: Flash!

I'm doing my site in flash, so any advice or help suggestions, anything like that would be much apreciated.

My suggestion is don't do your site in Flash. :)

Although it may seem cool to do, and have a few extra effects, there are MAJOR downturns.

1. Flash is very hard to do properly.
2. Not all people support the latest version of Flash
3. The frikkin file size.
4. Roll-over images are just as good in most cases.

Well Most people don't like me, and B) theres a non flash version thats pink available.

doing a site in flash just for the sake of making it in flash is pointless. you're better off using it to enhance your comic in subtle ways or make toons with it, considering that you really only make your comics with it (from what i can tell)

but if you're truly hell bent upon it, then make it simple to navigate and probably it would be wise to incorporate some sort of frames type deal with it, so it doens't have to load hte menu over and over.

also, you might want to look into pre-loaders.

[b] using it to enhance your comic[b]

I got 8 of them, and will probably have more than that before the years out.

Sorry xelo, file size is and advantage to using flash, although if he's not loading alot of media stuff into it, it may not be. It takes a team of flash programers to make a good flash site, if you just wanna have a side bar in flash or something you can find some excellent tutorials on flashkit.com
I have been working on my flashsite for over a year and its only around 20% done

I know how that goes.

Soon as I get one thing the way I want, I decide to change something else.

Redid the page again.

I thought I puked on my comp but I didn't it's just your page lololololel-oh-el.

If this was in rocky and boowinkl,e thered be two choices on my response.

'okay, what a lovely comment'


'Suck my dick, you cocksucking bastard'

I truely am a disturbed mind.

Although it may seem cool to do, and have a few extra effects, there are MAJOR downturns.

1. Flash is very hard to do properly.
2. Not all people support the latest version of Flash
3. The frikkin file size.
4. Roll-over images are just as good in most cases.

1. No it's not. Get some tutorial help at http://www.flashkit.com/tutorials/ (though the tutorial within the program learns you just about everything you want to know). As long as you keep it simple, you'll be fine.

2. So use Flash 4 to do the design.

3. Actually- an image converted into a Symbol in Flash is less kb's than in .jpg or .gif format. As long as you don't overload it with sound or extravagant animated effects, you'll be fine.

4. eh.


To top it all off, you throw in one new feature, and you get an "UPGRADE YOUR FLASH" popup whenever someone browses your site.

Flashkit is my homepage.


If you're not Mondo Mini Shows, don't do your page in flash.

If you're not Mondo Mini Shows, don't do your page in flash.

I wouldn't go that far- Dewclaw ( http://endsbadly.net/ )is all in Flash, and it's freaking excellent!

To top it all off, you throw in one new feature, and you get an "UPGRADE YOUR FLASH" popup whenever someone browses your site.
Don't cry and go update it then. You want the latest and it's free, you'll need it eventually anyway.

Homestar runner anyone?

I wanna know how they did that, or hell, I'd settle for something like bobby boy has, with each link makeing the charactors say something else.