: Reactions to August 2003 Wallpaper

Thom Khatt
Woohoo! I finally get to say something about it!

After doing some work for Dan with Webalizer, I asked Dan to do up the cast of EGS as merfolk.

I wanted to shout to the mountain tops about the great job he did, but I didn't want to have him besieged by requests for personal work.

(BTW, having Jeremy steal away with Nanase's top was purely Dan's idea...



(The original Khatt-fish!)

Yep! I've just received it, and very nice it is too.

I particularly like the dynamics between Ellen and FV5 Susan <g> and the two cats are just adorable

Man, this is gonna look like a scam....

Dan, is it possible to see the whole wallpaper without paying? i dont have a credit card, much less a paypal account

Major Kerina
Wait a year and maybe...

I wish there was another way to give money except for paypal. They will...not...ggive...me...my number! It's very annoying.

Still, I have mousemat, mousemat is good. Grace+CND=very nice.

I suppose Grace hitting from a bong is a bit out of charater.

spc mango
1) you can get paypal with just a checking account. i know. i did. one of my super-powers

2) what's up with justin? i think it's an aquaman thing... or a pirate.

3) mer-jeremy and mer-brownie?

2) what's up with justin? i think it's an aquaman thing... or a pirate.

Someone's been fishing?

Preferably, from Justin's POV, an unattached good-looking male.

Justin as a pirate? mm, could work!

But i dont have a checking account...

I can't get the wall paper either because I don't have a checking account. If anyone knows how to get it without one, than please tell me.