: Owl will eat you posters

:Edited: Never mind, I'm blind.

Major Kerina
*whispers* Look at the store.

cow bell man
*in a low voice* You can find it hear. http://www.elgoonishshive.com/store.php

*Whispers* It's okay man, you can buy stuff online.

spc mango
*whisper* it's in poster form now?

"Why are you whispering?" -Tucker

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
I have the T-shirt stuffed in a drawer with five others. It ties with Jeremy as my favorite. The fact that I'm an education major makes the comic on the back all the sweeter.

The poster is at the side of my bed, to the right of the MINION!!! calendar and the left of the Too Much Catnip poster, which is on the perpendicular wall at the foot of my bed.

I so need more posters.

Chances are that the Read or owl will eat you poster will end up in at least one of my classrooms when I finally get one of my own.
Which will be very weird in a math classroom, but the statement makes for a wonderful icebreaker.
"Hello class. My name is Mr. ***. I am here to take trigometric functions and shove them down your ears into your brains. This process can be fun, or it can be painful. Read or the owl will eat you."

Having trigonometric functions shoved into my ears wasn't painful. Trying to figure out how to use them in real world applications that my teachers never told me about, that's a different matter.
*beats head with clipboard that was doing equations and diagrams on moments before*
Work you frelling... work!

I'm just content to have "Read or the Owl will eat you" in my signiture on forums.

"Why are you whispering?" -Tucker

If that's Tucker from Citizen Smith, I shall hug you for making such a neat reference to an overlooked comedy...

*Whispers* ...If not, ignore me. O.o''

*whispers* My throat is fugging sore.

*whispers* can anybody hear me?

*whispers*this is getting rediculous guys. Dan's gonna ban us for spammin' his forum.

The shirt is great. :D :D :D :D