: Larger Ads

I may be modifying the layout to allow for 728x90 ads at the top of the pages on my site. Standard ads are 468x60, and those would still show up, but there would also be the occasional 728x90 ad that would show up. The difference in size isn't all THAT extreme, though the fact that a good junk of visitors use 800x600 resolution means that slight site layout modifications will have to be made.

Note: change can be annoying, but these large ads have a LARGE payout.

Major Kerina
*clings to furry Dan-tail because it's pleasantly fluffy* Works for me. I didn't realize there were ads though. *shrug*

Hell, if it means more EGS, then full speed ahead!

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Y'know, I never saw the smaller ads. Just a whole bunch of donation and store links.


which I'm guessing are part of a rotating ad thing that never rotated.

Banner ads are cool. Popup's do not appear on my system.

I love opera.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
If EGS starts doing popups I suspect the bunny population will turn violent.

I sure would

:Ogre: :Ogre: :Ogre:



I knew there were ads in the old format...

Pop-ups would easily result in reduced readership. That would be counter-productive, and effectively reduce the amount of ads being shown, thus depleting their attractive payment rate.

In other words, I am against pop-up ads on EGS ^_^ I mean, there are people willing to pay $10+ just for programs to get rid of pop-ups, so why do companies think that pop-up ads are a good idea? ...wait... maybe the people who have pop-up ads sell the anti-pop-up software! It's a conspiracy! Black Helicopters! Aliens! Dr. Phil! AAAAAAA!!!

Meh, why pay $10+ for a popup blocker when mozilla/netscape is free?

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Or you can just click off the popups.


Yes, I realize that it's a novel way to do it but it works.

Hmm. Ads don't bother me.

And while I'm at it, I guess I should say that popup ads and spyware, however, suck...

Y'know, there's a little thing called the "Edit" button.

Oh, and for IE users like me, Google Toolbar has a built-in pop-up blocker. Yay!

Major Kerina
Hmm...my ad probs started up again with the new banner. Fastweb doesn't use hostile programs, do they? Probably just a coincidence.

Josh the Aspie
Pop-ups would easily result in reduced readership. That would be counter-productive, and effectively reduce the amount of ads being shown, thus depleting their attractive payment rate.

In other words, I am against pop-up ads on EGS ^_^ I mean, there are people willing to pay $10+ just for programs to get rid of pop-ups, so why do companies think that pop-up ads are a good idea? ...wait... maybe the people who have pop-up ads sell the anti-pop-up software! It's a conspiracy! Black Helicopters! Aliens! Dr. Phil! AAAAAAA!!!

Finaly! someone else realizes that fnord Dr. Phil fnord is part of the secret conspiracy!

Anyway, thanks for the heads up.

I didn't feel like editing my post. Sue me. :P

Don't make me sic my lawyers on youz

Major Kerina
Umm...the ads doesn't seem to loading...

cow bell man
I can see them.

I see ads, and there not horribly annoying.

If anyone else is recovering from runescape/mmorpg addiction do you remember the "Interviews with guys, in the locker room" advert? This being on a site where thousands of teenagers (barely) play a game you could even say suck or blow in.

Ads don't bother me...anything that needs to be done to help EGS is fine by me.

The new google tool bar has a popup blocker and its free. I don't mind a bigger banner ad though.

I'll stick this here for now and see if Dan notices it.

HEY DAN!!!!!!!!!!

There is a particular ad that comes up often on your site, especially when using the archives, that features a pair of eyes on a black background. Everytime it comes up my browser locks up trying to load something from "cserver.mii.instacontent.net" and I have to refresh the page to eliminate the ad and load the comic.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Hmm, just noticing that some ads are larger at the top and alter the layout of the next / previous buttons a tad.

id prefer larger ads to pop-ups anyday

Yeah me too. I had a bad experience with pops in an on-line game, they jus kept comin up and I couldn't paly at all :cry: it was awful.

born acorn
the websites counter is sauing 40,000+ visitors but the ad banner says 50 millionth :happy: