: Is Dan Sinister or Dexter

As Dan is the Author of EGS, this is an EGS related poll is it not?
(MK - Actually no, it's more a personal question and also why make it a poll?)

spc mango
i'll say right! well, i think i said right...

...cripes, i forgot already.

I think he's left handed, only because I heard a rumor that left handed people are better artists.

How sinister!

Major Kerina
Not necessarily *holds up left hand* I suck at drawing.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
*holds up left hand*
I resent being called sinister.

I've heard that lefties are more creative.

Originally posted by Major Kerina
Not necessarily *holds up left hand* I suck at drawing.

So? Your awsome when it comes to writting though.

Major Kerina
I wish I was better at drawing because a lot of my creative ideas come visually.

Ninja Brad
*holds up left hand*
I resent being called sinister.

whats wrong with being called sinister? there any many worse things one can be called then sinister..
Like ugly!...and thats just an example..nothing more

anyways...now that the insanity has parted for a moment..i'd have to say right.

I've never noticed left handed people being mor ecreative. In fact, the most creative people I know (personally) are all right handed.

Oh, and how do we know he isn't ambidextrous?

Never met a left handed person...or maybe I have and forgot...actually I think I have o.o anyways...
I think people get confused on the right handed left handed thing and relate it to right brain left brain, right brain is creative and controlls the left side of your body, that doesnt meant that if your left handed you're creative, it just means that your left handed, it depends on what you think with, not wich side of the body you use....
all this is just a theory though, Im not sure at all
if someone has actual facts that theyed like to put up about the subject please do!

Actually, the I believe the current theory on left/right-handedness has to do with how one is carried in the womb during development; so it wouldn't really have to do with the whole "left/right brain" thing. I could be way off on this, though...

Oh, and I'm left-handed. Ya-harr.

I wish I was better at drawing because a lot of my creative ideas come visually.

I'm guessing right-handed, simply because I have the odds on my side in that case. :p

I have a friend who's left-handed and likes to draw. He much prefers it to writing because he can draw from any direction and it doesn't smear. :p

born acorn
Im a leftie too, my drawings are more technical.

laetissimus sum. Inveniebam altrum hominem quis Latinum potest legere et scriptare. Literati vincunt.

The right brain is more creative, and the left hand is controlled by the right brain. Thus, it is supposed that left handers have a stronger right brain. Oh, and the odds are that it is at least partially genetic, considering the fact that two lefties have a 50% chance of having a lefty versus the 4% chance of two righties. But, this is a supposition, not a reality. I am very left brained, meaning heavy in math, logic, and the sciences, while I can't draw worth anything. But, that doesn't mean I haven't planned out the next Fantasia movie down to the last dragon in the Olympic theme (don't ask).

Major Kerina
I envy your friend, seriously. *sigh*...I hate my lack of ability...

I have a friend who's left-handed and likes to draw. He much prefers it to writing because he can draw from any direction and it doesn't smear. :pMe too. English is so annoying like that. I'm thinking about learning Hebrew simply so I can write neatly in pen.

How does learning hebrew make someone write neatly?

If it was arabic I'd understand.

Is Hebrew written from right to left as well?

Arabic's written from right to left too!?!

Shouldn't suprise me, they evolved in the same area.