: What do you think about Neo from the Matrix??? mary sue or not??

Neko girl
Hey this is Neko girl. I would like to say that I think Neo is a bit or a Mary Sue a.k.a Mr. Perfect. So what are you ideas on this q?????

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Neo is a weapon, and in that capacity he served the rebels well. However, he is an idiot in anything beyond combat.

I second that. Neo's just, as they say in Matrix Reloaded, a programmer's piece. He's fashioned for combat, nothing else.

Nor does his ass need to be seen. Ever.

Your poll is missing an option it would seem.

AMS Lizrah
personally, I think Neo is a mary sue but not. He is perfect in combat, but a complete and total moron otherwise. Still, I wish I could fly. If I managed to kill him, could I gain his powers?:devil:

Neko girl
Thank you for your input. I do agree that he is a wepon. and just to ask what am i missing on my poll???

His bum was allright, at least he doesn't have boils or things like that.

Youre are missing the "His ass does not need to be seen, ever" option Neko Girl. I can only thank Maddox for that.

I'm never one to judge man-ass CRS, but that shouldnt stop you.

my my my.. my ass lives in Turtleford, on the family farm... it isn't half bad, for an ass, tho it IS stubborn... and kicks hard...
I diddn't know Neo had farm anmals. you should see my Grandma's goats! they may not look like much, but when those pesky neighbours get my grannie's goat, she gets MEAN.

Put it this way, Iv'e seen ugiler arses than his.

Can we stop talking about his bum now?

AMS Lizrah
yeas, it is rather disturbing to see his ass...*claws eyes out* wait just a minute, why am I joining in on this. I've become corrupted!!....cool...
maybe when I kill him to take his powers, I should stab him in the ass with a very sharp sword...hmm...saber or katana?:devil:

OK..........................Howabout we just friggin drop the "Neo's Ass" discussion. i agree that his ass doesnt need to be seen or discussed...............................ever. :dead:

*grumbles* I'm still pissed mr. ONE stole my name nickname.
Up until the matrix came out people used to call me Neo for short (neowulf takes too long to type apparently), now people think I'm a matrix freak with no imagination.

Neo is hardly new now :P

Neko girl
Well to you mr. neo i am sorry about your problem. I think it is wrong of people to say that you are matrix freak. well i wish you luck in fighting the nickname fight!!!

Nor does his ass need to be seen. Ever.

Your poll is missing an option it would seem.

VERY good point... but trinity was hot (again) just give me a few minutes in the bathroom and i will be able to post again...

yeas, it is rather disturbing to see his ass...*claws eyes out* wait just a minute, why am I joining in on this. I've become corrupted!!....cool...
maybe when I kill him to take his powers, I should stab him in the ass with a very sharp sword...hmm...saber or katana?:devil:

hmm depends.... r u japanese???

if not then go with sabre... or maybe a scimitar??

Major Kerina
I hope you don't mind if I toss in a quick 'eww' :p

I hope you don't mind if I toss in a quick 'eww' :p

now why would we mind that? :)

You implanted in everyone's minds a mental image we never wanted to have, and never would have had. Even those with wild enough imaginations to think of such things about you could have dismissed it as unproven, until you confirmed it.

I believe I'll join in kerina's exclamation with my own Ewwwww.....

You implanted in everyone's minds a mental image we never wanted to have, and never would have had. Even those with wild enough imaginations to think of such things about you could have dismissed it as unproven, until you confirmed it.

I believe I'll join in kerina's exclamation with my own Ewwwww.....

just doin my job :lol: