: Off Topic: Remembrance

Thom Khatt
I haven't seen anyone else mention anything about it, so...

For those of us in the United States, today is Memorial Day. I hope that, especially in light of current events, everyone takes the time out to remember those who have lived and died to provide and protect the freedoms we have.

God bless them and God bless America.


Verdauga Greeneyes
We had the national "Dodenherdenking" (the remembering of the dead - sorta) a while ago, on the 4'th of may. Lots of ceremony and then one minute of silence.

We also have a rememberance day here...i just wish i could remember when it is

Nice new avatar, greeneyes.

Yeah, I know, two minutes silence actually...

'We herdenken hen die vielen voor onze vrijheid.'

I always feel kind of depressed during those ceremonies.

Major Kerina
Excellent post Khatt. We need to get back to what Memorial Day really means. Rather than all this commercialism and big movies.

......Did Jeremy just give me a rasberry?

Thom Khatt
Originally posted by Major Kerina
......Did Jeremy just give me a rasberry?

What that was supposed to have been is... I have a small flash animation that has him meowing when his mouth opens. I was going to use that as my avatar, but WC won't allow me to... <sigh>

(If anyone wants to see the "meowing Jeremy", you can go to http://www.trxtrans.com/ury/jeremy.swf.

(And, yes, the voice of Jeremy was yours truly...)


Major Kerina
Actually I find it neater thinking of it as his tongue sticking out but funny nevertheless. Great animation.

Lord Vader
*Sticks head out from under a pile of papers*

Well, on the topic I really think I shouldn't have had school today, despite the fact that we have a shit load of snow days to make up. They could have easily added that last day to the end of the year. Hell, at least then we wouldn't have to end the year on a Monday:grumble:...

Today is for remembering all those people who died for us, not for making up snow days...

71-hour Ahmed
Originally posted by Matt_Catt
We also have a rememberance day here...i just wish i could remember when it is

You won't be downing tools (or vacuum cleaner from your avatar) come 11 am on November the 11th?

...oh yea. a one minute silence on nov11th at 11am. i remember now.

November 11th is called Veterans' Day here, a day to remember everyone who has served, not just the fallen.

Lady Llieno
Originally posted by 71-hour Ahmed
You won't be downing tools (or vacuum cleaner from your avatar) come 11 am on November the 11th?
I will, despite me probrably enganged in some sixth form project
How many Brits are there on this forum?

Me (although i prefer to be called welsh) and 71-hour Ahmed.

Lady Llieno
Personally I don't prefer being called English, because I prefer the more Celtic countries. I've always envied the Scots for being Scottish, and when I visited Wales in early April (a place called Llanon south of Aberystwth) I felt strangely at home.

Ah yes. the magic of the celtic lands....trust me it gets boring after 16 years

Lady Llieno
So does anywhere I'd guess
Nottingham's not such a bad place, despite the 'castle' now being nothing more than a reconstrcuted Victorian manor house. It's got good shopping for one thing, and has caves, museums, large parks, a high gun crime rate and a good university.
But it get's boring too...

I think its a vice with all teens. where they live is so boring and they want to go anywhere else. I know i do

Major Kerina
Shopping in a castle doesn't sound so boring to me :p

Originally posted by Matt_Catt
I think its a vice with all teens. where they live is so boring and they want to go anywhere else. I know i do
I agree. I live 10 minutes from the beach and never go. When I'm with friends in Texas, they're all shocked that I'm not there all the time. However, I'm Irish and can't get a tan, only a sunburn, so the beach sucks from my perspective.

Lady Llieno
Well you can't shop in the actual castle, it's an art gallery...
But you can wander along the busiest shopping street in Europe (in numbers of people who walk down it). I'm happy that Nottingham has 4 shops with anime, something very rare in the UK, where only London has more anime shops I think.
So many American tourists were getting upset over the 'castle' that plans have been put forward to build fake castle walls to make it look more authetic...bizzare ol' Nottingham, with it's fake castle...

weve only got 1 here...maybe 2.

*mental note: visit nottingham in the summer*

Lady Llieno
hey, I'll show you around if you like ^_^
We should have our new tram system by then :)

Hey thanks.

Your at the end of year 11 right?

Lady Llieno
My 600th post, and yes, yes I am.
GCSEs are not fun.

did you hear about the english lit paper?

Lady Llieno
It got stolen didn't it?
They had to rewrite it. When i took it, I found the first section easy (and messed up on it) and the second section really hard (and I think i didn't do too badly). We had to deal with the anthology the whole way through though.
Isn't there Welsh and Welsh Lit GCSEs in Cymru?

actualy the fuked up the poem at the end of the paper. in some papers the last 7 lines were missing (mine was)
and yes there is a welsh lit paper :(

Lady Llieno
Oh? I noticed they made errors in one of the papers (although I can't remember which) but I never noticed that. Mind you, we were studying 'Hearts & Partners' from the anthology, at the beginning of the second section. The questions were awful though.

i did 'to kill a mockingbird' and 'the merchant of venice'

cant remember which one was which though

Lady Llieno
It's better to study a novel then two short stories though, comparing them is really hard to do with the short amount of time given.

yea i hated the coursework too
the exam im dreading though is Statistics :errr:

Lady Llieno
We don't have a GCSE in that, thankfully
My dad teaches it though >_<

Yea i do it coz i did my maths GCSE a year early...........no im NOT showing off my intelligence...........maybe.........probably...........no im NOT........................................err......IQ 128 *runs off*

71-hour Ahmed
you should see the mess the scottish exam system is these days. It still doesn't work properly - I'm just glad I got out before then.

stats sounds like fun for an exam, enjoy.

Lady Llieno
I have a friend in Scotland, and when we talk we always find the Scottish system superior to the English. Her exams seem to make much more sense then my GCSEs

My dad says that lots of people do maths a year early, but I never got the chance with my school. I think I could have, having got a high lv8 in my SATs, but I had no luck there. And I'd have loved to do another school subject in the slot freed from Mathematics.
I'm not worrying about my maths exam though, it's food tech that scares me!

trust me, your luck. if had could chose again, i would have chosen not to do stats. its full of things like spearmans rank corelation, standard deviation, point deveation, birth/death rates....it all so confusing

i wish i lived in scotland

Lady Llieno
So do I
I love Scotland. I've been there twice and loved it, I felt really at home.

My Dad is a Stats Teacher, so he expects me to do Stats at A-Level. I'd rather not though, mind you, Mechanics is just as pointless.

i was thinking of doing mechanics for a-level

Lady Llieno
What exactly does it involve?
Isn't it just the mathematical side of physics?

yea basicly

Lady Llieno
So if you're not taking physics, then...?
I've been confused about my A-Level options for a long time now, so forgive me. As long as I have Geography, I'm happy ^_^

im know what im doing
Art, Graphics, Mechanics, Psycology and GCSE photography

Lady Llieno
We can't do psychology at our school, sadly.
Or GCSE Photography, which is a shame, because I love taking photos!

were only aloud to take photography in year 12/13 for some reason unbeknownst to me

Lady Llieno
Well, despite my growing envy, I take pride in going to the 11th best non-private sixth form in England!
I'm taking geog, chem, German and two other subjects, two out of the following five: Eng Lit, History, Physics, Maths+Stats and Maths+Mechs.

i couldnt take german. im terrible at other languages...even welsh. im supposed to be fluent in it and i can only remember a few words

Lady Llieno
I'm afraid I don't know much Welsh. 'Araf' means slow, 'Cymru' is Wales and 'Aber' is estuary, but that's about as much as I know.

I really like langauges though, I love German. I was upset that I had to drop French for Food Tech, and I also have my own language too.

like dan

Lady Llieno
Except Dan's is much more clever than mine!

I made up a language once during my last welsh exam. it was based on triangles and shading. problem is they collectedthe paper in before i could make a copy on my arm

Lady Llieno
I created mine during a boring science lesson.
My language has a soft sound to it, but I havn't worked on it in a while.

Whooooooosshhhhhh, and the off-topic spirit strikes again.
(Although, I love hearing this, Dan would probably get a bit tired of reminding off-topicness)
Still, this has gone horribly off the topic anyway

Major Kerina
What does my grandfather's hometown of Pondardawe mean in Welsh? (and how is it pronounced?)

pronounced *pon-ter-dowee*
it means 'bridge over the river tawe' but because its one word, the T changes to a D

Major Kerina
Is that a major river? Oh thank you so much for translating it :). I just got the funeral service book from my aunt in Ohio (she found it after all these years) and I've been going through it.

its a pretty major river. i live in the town at the mouth of it (Swansea)

in fact. Swansea's proper name is Abertawe, which means 'mouth of the tawe'

Major Kerina
*big hug* thank you so much :)

your welcome. if you need anything else welsh related just ask.

Lady Llieno
I was in Wales about a month and a half ago, during the unnaturally sunny week we had. The number of people on the beach on New Quay was unbeliveable, and I shall never forget the Sunset I saw looking out over Cardigan Bay from a small place called Llanon.
I never considered my screen name to sound Welsh, but after my visit to Cymru, I began to think of it as such. I even pronounce it in the Welsh way now...
If anyone needs anything East Midlands-related just ask, although not much ever happens here in the Heart Of England. Except the regular gun crime we have in Nottingham (armed siege yesterday...I think we must be the smallest city to have a major gun crime problem).
Still, let's not dwell on that...^_^

Its un-natural for ANYONE to be on a beach in wales.

Lady Llieno
Well, it was really sunny and bright...
I think it was mainly the locals though, as there seemed to be a lot of Welsh accents around. Maybe I stumbled across a Welsh National Secret? I dunno...
The Welsh coastline is nice though (both Pembrokeshire and the Aberaeron Coast Road)

uh...thers no Welsh national Secret...*starts backing away*...i suggest you forget what you thought you saw...*rattles the door handle*....err....yes...nothing wrong....STUPID F*$^£&G DOOR HANDLE!!!

Major Kerina
Ah ha! The nation secret is....wait...what were we talking about again?

umm....war veterans

Major Kerina
That'd be more along the lines of national treasure :p