: site help

Tokala Fox
My site is www.tfsnewworld.com lately I’ve been working on the layout a little and anything that could use some work please tell me. I’m fairly happy about it at the moment. My big problem is the art gallery. I’m looking for something make updating the gallery easier but most of the scripts I’ve found do way more then I need and have fixed themes that clash with my current layout. Can anyone recommend something?

Btw I know very little about html or php. Just enough to tweak existing code when I have to, not enough to Wright anything. I use FrontPage to do most of the site building.

Ps. I know there are 3 links back to the main page, the banner and 2 buttons in the block, the two buttons are just filling up space until I’ve got something else to put there.

Well, you could always just sign up for a deviant art account, and use that for you art gallery (it could also get you some new hits, as well)

And, why do you have it setted up with two buttons that lead back to the index page (as said in your post)? Why not just do a table with 2 x 2 of buttons? (or set up an archives page with one of the buttons)

Also, in your links page, you may want to look for some link buttons that are the same size. It looks a bit messy with different size banners (or, at least organize them, probably smallest to biggest).

Tokala Fox
Well as soon as I finish it one’s going to become a character bio’s link.