: EGS music videos

Has anyone else ever had ideas for music videos about El Goonish Shive? Even though they'll never become a reality (unless we can get Dan to make an animated version, so... yeah, never bcome a reality =P) could everyone share their ideas? I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had these ideas, or if I'm just a weirdo ^_^

My idea had to do with Ellen in the Sister story arc, after she and Elliot were separated and before she defeated the Goo, to the song "Powder Snow" by Ayumi Hamasaki. The parts I can understand (it's in Japanese) remind me a lot of Ellen. Now if only I could translate the song beyond just the chorus parts and "I don't need a tomorrow." ^^;; The one line in particular that brought Ellen to mind was "Is it okay to cry just because I want to? My tears are about to run out." I don't know exactly why, but it seemed like it would fit her.

Meh, I'm gonna leave and quit making dumb posts on various boards now...

Major Kerina
Something by Nanase Aikawa would be fitting like "Crying"

Nanase vesus Elliot, to ... ... ... "Aerodynamic", Daft Punk

Tedd riding elliot across a moonlit field, to... ... ... "crawling", Linkin Park
(good lord, that doesn't sound right)

Tedd testing the various features of his glasses, to "livin la vida Yoda", weird al yankovich

various scenes involving Elliot and Ellen - "Pug", Smashing Pumpkins
(mainly because of the lines "outside, where im torn, find myself in two")

everyone in a car with some stuff happening - "road trippin' ", red hot chili peppers

Elliot, Nanase and Ellen fighting - "TNT", AC/DC

Tedd working in his lab - "harder, better, faster, stronger", daft punk

hehehehe...sorry but:

Tedd clones dressed up as Abraham Lincon working out in a gym - "gay bar", Electric 6

Tedd and Grace turn themselves into various different mutant things- "the devil went down to jamaica" weird Al

Tedd riding elliot across a moonlit field, to... ... ... "crawling", Linkin Park
(good lord, that doesn't sound right)

Arrrrrgh, my virgin eyes have been scaaaaaaarred! *runs away*

Music videos would be great, but it all depends on Dan really. There are some great songs I've heard on ComRadioF that really seem to suit the El Goonish Shive-type themes. I wish that station wasn't down right now. The guy who runs, ComradeF, told me that the server admin hardly cares. :( Meanie. ComradeF has good tastes in music. Some trance, but mostly new age type stuff. There's also some songs that he's made (he composes where Lucy Doll has sang in them. She has a beautiful voice. I'm glad for both of them, they will meet up hopefully next year and get a record deal. Anyways, sorry to go off topic and share other unrelated things.

Major Kerina
Assembling sections of panels into a music video seems like a viable option. I do something similar assembling collages of EGS characters. All this is contingent on Dan's permission thought (which I received)

You have his permission yet there is no video yet??
hmm. well, anyhow, perhaps some Flash animators would be willing to give it a spin.... I know for a fact that there are some in the 8-bit Theater forums...

Master of Puppets by Metalica to the fight between everyone and the Blob
I read it the other day while listening to this song, I recomend doing it, it makes the experiance come alive O.o

Listen, if they can make an awesome video from Jhonny the Homicidal Maniac comics (NO ANIMATION) to The Offspring's "Staring at the Sun" then they can do that if not better for EGS.

Those of you that have Kazaa search under these search words:

Awake, Magi, Magus, JTHM, Staring At The Sun.

an EGS comic MV would be great to "Kick Some Ass" by Stroke 9.

once again, search on Kazaa or something to find this song

Im going to try and make one ^_^ see you guys when Im done

Major Kerina

We have a music video ^_^


We have a music video ^_^
Well...if you ignore the fact that i ABSOLUTLY HATE that song....its good

The rest of the album's good...that song's just over played as hell and I don't care if I never hear it again.

The vid's good, though. Hooray!

I cant even view the video cuz im not a member of Yahoo groups and dont plan to be any time soon.

Kerina, can you please make this MV available to people who dont belong to yahoo?

Pretty Please?

Major Kerina
How? My site is an anemic slug...

I still vote for "The Blob (http://web.utk.edu/~emoore2/songs/The%20Blob.mp3)" if one was gonna do a Goo-video.