: Comedy/Current Events

This is my first thread, so throw me a bone. Its pretty much about comic relief and finding answers for this twisted worls with good ole' EGS philosophy.

Pssh, giving the poll a handicap.

I chose Hedge, because he seems to be deliberately trying to fail; none of the rest can say that.

Hmm, I made my choice. BUt then again George Bush did get into power despite all the odds and democracy and numbers and...

I won't say much more.

NOTE: As i said, THIS IS MY FIRST THREAD. I am new at forums. Also, THIS THREAD IS NOT JUST FOR THE POLL. The poll's expired in a month anyway, but treat it like a regular thread; the poll's just a bonus.

god bless ya stacks


I must be living under a rock, because I have absolutely no idea who Andy Dick is.

Well, then, I'm under a rock too... and probably a whole bunch of palm fronds.

Hedge is more inept; while I don't like Bush, he DOES have some pro-points.

How is Hedge inept? He seems to be trying to put off finding Grace, or even avoid it completely. And so far, he seems to be doing a pretty good job.

yeah..... i posted hedhe as an option cuz at the time i didnt think he wasnt trying, just naturally half assed.

but he is Inept, isnt he? i mean, he must obviously not like the job, and that would affect his work ethic, effecting his performance. He just isnt suited for the job is all.....no matter how cool his hair may be.

I mean would you trust an alcoholic to guard a shipment of Liquorice Schnapps?

woops, thats Hedge i was talkin about. typo

AMS Lizrah
It was a close contest between Hedge and George Dubya. I mean, Bush is the king of ineptness as far as I'm concerned, but Hedge is cool and he's in a way trying to fail. He's also the undesputed master of the anti-climactic moment...

spc mango
well, if hedge is trying to fail...
and he succeedds in failing...

is he a success? or a failure?

and as for Jay and silent bob, well they did thier part to stop existence from unmaking itself.

"so you were an artist.. big deal! elvis was an artist. that didn't stop him from serving during time of war. that's why he's the king, and you're a schmuck!"
--serendipity, Dogma

ok, so J&SB didn't say that, but i really like that quote. and the playah... well, he sells movie tickets and popcorn and stuff... but he's really inept at playing 'da game'.

...cripes, i sounded really...white...there.

Yay! Jay and Silent Bob are untouched! lets keep it that way!

Yay! Jay and Silent Bob are untouched! lets keep it that way!

Well, someone voted for them now....

Dubious Dubya... At once the smartest and stupidest president put into office by the Supreme Court.

Can you guys shut up about the election? It was over years ago, and we are stuck with the electoral college as it is. Can you imagine if Bush or Gore had called a full recount? Millions of votes that would need to be counted again. I think that the college is better than some alternatives.
I hesitate to criticize Bush, especially on positions of national security, because I don't know what he knows, but he needs a more thourough checking of his speeches for factual errors (he wouldn't have done it deliberately; he's not an idiot, and knows he would have been found sooner or later). I do think that the last tax cut was unnecessary though (note: media was highly misleading, screaming that a bunch of people who don't pay taxes won't get any discounts, it's true, a lot of America doesn't pay income tax, and if their taxes are done right, they get a SS refund). Ok, enough about Bush.
I don't know, I didn't vote. I don't know who half of the people are, and the other half I don't think are truly incompetent (Hedge's defence is given earlier).

Democracy can be at once the greatest blessing and most horrible curse

Amen, brother.

If only I was in power, and if it would be the future I could get a computer to administer to the world, one which has the three laws of humanity programmed into it, and then use the world as a test bed for capitalist socalism.

Um, no.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Three laws of humanity? Do I even want to know?

I think he meant Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, which are as follows:

1.) An artificial intelligence may not act in a manner so as to knowingly cause harm to a human, nor may it allow a human to come to harm through its own inaction (i.e. it may not stand idly by while knowing that a human is in danger--it must render aid if at all possible).

2.) An artificial intelligence must obey the orders given to it without question, unless such orders conflict with the First Law (presumably orders also have a priority hierarchy with some being more important than others, and the orders of the designated commander being higher priority than those of other peole).

3.) An artificial intelligence must act to protect its own existence unless this conflicts with the First or Second Law (i.e. it may not suicide or refuse to save itself through its own choice, but it may be ordered to do so).

2.) An artificial intelligence must obey the orders given to it without question, unless such orders conflict with the First Law (presumably orders also have a priority hierarchy with some being more important than others, and the orders of the designated commander being higher priority than those of other people).

What's the point of making an intelligent robot if it can only do whatever it's told? Isn't that kind of stupid?

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
No. What's stupid is trying to make an intelligent artificial lifeform. Asimov was using an AI model that would be incapable of making good decisions for itself.

What's the point of making an intelligent robot if it can only do whatever it's told? Isn't that kind of stupid?

Actually, what is meant is that the robot can not DISOBEY any orders--it must be completely subservient. Thus, it can not say to itself "The boss says to do X, but I feel like doing Y instead".

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
In Asimov's books, robots are tools and little more. Except for the occasional fluke of technology that has achieved sentience and becomes the main character.

Anyway, a tool that doesn't do what you want is not particularly useful.

Tool...............That band rocks. Have you ever heard "The Grudge?"

Tool also has a kickass drummer. Hes like.....not human or something.

Ever wanted to know if Jesus Christ plays computer games?

You do now. (http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=1999-11-19)

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
That's sad.