You're well on your way to becoming an old man. Or old woman? Or are you as ambiguous as I am?

...I really should change my avatar. Old woman...if I would age...I swear, my aging's been arrested at about 19, and I'm not complaining...

Hope it's not too late, Happy Birthday Chrysicat.

Since between the two of us, Matt_Catt and I seem to have managed to hijack this thread pretty completely (sorry about that J-Kitty:angel: ) and turn it into the Official Chrysicat Birthday Wishes Thread, I would like to say:
Thank you, everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It makes me feel even more like part of a family or an exclusive club than usual:) And no, I don't think it's ever too late, since the family won't celebrate for another 1 1/2 weeks...
My birthday was great, thank you; the real fun should be the first weekend in June, when my parents get back in town and the family can celebrate my birth...Once again, THANK YOU ALL *group huggles everyone who posted a birthday greeting*:Party::cheers::Party::rock:

Remember, Weta Workshop is on-board this. They did the Lord Of The Rings FX and are working on the King Kong remake, that one should help with large scale characters I'd say.

Plus, there once was a time when comic movies were damned upon announcement, but we've since had Spider-Man, Blades, X-Mens and more on the horizon that are actually good. Don't be so quick to judge the Eva movie assuming it'll be bad. ;)

I'm sorry I don't check here too often now.

But anyway, happy birthday, Chrysicat!:Party:

I hope to work for WETA one day.

Yeah, that would be so cool wouldn't it?

I'd probably be in the engine programming department myself.

Oh well, here's to hoping!

Chrysi, you and I both. Thus far I'm going 3 years without aging a day. I'm also going 6 years without gaining a pound.

It appears I'll forever be 6'4" and 145lbs.

Major Kerina
Wow. That's tall.

Nah, my cousin is 6'7"-8" tall.

I think that's me as well. Although I rarely work with pounds and feet/inches, I could give you my stats. It bugs the hell out of everyone I know that I can eat all I want, and still not gain anyhing.

For the record, I'm 1.95m, 65Kg. I think that's about 6"8', and 130 lbs, but I could be wrong.

You're accurate on the height, but you're about 145lbs. 2.2lbs per kilo.

Major Kerina
1.6 m, 58 kg but then I'm usually off with conversions...like 5'4", 130 lbs.

Shouldn't this thread be known as the 'discuss your physical stats' subject?

lol. I think we need to get back on topic... But what was it again?

live action mechs

This thread has changed topics twice now... maybe three times.

Do you really want to be responsible for another topic change, even if it's to put the thread back on topic? Do you? Can you handle the truth? You want the truth? Do ya? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, SON!!!

I don't think so, but can you blame me for trying?

Besides, I like mechs!

Major Kerina
What's the trademarks of a mech? Just so we're sorta on-topic. I've never seen any Animes with meches.

a mech is a fully articulated robot that is controled by a human who sits inside it

Major Kerina
Oh. neat. I thought there might have been more to it :) Thankies.

Also they always carry a hellovalota ammo and usualy a large sharp wepon

Major Kerina
Like the mechs in Xenosaga? Or bigger? (wow it's like playing ping-pong...quick back and forth)

yea sortof

Exactly like the mechs in Xenosaga... AEGWs or whatever they're called.


As for my physical stats, refer to the song "I'm a little teapot", sans handle and spout. I don't pour well, either.

Major Kerina
*now have that song stuck in my head* :p

I just recently bought the 'End of Evangelion' DVD and I must say that it is very different from the T.V show I remember (about three years since I last saw it). Can anyone explain to me the very last bit with Auska and Shinji to me? It didn't quite make sense.

Originally posted by Konton
I just recently bought the 'End of Evangelion' DVD and I must say that it is very different from the T.V show I remember (about three years since I last saw it). Can anyone explain to me the very last bit with Auska and Shinji to me? It didn't quite make sense.

Welcome to the club. We like to call ourselves 'Everyone'.

Major Kerina

I don't know very many people to whom 90% of anything related to Evangelion made sense.. if you've ever seen EoE, and you're not confused, then you're a step ahead of me.

Major Kerina
I'm still stuck at the ever seen part. Is it worth trying to watch and understand?

I've seen all the episodes, I've seen End of Eva. I love End of Eva. The majority of it makes sense to me... but trying to explain it is a whole different ball game.

Eva was made with bits purposefully in there to NOT make sense, and if you understand THAT aspect, then its all good. :)

Its certainly worth watching. You need to experience it. It's unreal. Just don't do anything else mind-boggling that night, like play MGS2 and listen to the stuff near the end.. that's not worth it... X.x

i have GOT to watch Eva sometime over the summer. oh and wats MGS2?

Metal Gear Solid 2 I guess...

It's a game.

ah Metal gear 2

Yes, Metal Gear Solid 2: Graphically one of the best games I have ever played, but in the end, the story had tugged a loose string on my brain and unraveled the damn thing.

for chaning the topic around... don't mind... i was just posting the link for everyone

Major Kerina
Actually Reloaded bended my mind a little bit more than MGS2. It just took too long to get to the point. And there was so much randomness....you think Tedd looks ambiguous? Try Raiden. Even the President couldn't tell.

spc mango
awgs? no! Gears, dammit! gears!

oh holy cripes! (is that a food? no, that's holy crepes...) An Eva movie?!? well, as long as it doesn't look like a bad episode of the power rangers, we'll be all right. after all, a movie with hot mech on mech action will be worth seeing.

...and is anyone else frightned by the concept of tron v2.0? The first mvie revolved around blacklit-ed special effects.

and cripes! kerina, Fred died! i guess i was all prepping to get deployed when that happened...

Major Kerina
Yeah, it was the fishy Fred rather than the laptop one. He had a good life though, well-cared for fish.