: Character names...

I'm sure this topic has probably come up in the past, but it sure hasn't been around for awhile (not that I can see, anyway), so I figured I'd ask...

Where did Dan come up with the names of the characters? He doesn't hafta answer, it would be nice but in the meantime people can speculate if they have any ideas... The only one we know about from the comics is Nanase, he explained during the sketch comics that it was the name of a singer...

I thought that comic was great, by the way, I loved Sketch Week. I'm guessing #2 will come sometime after Painted Black... So long to wait!! >.< Not that Painted Black isn't gonna be fun. ^-^

Sketch Week was great though, and it hints towards a storyline a loooong way from now... Spinning Off. With the girl who said 'bum' alot. O.o'' Whee.

Anyway, back to the topic... Names!! It popped into my head cos I was thinking about Grace, and then I thought of the nickname 'Gracy' and for the first time I realised that Grace has the same name as Grace from Will & Grace. O.o'' Yeeees. My powers of observation are great.

I know that most probably definitely isn't where Dan got the name from, but that's what made me think of this topic. So, were they named after real life people? Named completely randomly? More musicians?

Also, going back to the Sketch Week... Who's 'Liz' and why did the 'bum' girl think that we thought she was Liz? O.o'' Did I miss something there?

Judging from the clue Dan gave us, I'm hoping we get to find out who she is during PB.

Clue? Was what?

Ditto to that, I obviously missed this 'clue' too...

Nevermind, I didn't remember it correctly. We have to wait until "Spinning Off," whenever that is.

Elliot is my middle name; Elliot can be a female name, but to avoid confusion, Ellen got her name, because is similar to Elliot.

Tedd got his name because I thought it was a weird name. It didn't occur to me that someone might actually be named "Tedd" (specifically with two "d"s). It's not short for anything.

Sarah: despite rumors one could formulate to the contrary, this name selection was fairly random. Part of it was that I didn't have any friends named Sarah, and I try to avoid giving characters names that match my friends.

Susan was named after Susan B. Anthony, though that's somewhat ironic as Susan B. Anthony, as I understand it, was for female/male equality, not female superiority.

Grace isn't the first character who I've dubbed Grace, actually. I just thought that name was cool. Her project alias, Shade Tail, has to do with the origins of the word Squirrel. And no, I didn't just randomly know that when I made her character; I had to do research to figure out what her alias should be.

I went through a long list of names before deciding on Justin. It just seemed to fit, and as with Sarah, I didn't know many people named Justin.

Nanase is named after a singer, as Grimdark stated.

Vlad is named after Vlad the Impaler

Guineas is named as such because he's a piggy.

Hedge... well, that should be obvious.

Damien's name is a result of the Omen series, which I have ironically never watched.

Tony's name is the result of my asking a friend what I should name some jerky bully in my comic; I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't like some dude named Tony...

Principal Verrukt, or however you spell it, is German for "crazy"

Amanda is right up there with Sarah and Justin, except I knew an Amanda in high school. Them having the same name isn't meant to mean anything; I just only know so many names.

Dr. Germahn: take a wild guess

Greg is named after a friend I had in High School. I basically haven't seem him after high school, and he was a DBZ fan, so when it came time to name Greg, I decided to name him as such due to missing my friend.

Dunkel is German for "Dark", and Verres French for "glasses" (assuming I remember correctly)

And I named Ni--er, nevermind. Can't start explaining characters who haven't been in the comic yet...

cow bell man
And I named Ni--er, nevermind. Can't start explaining characters who haven't been in the comic yet...

ack, He doing it again. Trying to get are blood going. :)

I know. He just likes watching us salivate.

For a moment there I thought it was going to be a monty python reference "WE WANT A SHURBBERY"

N L? Nevermind, patience is something I get to practise regulary.

As for Justin, it's funny. All the guy's I know that are called Justin are gay or have guys who fancy them.

It's just a little curiousity I have, but do you use stock names? Whenever I seem to write a story the names Trent, Bob, 2117 the killer/messiah/cleaner bot and Clarissa nealry always are used.

I need to write again. Hopefully something where my story doesn't get continued by another guy who finishes it off with all the character's on a planet with vodka rivers and indestructable livers. I just couldn't carry on the story from there, which was unseal in the sense that it was a story about.... Well the title was (yes it has to be in capitals, overwise it looses it's effect) BOB THE INCREDIBLE NINJA HENTAI BUDDHIST, I don't really remember much about it, except it's scattered amonst forums (give me two hours and a search engine and I might find all six chapters) and I was never sober when writing....

Oh my god! I havent been drunk in weeks and have had writers block for the same time.. I see a disturbng pattern... I NEED MORE DRINK NOW.

I forgot how to delte.



Who hopefully will be as gay as Rick of Umlaut House, so Justin will have someone to target other than Elliot.

I'll go out with Justin ^^;

Major Kerina
oh...I guess...Dan's first tease of new character. Umm...thank you for the list. Now just to aim newbies in the direction of this...I hope you're feeling ok Dan...I hope I didn't say anything bad before.



Who hopefully will be as gay as Rick of Umlaut House, so Justin will have someone to target other than Elliot.
Not necessarily a Nick - could be one of these.


I mean - horror of horrors - a new character called Nigel!

I'm guessing that 'Ni' might be the first part of the name of this new shadowy person in today's comic...

...Or it might be someone who doesn't show up for a hundred billion storylines from here. ^-^;;

General Shade Tail
Isn't Dan just evil, giving us clues like this...

Reminds me of the title of Comic 22 (http://elgoonishshive.com/story.php?0022)...

Comic 22... http://elgoonishshive.com/story.php?0022 "Man do I love Knowing Who that is and Knowing that You Don't."

I think that must be one of Dan's favorite things to do...

Major Kerina
Dan is such a tease, as he/she admitts here (http://www.webcomic.net/forums/showpost.php?p=709240&postcount=52) ^_^

Who's 'Liz'
Liz is talking to Ellen on the far right of the comic here. (http://www.elgoonishshive.com/filler.php?0021)

Yep, figured it out shortly after this topic...

Dan should add minor characters to his cast list, at least just very small snippets so we can remember their names. I keep forgetting how to spell the name of Tedd's father.