: ellen and nanase...

maniac angel
Hey all, this may sounds dumb but I really hope nanase and ellen get together. That'd be hell cool. ummm but I'm new here so I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

What do you think?

And I'm really sorry if there's already been a thread about this.

Originally posted by maniac angel
Hey all, this may sounds dumb but I really hope nanase and ellen get together. That'd be hell cool. ummm but I'm new here so I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

What do you think?

If there were just one thing that I could magically make happen in EGS, it'd be the development of an Ellen/Nanase romance. ^_^

If there could be two things, I'd also want to see Nanase as a catgirl, but that's going off the topic. :p

spc mango
well, catgirl nanase was on one of dans wallpapers...

and a catgirl amamnda, and a catgirl grace....

Major Kerina
Speaking of wallpapers...it's the turn of the month, so the new one will be up soon ^_^. I'm rather addicted to my EGS Pets Collage Wallpaper though. *reminder to self, do more collages when feeling less cruddy*

not a thread about this in particular *whistles* but there is the Plot develepment theories thread which covers this and other speculations you might have. :deal:

Major Kerina
Thread advertising? *boggle*

Ellen and Nanase seem to be great friends. Where they go from there I dunno.

sorry to hear you're feelin' bad, Major.
As for this Ellen/Nanase thing, I'm certain I saw someone with a Wiffle bat talking about it a while ago...

May I deserve to get hammered for this but...

*turns on 70's make out music*

I think Ellen and Nanase are going places babah oooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeah! :hammer:

*wakes up in county hospital with gigantic hammer wound in head*

owwwwwwwww. :headshot:

I swear they want to be hit on the head by a hammer sometimes.

As for Ellen and Nanase getting together? Tha'd be cool. Just as long as I say that Justin and Tedd kissing, even in a filler would be awesome. Reminds me of that film I saw.

Ellen and Nanase would be the cutest couple. 'Nuff said. I have a feeling Dan's gonna mess around with the will-they-won't-they factor for awhile though. Which is bound to be cute too. ^-^

Being the oldest supporter of this pairing (that I know of), I give this thread my seal of approval.

I can't really say much else that hasn't been said already.

Ellen and Nanase...kawaii!

What?? You're still here?

*runs away*

I would really like to see these two get together. I just think they would be happy together, and Ellen just deserves a little happiness like that after how confused and sad she was when she first came on the scene. Never mind the fact that I think it will be funny watching Nanase flip out as she comes to grips with the fact that she likes Ellen. (I know we have seen some of it, but I think more could be done with that. lol)

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
I want to see Ellen's reaction.

Talk about an awkward moment. Try explaining to Elliot that Nanase wasn't atracted to him, however she has the hots for his female double.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Looking at Nanase, I wish I was female. And gay. And lived in Moperville. And had a mind control device. Actually, just the last two.

Hammer sense...TINGLING!

You and me both.... except for the female and gay part. :)

Liam Slider
Talk about an awkward moment. Try explaining to Elliot that Nanase wasn't atracted to him, however she has the hots for his female double.

Correct me if I'm wrong...but she did already didn't she?

I haven't seen anything like that. To the best of my knowledge the only ones who know are Sarah, Suzan, Justin, and Ellen (I think) But not Elliot. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Liam Slider
I haven't seen anything like that. To the best of my knowledge the only ones who know are Sarah, Suzan, Justin, and Ellen (I think) But not Elliot. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Concerning lack of attraction for Elliot, People's Exhibit A:


Concerning attraction for Ellen, People's Exhibit B:


Elliot therefore knows both, I rest my case.

Ok. Like I said, I just couldn't remember. Thanks.

I haven't seen anything like that. To the best of my knowledge the only ones who know are Sarah, Suzan, Justin, and Ellen (I think) But not Elliot. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Hello? Elliot is one of the only two she knows know!

Sorry, I have a hard time remembering some of the details. Especially since I usually read the archives while at work. ( My home connection is REALLY slow.)

*from his hospital bed after the hammer incedent,derr made this post*

I think Ellen and Nanase would make a good couple but...

*turns on even more make out music*

babay, I would love to see those two love birds together in more ways than one(if ya know what I mean). OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

:boxing: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :boxing:


*derr's screams were muffled by frequent hammer blows. he was never seen again*


Wow! I think Derr became the first Martyr by hammers.

Painful..... but if ya gotta go, what a way to go!

Well, if Nanase thought Elliot would be a good match, but she later realized she was gay, who's a better match than Ellen? Though I don't really want to see a "scene"...

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Shut up. Scenes are good.

Talk about an awkward moment. Try explaining to Elliot that Nanase wasn't atracted to him, however she has the hots for his female double.
As ackward as that might be, I suspect that it would actually be less awkward, for Elliot, than if Ellen started dating guys.

I think that they should be together because Nanese deserves someone that will make her happy. Yea right. I think we all know the reason I want those two to get together, and I think we all know why Tedd created FV5 in the first place. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

I don't know...I would be flattered if someone had a crush on an almost-exact female duplicate of myself. Even if that someone was my ex-girlfriend. Though that's not likely to happen. For two reasons.

In any case, they both need someone to make them happy, as they've both gone through a lot recently. They deserve each other. And they're just so darn cute together that I can't stand it!