: Help!! New Web site - Du Jour

Anyone have any advice?

July first Du Jour went live - <http://dujour.ws> . It features topical humor with Harold and his friends. I hope someday to be syndicated.

What is the best way to build site awareness? I have registered with search engines, linked to other cartoon/cartoonist Web sites, gotten an account with Cafepress.com and begun getting articles in local/metropolitan newspapers.

Does advertising pay? I have heard pros and cons. Most advertising I have seen is very pricy.

Is liability insurance necessary? In this suit happy age, (excluding copyright and other infringement issues), are lawsuits from disgruntled viewers a concern? (Who knows who a cartoon may upset).

Are there Web sites or organization that help newbies like myself?

I am new at this and have much to learn.

I would appreciate and advice you may have.



My first advice would be, this belongs in website help ;)

My first advice would be, this belongs in website help ;)

You can tell I'm a "newbie".............................