: throwing up in a barrell...

...is what you would do if you looked at our website design. It's bad...we know this, and we have put our comic on hiatus to focus on getting this site right. I have fooled around with it for a while but I cannot make it good. If anyone is so appauled by the grotesque nature of our site design that they feel compelled to redesign it for us, aim me at conshentz or write to talbut@cox.net

P.S. it would need a php updating script of course, with an archive

Well, I do have a thread I should br working on but, I'll help you out.

First thing, when I clicked on your link, 8 pop ups (or pop unders, whatever they were) appeared in my task bar. Please find a way to remove as many of these as possible. More Pop Ups = More ANnoying site = less readers. (Edit found out the problem- your using frames. I would remove the very top frame, since it does absoultely nothing for the site, but you should look in to finding a hose that is pop-up-less )

Second, do you really need all of that spce for the navagation frame? It takes up about 35% of my screen, and I'm on 1024x768 settings. Just shrink down the frame, and design a new Talbut comics logo that's smaller and you'll be fine.

Thirdly, remove the frame lines. Just insert this code in with the tag for each frame:


Aside from those three things, the site is fine.

i know about the annoying thing, we're switching to oktagone soon. but still, I want the site to look great and do not have the know how to do it myself

i wanna go to bed, so this'll be a quickie...

first, the page is needlessly split into two halfs. especially when you could simply either make it in a non-scrollbar frame or just stick it in every page HTML. its HUGE!
secondly, the gray text for buttons against white buttons BGs which are inturn against the same shade of gray...yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuck! also, the "talbut webcomics" graphic is waaaaaaaaaay to huge. not to sound arrogant (because there are still some changes i plan to make) but look at my site. the layout is simalar to what you're going for, i'd say.

put the comic on the main page. of all the content to have on the first page, your choice makes little sense. personally, i'd streamline the mainpage into a comics/news hybrid. thats what everybody does. you cold also rid yourself of the home button that way.

jazz your buttons up, before i forget. besides the text issues, they aren't very interesting. the characters aren't interacting in any way shape or form. they're just there.

if you still have troubles, get back to me in a week or so. then i suppose i can whip something up for you.
...but don't expect any of that PHP fly. i dunno it.