: I need help with PHP Scripting

I know how to draw. That's it. I can scrap together a website to host images on and get some good webspace. But I'll have to do everything manual by hand because I'm not familiar with computer stuff like PHP scripting.

I was told that with the right script I can just draw my strips and upload it and the script with do the updating for me. But I don't even know what stript to look for.. can someone point me in the right direction and tell me the script. I'd really appreciate it alot.

Just sign up for a keenspace account (http://www.keenspace.com). They only take two to three days now to get a new account. Plus, there's no hassle in setting up a php code and worrying about errors in the code.

Well, that sounds good and all, but I already have some webspace. Is there a place where I can download the script?

autokeen lite is keenspace's script. I can't be bothered finding it (sorry) but do a search for that and you'll probably find it without too much trouble.

edit: eh, I could be bothered after all


Besides keen, there's iStrip (http://istrip.sourceforge.net/), Webcomic Config (http://www.the-misc.com/webcomicConfig.zip), RabidComics php (http://www.rabidcomics.com/navigation.php?section=free_stuff), Walrus (http://www.lifeofwily.com/php/) and Atp (http://www.atp.cx/)

Wow, thanks alot for your help guys. I think this should help me out alot. :)