: Male Varient #5

Poor Justin, I feel sorry for him. If only there was a male version of "female varient #5"

Has this been suggested before? Im sorry if so, that's the curse of being n00b.

I'm almost positive that there is a Male #5. I don't remember if it was mentioned in the comic or not, but I'd just assume Tedd would include one.

What would be the point when the Female Varient #5 makes you attractine to both genders? I suppose there's the technical side of things, but I think that that's too much thinking on my part. ^_^

yeah this has been brought up before, but don't worry ur a n00b so its ok.

It hasn't been discussed in comic, but there is no male variant #5; Tedd would not have any desire for that sort of thing, and so it doesn't exist. Now, if it were me... :bunny:

There would be a bunny varient #5? ;)

Ahh, but what if Grace had a desire? And used it upon Tedd? Not that (fe)male varient #5 would make much difference on him.

there is a male varient, just not up to #5.

Out of curiosity, are there any variants above #5? Is there one that's permanent?

I recall that Dan once said that there was a technical issue that prevented TF gun effects from being permanent. Although what the practical time limit is is unknown.

"Don't worry, that will wear off in 500 years... why are you looking at me like that?"

Verdauga Greeneyes
Originally posted by Prof_Sai
"Don't worry, that will wear off in 500 years... why are you looking at me like that?"


How about a variant #5 not dependant on sex?

Originally posted by Verdauga Greeneyes

How about a variant #5 not dependant on sex?

Unic varient #5?


Verdauga Greeneyes
LOL, not THAT kind of sex...

hemaphrodite variant #5???

Verdauga Greeneyes
No, more of a thing that does F #5 to women and M #5 to men

Do you REALLY think that Tedd would WANT to create a male variant that is bisexual and whose pheremones are attractive to both sexes? :devious:

No, but Grace might.

Besides, with all the swapping he's doing lately, his views might eventually change. Besides, I'm fairly sure men and women secrete fairly different scents, so he could make a variant that didn't attract both sexes if he so wished.

Verdauga Greeneyes
Well, ya know, Tedd might want to find out what it's like to be muscular and I'm pretty sure male #5 would make him more "manly"

Now that sounds more like something Tedd would go for.

surely though varients such as these wouldn't be "#5"

Verdauga Greeneyes
Weeelll I don't think Tedd would want to lose his Teddsexuality... then again, if he did use #5, he'd probably become homosexual... #6 anyone?

I wonder what'd happen if Justin was zapped with Male Varient #5 (Or MV5 for short), and became bisexual and his girlfriend (was it melissia?) Might get together, and then who know what's happens? If it was my comic strip Justin would develope a roobot to remove limbs from body and instruct it to target her but it's not my and not my storyline.

It might annoy him somewhat...same as Elliot-as-Ellan was freaked out by the idea of being attracted to Tedd.

WAIT HERE. Dan, i hate to say it but technically, you mentioned male v 5 way back. Grace noticed Female and MALE varients on the gun the first time she inspected it. Later, tedd said that every setting had 5 varients. Sorry to prove you wrong but :grin:

Originally posted by Bathe
WAIT HERE. Dan, i hate to say it but technically, you mentioned male v 5 way back. Grace noticed Female and MALE varients on the gun the first time she inspected it. Later, tedd said that every setting had 5 varients. Sorry to prove you wrong but :grin: Ahhh, Bathe, but you forget...Dan being the all-powerful Lord of El Goonish that he is can change anything at any time. That's right, as long as Dan says that there never was a Male Variant 5, there was no Male Variant 5, no matter what an old comic says...
As for the fact that Dan says this is a variant Tedd would have no interest in...since any man would have interest in being built like the ultimate specimen of manhood and being attracted to those he attracted as though he were a magnet...I'm beginning to wonder why Tedd ever bitched about being called a girl. Was he just keeping up appearances? By the same token, was that his real reason for the "get Sarah to wear a bikini" fund...!?!

Hmmm...I think Tedd *did* honestly want the "get sarah to wear a bikini" fund to suceed, his life has changed a lot since then.

know something... if I was tedd, sence she is totaly fallen for him and he don't realy about her going after some one else....

I would zap her into a V5 for the simple fact it might come in handy for her to be able to turn into it, thought granted it wouldn't be much use besides a distraction.... not like she would know how to suduse some one

Good point, it might come in helpful - however using that logic he'd zap her into every possible form!

Originally posted by Chrysicat
since any man would have interest in being built like the ultimate specimen of manhood and being attracted to those he attracted as though he were a magnet...
erm no more than any female would truly want similar(Fv5) I would wager

Personally if possibly I would make myself a little more fit so I could do more things, like keep up in my kung fu easier. But my girlfriend is enough for me, heh :) :bunny:

Besides having to hide or resort to beating women off with a stick would prove distracting :P

urgh..."ultimate speciman of manhood" sounds horrible

Plus beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't thinkg Tedd can become any more mascluine.

71-hour Ahmed
Originally posted by CRS2117
Plus beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't thinkg Tedd can become any more mascluine.

even though he appears to be the epitome of female beauty with his glasses off to Tony?

(unless...Tony is gay...hmmm)

Alexia Ikyu
Originally posted by Verdauga Greeneyes
Well, ya know, Tedd might want to find out what it's like to be muscular and I'm pretty sure male #5 would make him more "manly"

Just like Dan's avatar became more "manly" when the sister arc was over. :angel:


hmm.. but what if Tedd developed the MV5 solely based on physical striength and muscular appearance? he'd be so slow, he wouldn't be able to outrun the bishonen and fangirls...

Major Kerina
Manly Dan is so cute ^_^

When he said "girls will dig it" he was probably actually right :D

I dig it, but I don't let things like gender affect attraction. There's more to being masculine than bugling biceps and well toned thighs and steely looks and a firm jaw and... Oh yeah.

Tony is gay, bullying is a way of dealing with something he'd rather not.

I think Tony isn't gay, but can't cope with the femininity of Tedd (which is of course enhanced when it isn't Tedd at all...)

Nah he gay

Major Kerina
I think that's why being female zapped would be too good for Tony, although I do wonder how he would respond...he needs to be make short and weak and demur along with the zap...but then I just like fair recompense...

It would serve him right completely...one day...

I think it'd be funnier if MV5 was use on Tony, male-male homosexuality is less tolerated than female-female homosexuality.

hmm... Diddn't tony already get zapped once?

Actually, Tedd was plotting to zap Tony at the beginning of the "Sister" arc, but we never hear of it actually happening. Personally, I'd like to see Ellen get pissed at Tony and zap him. :devious:

heh, ellen's already hammered tony, but that would be funny as well

Yeah, Tony still has that coming...one day...

Originally posted by Bathe
WAIT HERE. Dan, i hate to say it but technically, you mentioned male v 5 way back. Grace noticed Female and MALE varients on the gun the first time she inspected it. Later, tedd said that every setting had 5 varients. Sorry to prove you wrong but :grin:


Read this closely. It says UP TO five variants. It never says that there are exactly five variants for each form.

Dang the evil typo demons

"Let's put this in simpler terms, You smell sexy"

I know the feeling.

of smelling sexy? I smell like...
hmm... aside from the smells coming from inside my nose, I smell like musk.

Musk is the smell that either attracts us to a person, or turns us off from them. Smell plays an important part in attraction which a surprising amount of people.

I might get into trouble for this one, but could it be that Tedd is already the equivalent of Male Variant #5?

Think about it. First, just because it's labled '#5', doesn't mean that variant is 'more' than #1-#4. All it means is that it's one of multiple variants. Second, Ellen's normal form is the F#5 of Elliot. As far as I can tell, all it did was make Elliot female, and gave he/r phermones that made he/r attractive to both genders. Ellen's Venus form is a side-effect of being a permanent #5 zapped by the #5 ray, and so could be ignored for the purposes of this discussion. Third, with Tedd's glasses off, we have some evidence that he is considered attractive by both genders (Grace, and all the guys he's startled with his 'real' appearance.)

So, maybe he just doesn't need a Male Variant #5, as such, because he already is? (Of course, then he might be affected by it to produce the male version of the Venus form... but until Ellen came along Tedd probably didn't realize that the ray's effects might be 'stackable'. So that is again outside of this particular argument.)

Or... perhaps there was a Male Variant #5, and Tedd deliberately removed it some time previously, probably because of an accident that he's still paying the price for... Sarah? :classic:

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Sarah's few statements to Grace about her experience (http://www.elgoonishshive.com/story.php?0059) suggest that whatever happened to her was a bit more than a sexual flip-flop.

i really want to know what happend with sarah and tedd