: Who wants to help?

Anyone want to help me make a new website for my comic? I want to make a good one as a sort of "final resting place" slash "cemetary" for the tragic efury ultimate story of awesomeness. Anyone interested? I don't need you to actually do anything much more than tell me that my designs are so good or no good.

I think I'm gonna make a new comic right now, but if any of you are interested just give me a couple suggestions. I'm kinda shooting for something a little more colorful and just all round skillful. So post a suggestion or two, I'll make something(or you can make something if you've got the time) and we can all talk about it. Also anyone who helps will get a link and skillful reference.

Gah, you had my hopes up that I could pick up a client for web-design.


If i still had my USB harddrive i carried all my designs on, i could give you one of my templates.

I'd like to do a little flash work maybe.

I think that using html would be better than flash marine, but thanks for the offer.

If you have templates that'd be sweet if you could hook me up with one or some that you think would work. It's just that all I have right now to edit stuff is notepad, I can upgrade to dreamweaver or something but that requires theft... or just asking my aunt for her copy.

EDIT: I'm sorry, i have to say this.
EE-Gad! NO!

Why downgrade to dreamweaver? you have the best editor right in front of you: notepad.

Alex - Anime-tion
I've found that the Win2000 version of Notepad to be the best IMO... Especially with the Go To Line function...

And Xoom: Some people used Dreamweaver cause they aren't smart enough to use notepad, like you and I can.

I'm not smart enough to use dreamweavor.

I used dreamweaver and it made some things complicated, but then again I had to teach myself html so I probably never would have been able to figure out layers without dreamweaver.

A comic that uses flash very effectively is kungfool (formerly of keenspace).

I've found that the Win2000 version of Notepad to be the best IMO... Especially with the Go To Line function...

And Xoom: Some people used Dreamweaver cause they aren't smart enough to use notepad, like you and I can.

Its not a matter of being smart enough. Visual editors confuse and infuriate me. Notepad is simple. You type what you want, where you want, and you dont have to worry about some editor screwing up the code.

And, btw, try Edit Pad classic. thats my favorite text editor.

Alex - Anime-tion
Its not a matter of being smart enough. Visual editors confuse and infuriate me. Notepad is simple. You type what you want, where you want, and you dont have to worry about some editor screwing up the code.

And, btw, try Edit Pad classic. thats my favorite text editor.
Actually, it's COMPLETELY a matter of being smart enough. Those who can't be smart enough, HAVE to use a "visual" editor that does most of it for you, not to mention it adds a ton of useless code...

So... are you guys making me templates? ~~~ ?

i started making templates again, but im not releasing them until i have atleast 15 done. so far i have 3.