: Is there an IRC channel or not?

I would have sarched but the minimum search string is 4 characters *grr*

just wondering. Oh, this is also probably my "hello, I exist!" post, so, hello, I exist!

And may I be the first to welcome you here.

Bonsior monseiur Patrick, bienvenue.

Okay, you won't have to suffer any more of my badly written french. I just felt like making my own custom "hello" and Big-up is getting too popular.

and I thank you, sir, for welcoming me to this glorious community.

I got the niggling urge to just chat, but a message board isn't the ideal place to, Hence the IRC question

Major Kerina
Welcome Patrick :)
That is one creepy owl...have a cookie for those uber-teeth ^_^

Welcome Patrick :)
That is one creepy owl...have a cookie for those uber-teeth ^_^
Easier to carry copies of The Daily Prophet.

Major Kerina
I'll stick with my little beanie Hedwig ^_^

cow bell man
Hello Patrick :)

I glad that you found it here. Say what is a "IRC channel "?

I'm new to IRC but as far as I can tell it's a chat protocall that's been around for a long time and it's supported by almost, if not all, operating systems. The program to use for windows is called "mIRC" and google should find the website. It's one of the few old things (IE older than me) in computing.

Read. Or the owl will eat you.

Aye, He most certinaly will.

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and has been around for awhile.

There are hundereds of seperate IRC networks, consisting of 1 to 50 or more servers. There are lots of options for the people running the channels-for controlling the people within-, and the creation of a new channel is as simple as joining it.

cow bell man
Oh thank you and welcome admiralijustin. (That a pretty long sig.) :classic:

Couldn't have put it better myself.


Actually, I didn't.

Actually, I wanted to know if there was an IRC too. So... does anyone know?

Welcome, by the way.

aah stuffit, how hard is it to create one anyway...

I'm not online enough to start it but if anyone knows a good server be my guest.

Thanks for the welcome, and let me have a few days, I might know a network willing, but I would want to talk to the IRCops first.

What kind of traffic should we expect...5-10, 10-20, 20-50, 50-100?(no, this itself want matter to the admins, the network is at about 1/30th of it's capacity.)

I honestly have no idea. COunt me in as one, buty only after late September (Back to university mmm 100Mb switched network)

Am I the only one to notice no one has really answered his question? Most likely the answer is "no", considering most webcomics put a link to their IRC channels up front.

Bo Lindbergh
Sheesh, all talk and no action...

Network: Nightstar (http://www.nightstar.net/) (The web page has the list of servers, etc.)
Channel name: #egs

The Nightstar network has several web comic related channels already, such as #crfh for College Roomies from Hell!!! (http://www.crfh.net/) and #itswalky! for It's Walky! (http://www.itswalky.com/).

Too bad I'm alone. :P

yayy thanks! will be there ... umm... eventually...

oh well.

Channel's empty at the moment...

For those that have mIRC installed and are using Internet Explorer, or are using Mozilla and want to use ChatZilla, have a link that'll take you directly to the channel :P

IRC Link (irc://irc.nightstar.net/egs)

Welllll.... If theres a post made thats a sticky about the mIRC chat channel for EGS, then mabe people will realize that it exsists *hint hint, nudge nudge, saynomore, saynomore!*

IUt's amazing! 3 people! talking!!!!!

#EGS doesn't want to exist...

Added #egs to my autoperform, but not many people frequent there...this must be fixed... :<

The channel needs more people!
I'm alone in there way too much. :(

I'll join it. I'm not used to this network though. It seems so small... And really slow. >_<
Either that or my internet is acting up again.
I usually hang out on Dynastynet.net networks.

We need more people in the IRC Chat!! If you don't know how to use it, here's a link to a great tutorial provided by Nightstar's Gwalla.

Once you're in, just type "/join #egs" to enter the channel.

We need more people in the IRC Chat!! If you don't know how to use it, here's a link to a great tutorial provided by Nightstar's Gwalla.

Once you're in, just type "/join #egs" to enter the channel.

I think that's the wrong link...
I can't find the link I think you ment to put up though.
I'll just write something quick.

First download and run mIRC. (www.mirc.com) (Windows Users), For mac Users, try www.ircle.com. for Ircle (which is what I use.)
There are other IRC clients, but those two are the most popular, I think..

First type /server irc.nightstar.net
Then after it completely loads, type /join #egs
I think that should work. Gwalla's tutorial is probably a heck of a lot better than this though.

Just had a quick look - I'm pretty certain that that's a channel for some gaming clan that happens to be called "EGS" rather than an El Goonish Shive channel :(

Hmm, weird, I don't know why that link showed up. I must have been more tired than I thought I was. nyway, here's the right one.


And the channel #egs is El Goonish Shive. It even says it when you enter.

<_< >_>

*shoots off a flare from the IRC channel*

If you want the room to continue to exist when no-one's there, you'll need to talk to the Server Ops about registering it with chanserv and possibly setting up a bot.

A few notes:
-I recommend XChat (www.xchat.org) as a client. It exists for *nix, MacOSX, and windows, which is quite nice.
-You don't need to talk to an Oper to register the channel, although it is nice to do so. :) Chanserv is automated; just '/chanserv help' and '/nickserv help' (you need a registered nick to register a channel) and that should give you access to all the info you need.
-You don't need a bot to keep the channel active (unless you don't register it). If you want a bot for other reasons, you might be able to borrow Schlock if you don't want to write your own - I'm not sure about that, it's not my bot to lend.
-Possibly one of the reasons that #egs is so low-profile is because there isn't much demand for it (until now, anyways) - typically, #crfh would get sidetracked into EGS speculation and discussion every few days.
-#egs added to autojoin.
-Was this really last posted to nearly twenty days ago?

Despite my adding #egs to autojoin, you probably won't see me there until we get the university network fixed WRT IRC. :headshot:

C'mon, whur the peeps? It's lonely in there... =(

Well, yesterday evening was pretty busy for what #egs usually sees...boy, was that crazy...


'nuff said.