: EGS still surprises me
... like when I did a Google search for "El Goonish Shive" (http://www.google.de/search?q=%22El+Goonish+Shive%22) because I had nothing better to do and got way more than 1000 results...!

MARKed man
German google... *shivers*
Yeah, I noticed that too... :lookaroun

Don't be surprised. I did a search for any site that does not contain the words "a", "the", or "is" and I got over three thousand results. Google can find anything repeatedly.

Doesn't surprise me too much...but searching for stuff like this is always interesting and dammit you've got me spending ages looking at half the results out of curiosity!

edit: ooo, the old forums...

edit 2: hmmm, actually, looks like an old failed experiment to move these ones...how interesting...

cow bell man
Look at where El goonish Shive showes up.

The Federation of El Goonish Shive (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_nation/nation=el_goonish_shive)
The other forum (http://darkshive.suddenlaunch2.com/)
It's in the Dictonary (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=El+Goonish+Shive)
The Yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/elgoonish/)