: Grace is a Kitsune!

Hi, I've been reading El Goonish Shive for about a month but didn't see a point to post in the forum until today. Why you may ask?
Grace is a Kitsune!
FoxGrace! FoxGrace!
... um... what?


Ryvaken Tal`Draco
You're either in Asia (timezone, not ethic) or hopped up on caffine.

Or just discovered that Grace is naked WelcometothewonderfulhouseofTedd

Major Kerina
I'd have to have to say all of the above...o.O

Guys, "Kitsune" is japanese for fox. She's referring to Grace being a fox in today's (6/21) comic. Yup. ^_^

I think they knew that. They were just referring to the time of the post. It's late.

Late? Not everyone checks at midnight remember, and the time of the post was 12:06AM... how is that late? @_@

Occasionally you get wierd people who stay up all night online...I once went to bed after EGS had been updated (4am in my timezone...)

However, are you Japanese KitsuneFox? And hi!

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Not many people can be that hyper that late.

Not many people can be that hyper that late.

oh yes they can...

does anyone else notice the similarities between fox-grace and tails from Sonic the Hedgehog? The coloration is the exact same... she just has one tail instead of two...

71-hour Ahmed
I've been on EGS at 2am on one occasion. If you want to do work sometimes just sitting down into the wee hours is the best way and the EGS forums are a good break from that. Plus if you are working late on something late then it builds up and up and up and b-dum!
Talandar; that avatar thing freaks me out. Seriously. I have no idea why, it just does (yes this from the scottish muppet person).

glad you like it ahmed... doesn't anyone play pso? Its a Fonewm...

oh... and heres proof they are the same person... (tails and grace in fox form)

I like Tails. I like Grace. Hmm...

Perhaps Tedd likes Tails, hence the details of the fox TF setting?

Actually, I based the fox form on a photo-realistic picture of a fox from a book on North American mammals that I bought while at a zoo a little while back. And yes, one of the motivations for purchasing this book was inspiration for Grace forms (still looking for an excuse for "River Otter Grace"...)

...any rivers nearby Moperville?

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
...you need an excuse?

... i'd like to see like mermaid grace

Originally posted by GigaRoc
... i'd like to see like mermaid grace

...which I think would be one of the few non-mammal forms that would not be completely weird...but this IS EGS...

Mermaid would be an easy one for her a form between fish and human. a couple other not so weird ones would be half snake, half raptor, (hey, her boyfriend IS Tedd) and half dragon (that would probably have to be a legion) ah well i'm sure dan has some cool forms for her can't wait to see if "Damien" turns into, if he can that is

Maboroshi Abyll
*waits for Dragon Grace*

Does Elliot or Tedd have a pool?

Major Kerina
Susan probably has a pool at this rate...

And judging by the size of her TV set, it's probably an olympic-sized one with a water slide and surround sound...oops sorry got a little carried away there...no water slide...

The one-model-up version of my parents hottub would have surround sound, tv, computer (complete with waterproof keyboard and mouse, well you have to supply the -computer-), radio,phone... but it was like extremely overpriced compared to the model we bought (which has cooler-doors where those items are supposed to be. Yes I'm serious!
Actual manual for those features: http://www.coastspas.com/manual/06.pdf

71-hour Ahmed
thats just....wrong. I mean, the decadence. whooooo.

I dunno about anyone else, but I'm generally wary of any sort of electronics around water, waterproof or not...
I guess all those public service announcements just go to your head...

"Don't Learn Electrical Safety By Accident"