: Hints in the character bios

Well, I had nothin to do tonight so I was browsing through the Character Bios in the "Extras" section of the EGS page. I dont know if anyone has noticed this before, but there are a few future plot storys/hints in there.The main two I noticed were the fact that Ellen wants a tail and that sometime there may be a storyline about "How Jutin met Elliot". Yup. :bubblegum

The Ellen one is easy ( At least I think) Ellen wants to be a cat! That explains the cat-naps and the ponytail bapping.

Well yes, that theory has been around a while. So has the one that says sheis turning into a cat. But I wanna know why? And I don't buy any of that Brownie is actually Ellen stufff... that's too hard to make believable, even for Dan!

Maybe she's been spending too much time with Grace?

The tail comment resulted from a "not necessarily canon, but not necessarily not either" storyline featuring Dan and Minion in which everybody was briefly given tails, Ellen particularly enjoyed hers, but they lost them and Ellen was left feeling the loss, but not knowing why.

I wanna see ellen as a cat person!

Major Kerina
Just so long as Ellen doesn't try to lick Susan's nose the next time she falls into a stuppor, we should be ok.

Besides, the character bios reveal a lot more than those two facts.

spc mango
well, the how justin met elliot thing was touched upon briefly in the lunchtable revelations storyline

or the long awaited "what happend to sarah" thats been hinted at many a time (remember at the begining sarah pretty much hated tedd)

i couldnt remember sarahs name, i had to look it up. that shows how insignificant she is becoming

There are more hints, nad not only in the BIOs, but in the comics too. For example:

What did Hedge mean at the end of strip #351 saying "successfully fail"? and that Elliot'll do if he doesn't find Grace? Keep in mind the things Grace said about him at the end of "Sister".

What's with Grace's antennae and her knowledge of Uryuomoco? Is she a sort of an alien?

Also the sketches of Lord Tedd. His hand actually reminds me of the transformation gun. He looks like he's been almost killed.

But keep in mind that I'm completely insane and right now the embodyment of pure evil (a little red demon, riding a Jeremy) is telling me what to write.

What did Hedge mean at the end of strip #351 saying "successfully fail"? and that Elliot'll do if he doesn't find Grace? Keep in mind the things Grace said about him at the end of "Sister".

Hedge is a good bad guy. In other words, he's trying to avoid finding Grace, because he wants her to be safe, but he needs to go back with something else Vlad and the rest of them might not be pleased with him. At least, that's what I'm getting from all that.

I like Hedge. He's the Master of the Anti-Climatic Moment.

However, Grace's knowledge of the alien language is worrying. Is Grace not telling Tedd something? Possible, sadly... But, Grace has a heart of gold, so I'm sure she's done nothing wrong...

Grace knowing Uryuomoco is no mystery at all. Think about it... does "And how does that green-haired girl know Uryuomoco?" sound familiar? Hedge also knows Uryuomoco, so it must have been taught as part of the Lycanthrope Project.

Of course! thats why Tedd knows it! he must of gotten the language files of the lycanthrope project! The Uryomoco part anyways. It was probably created so that the lycanthropes can use radio transmissions to asses assasination targets, give instructions, and other stuff like that.

*is smart :bunny: *

Major Kerina
Sort of a code language for covert tactics? Wouldn't it kinda be overkill to use an alien language though? Why not just encrypt things?

Plus it's an alien language, there's got to be a definite reason it's not Esperanto or some other rarely known language.

Of course! thats why Tedd knows it! he must of gotten the language files of the lycanthrope project! The Uryomoco part anyways. It was probably created so that the lycanthropes can use radio transmissions to asses assasination targets, give instructions, and other stuff like that.

*is smart :bunny: *

No, that doesn't explain why Tedd was so confused about Grace knowing it. If it was part of the Lycanthrope project, then it would be perfectly feasable to know that she knows it.

Tedd must of got it from somewhere else.

Also, Tedd didn't know about the Lycanthrope project in the first place.

Just because he got his hands on it doesn't mean he knew it existed and the uryomoco files that he got could have not of had anything stating where it came from, like it was just some language some nut cooked up (no offence, Dan)

Example: Tedd was in his Dad's closet:

"Hey, what's this?"
Title of File: Uryomoco, an alien language
*Insert long winded Language translations here*
Tedd: Hey, this could be useful.

My point has been made......

I hope.

Plus it's an alien language, there's got to be a definite reason it's not Esperanto or some other rarely known language.

In my example, that Title was probably a cover

There are hints everywhere. For example, I just figured one out about Ellen a little bit ago (I'm not going to post it, because as someone who tends to like writing stories myself, I know I hate it when people figure out something I was planning, and then go on to ruin it for others. I don't know if Dan is the same way, but I don't want to do that just in case he is) that is relatively minor in itself, but has serious rammifications to the plot.