: I wonder if Susan is a closet techie?

I wonder if Susan is a closet techie?

In the one hand, making surround sound work correctly is not all that easy, and dealing with aspect ratios on a 16:9 set is something you have to continually deal with as you switch from TV to DVD ect...

On the other hand, some people call any large set "widescreen" even if it's 4:3. If someone else in her family set this stuff up for her, then she might come home and find herself unable to get the DVD to work because someone left an input somewhere switched on after using it. (This has happened at my house.)

She might hide her abilities just to avoid having something in common with Tedd, or because electronics is a "guy thing".

is there a new comic up or something? how do you have access to susan's sound system? TELL ME! TELL ME!!!

And I thought that I read a lot into the comics...SHEESH!
Where did you get all of that from?
I now dub you the Master of Insinuation!

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Um, how many people do you know that actually pay attention to all that? I have (er, had. tripods broke, speakers fell, bad things) surround sound on my computer and I just made sure I could tell where any given sound was. Quite handy in FPS.

or Tribes... or CS... or any FPS genra game... or any flight sim... or any racing game...

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Didn't I say it was handy in FPS? Especially the few that emphasize sneaking over shooting. If you can't hear footsteps behind you while cowering behind a box problems can and will arise.

yes, I know. I kill most snipers by walking calmly up behind them, putting my gun to the back of thier temple, waiting to see what they're aiming at, and JUST as they think they have the perfect shot lined up, BLAM!
heh heh hee!
it's tons-o-fun, and they never see it coming.

Major Kerina
All I care about is if it works or not... :p...

if what does the what what what now?
*looks at the topic*

Some people splash out on a helleva lot of equipment like that...how well off are Susan's parents I wonder?

There divorced aren't they? She lives with her mum.

Major Kerina
It'll be interesting to see if she orders her mother around or visa versa...

And apparently she hates here dad, which would explain her anti-male junk. (I say junk because I'm a guy, to be more politically correct I would say stuff. And I was going to, I just changed my mind) But of course, her hating her father is quite understandable. I would too, in her situation.

Originally posted by Acanous
is there a new comic up or something? how do you have access to susan's sound system? TELL ME! TELL ME!!!

In panel six you can sort of see it subliminally in her hair as she talks about it. It's very important that we know who set this up and how it continues to work. It could point to a Susan-Hedge link too.

Susan-Hedge? What the heck? I got the surround sound part, but where the %#&*@$ did you come up with that?

Originally posted by Dacheran
And apparently she hates here dad, which would explain her anti-male junk. (I say junk because I'm a guy, to be more politically correct I would say stuff. And I was going to, I just changed my mind) But of course, her hating her father is quite understandable. I would too, in her situation.

It would not be unknown for someone in the father's position to attempt to attempt to "buy" his daughter's goodwill by throwing incredibly expensive "toys" at her. It happened to a friend of mine, when his father bought him a spiffy new computer. Not that my friend could be bought, but he had no problem with his father trying. :lol:

Hia T'Lenn...err, T'Renn.. sorry, Babylon 5 in the brain.
*^Subliminal message^*
how is susan linked with hedge? We'll find out next week! Same Owl time, Same Bunny channel!

spc mango
yea! tom servo!

but anyway...

it's either that, or her mom is getting fat alimony checks. and child support.

well, we now know she's a trekkie, so a tecchie isn't hard to imagine.