: New here, have a few comments.

I read through all the comics in just one sitting. Wow. It's amazing how deep this storyline really is. Plus, Dan Shive seems to be a very intellectual guy and doesn't shy away from subjects like sexuality, dark pasts, etc. This is great. I don't think any other comic has ever attempted what he has. Kudos to you, Dan. You have created a great thing that could have a culture influence if more than just computer nerds get into it. I can't wait for the next storyline comic.

Glad to be a bunny,
Jovan (Yes, it is my real name. Interesting, isn't it?)

Major Kerina
Welcome Jovan *waves* :)
*gives the prequisite cookie, which instantly becomes your favorite flavor*

Why thank you. I'm not sure if anyone shares my intellectual take on the comic, but oh well. At least I can discuss the particulars of El Goonish Shive with myself. :sad:

P.S.: I'm not a total newb. I've been reading webcomics for a while now, but this has to be the best I've ever seen. Very original and liberal in it's sexuality etc. but I said that already! :P Anyways...

Im intellegent, i just dont over-analyze

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
*hands newcomer a dead fish, nods understandingly*
Intelligence is good. Insanity is better. Both is me.
*continues nodding*

Major Kerina
Why thank you. I'm not sure if anyone shares my intellectual take on the comic, but oh well. At least I can discuss the particulars of El Goonish Shive with myself. :sad:

P.S.: I'm not a total newb. I've been reading webcomics for a while now, but this has to be the best I've ever seen. Very original and liberal in it's sexuality etc. but I said that already! :P Anyways...

Don't feel down. You present a very good point. Dan does delve deep into themes you would wouldn't expect from a "mere comic". And he handles them with sensitivity, honesty and levity.

well, excuse my honest ignorance. What issues? And how deeply are they really discussed in the actual comics?

Issues such as sexuality, friendship, differences between genders, what it's like to be different etc etc. I get the feeling as the Night Out story arc progresses we'll be seeing some other ideas introduced, via Hedge. I'm very interested in seeing how that's going to pan out. Of course, EGS's main theme is Transformation and Change - something I look at a lot with my writing. Well, more the possibility of Change, really.

Still, EGS is a funny, exciting, intelligent and utterly addictive. I have long reckoned that if it were to be published as a comic book, it would be an instant cult classic (have you noticed that EGS has one of the most loyal fanbases in the webcomic world?) and a huge success...

In my humble opinion that is. Oh, and by the way, I'm not a computer nerd either. There's a lot to be said for grammar. :monocle:

Major Kerina
What it means to be who you are (Ellen, Nanase, even Susan and Justin a little, Tedd plays around with his identity too) and whether you are what you think you are, which is a theme I absolutely love to delve into in my writing which is why I like EGS so much. It just clicked with me.

[Zero-tolerance for posts directly insulting other users - Major Kerina's addendum to post deletions made in this thread.]

There was a whole thing going back and forth between Ryv and Thunder Wolf that concluded in "I hate you." I decided to just delete the whole messy, OT strand.

Welcome Jovan. I agree practically with every point you made, and why I like EGS so much. Plus Grace is unique.

also [Zero-tolerance for posts directly insulting other users]

Yes... agreeable but how does it relate to the rest of your post?

I think either she's a mod or some mod edited her post because she insulted someone. I dunno, the way this forum is set up I can't tell. :/

Welcome to the forums. I'm Inev, the resident sprite-oholic and purveyor of tasteless comments. If you ever need anything concerning sprites (such as an avatar), give me a ring, OK?

Yes, EGS is indeed a marvelous comic. I don't think I can say anything about it that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to my succinctness and shut up now.

Major Kerina
I deleted some posts in here. Just a little notice.

It is confusing that the mods are at the bottom instead of the top. It's just me and Dan who are the mods of the EGS Forum.

As a note, feel free to PM me with any questions or issues. You could try Dan but he's usually busier than I am. Since it's the summer right now my days are pretty open. Just reading, doing the occasiona chores, listening to music online, etc.

Ah yes, you seemed real mature so I figured you would be. Nice to meet you for certain! ;)

Major Kerina
*blushes red* Thanks for the compliment ^^

Huh... it seems my post was a civilian casualty in The Great Deletion. Oh well, no problem.
Anyways, I agree on all points, Jovan. I was pleased to find that not only is El Goonish Shive humorous, but it has the requisite depth, dedication, maturity (at least when it's needed), and thought-inducing qualities I demand in a comic. I glad to say there is not much more to demand from it. Except for pies. Very evil pies.
Thanks, I needed that. Anywho, my point is that I am very happy to have another intellectual on this forum.
*makes a tic-mark on a clipboard*
Our numbers grow... we are MIGHTY! Mwahahahaha...
Thanks again.

Now, check this out. What if, Dan instead wrote the series up in a novel? It would allow for more character interaction and detailed scenes than the panel format can provide.

and it would be ... interesting to get each character's thoughts in certain scenes.

I like it how it is. *shrug*

Oh, and I thought I should mention that the first time I went on this comic's website and read through the archives was a few days ago. I had just voted for Ctrl+Alt+Del and looked down the list. I believe El Goonish Shive was at #9 at the time. I had been looking at this for some time before, and finally decided to click on the banner saying, "El Goonish Shive: It's really weird." I then looked through the archives, and the story slowly grew on me and I began to really get into it. I probably spent a good 4 hours total looking at the entire archive, not including filler.

Major Kerina
It's hard to put down ^^

It's hard to put down ^^

Damn straight. I went through a weird phase this weekend and reread the entire archive - twice in 24 hours. I don't quite know what brought that on but a day between new comics now seems like way, way too long. I even found myself hunting EGS fanfiction...

Glory be to the Copy & Paste forum. I would do EGS Fanfic myself but i'm stumped by ideas, and whilst EGS bursts over with possible sexual shenanigans I would feel guilty for writing it as such, as that's not dan's style.

Cut & paste forum! I shall hie me thither forthwith!

Hello, I'm new to this message Board too...

Anyway, My thoughts about EL Goonish Shive as I read the whole thing in what I vaguely remember as one sitting (I woke up at 9 pm, so it messed with my day, and I missed a night of sleep, and it Happened again, so 'm on the internet typing this at 6:16 am) were "This Dan person must be a Genius or Crazy"

Really funny, Really entertaining, Really Weird...