: dropdowns/textbox linking to other pages and parts of pages

edit: nevermind. Did it on my own. If anyone wants the code for when the reader enters a date (by using a dropdown for the month and typing in the date) and the site takes them to the specific part of the month's page which corresponds to a particular date, it's here.

ie August 09 takes you to 'august.htm#09'

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
site = "http://website.com";
function combineMenus(frm, menu1, menu2) {
with (frm) {
str1 = menu1.options[menu1.selectedIndex].value;
str2 = menu2.value;
url = site + "/" + str1 + ".htm#" + str2;
window.location.href = url;
}// End -->

<form name=menufrm>
<select name=menu1>
<option value="0803">August</option>
<option value="0703">July</option>
<option value="0603">June</option>
<option value="0503">May</option>

<Input name=menu2 size ="10"><br></input>

<input type=button value="Select" onClick="combineMenus(this.form, this.form.menu1, this.form.menu2)">