: Recomendation...

Eternally Unhinged
I hope to, one day, be as good an artist as Dan, but I'd like to ask every artist, amatuer or professional, what are your opinions on the best type of paper, pens, markers, etc. Thanks. I love you all! :bunny:

uh paper is good, espically white, white helps. Its hard to draw on black paper. I wouldn't know, I'm assuming.

Anyway just kidding about that. I use a mechanical pencil i bought at my school store, it does a good job, espically since i don't have to sharpen it. I also have one of those eraser pen things. They come in handy.

Paper-wise I either use Great White printer paper, since i have a lot of it, or one of two sketch books I have. They actually say sketch on them, I also bought them at the school store. They are a good place to draw since everything stays in the book, so you won't lose it.

I'm horrible at drawing, but I do it alot. My recomendation would be to get a sketch pad and use that. Generally you want it to be white paper. This is just me, but I only use normal wooden pencils, and it helps if you have a seperate eraser, a good one. You want to have a good pencil sharpener, since a sharp pencil tends to be easier to draw with. Again, this is just me, but I got myself a small sketchpad thing, which isn't actually a sketchpad, but the paper is white, and a larger sketchpad which acgtually is a sketch pad. What I do, is I do a rough draft of sorts on the small one, and then I make the changes I see right. If I've mangled it with erasing and stuff, I ussually redraw it with the changes, to see if it works. Once I'm satisfied, I make a larger version in my actual sketchpad. If I want to color it, I use colored pencils. Not only are they much more acurate than markers or crayons, but they're easier to make the proper shading with, and tend to look better with the picture. And you can't forget that you can erase them too. You want to keep all your pencils, colored or not, if you use them, sharp. It helps to sharpen the ones you plan to use before you draw your picture. Also, having a ruler helps, but not too big of one, because that can be hard to handle. If you're drawing a plan for something, and want the angles to be the same, all you have to do is make a "t-square" of sorts. Really, all you need is something to put below your ledge (if you're using a book, or if not, you're drawing on a desk or something, use the edge) and for the angles, one of those triangle rulers. You just put the traingle ruler on the normal straight one, and make sure the triangle stays on the straight one. That way, all your angles are the same, and your lines are straight. Now, I hardly use the T-square thing, even though I should. If you don't have a ruler available, use anything with a straight edge. For me, I ussually listen to music while I'm drawing, since it blocks out most of what's around me, other than the drawing. But that's just me, again. That's pretty much everything I can think of right now. If I come up with anything else, I'll post it.

Use a 3D modeler that can save a snapshot to a PNG file.

Prince Karo
some good sketch paper would probably be the best...although I have a habit of doing my drawings on the first sheet of paper I can get a hold of, which often leads to my drawings being done on inferior paper..(as you can see by my avatar)
and as for pens, it depends on if you want to ink with a plain felt tip marker, or use a more professinal looking, (but harder to use for a beginner) dip pen.

Personally, I digs me the .7 and .9 mechanical pencils (I get a lot of the .9's, all in pretty soft lead, 'cause I use 'em for shading), Faber-Castell Pitt Artist pens with brush (B) tips, and a simple, sharp dipping-pen with some india-ink. That's just me, though. Most of my art doesn't look as "clean" as the typical webcomic stuff, either.