: Is the site down, or what?

The site isn't working. www.elgoonishshive.com doesn't come up, just so nobody wastes their time sending me that instead of www.elgoonishshive.com/index which also doesn't work. So, does anybody know why?

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
*cough* http://elgoonishshive.keenspot.com/ *cough*

heh, hold up a minuit Ryvaken. The keenspot site has been acting up for me too. Gues you could call this EGS's "growing pains"

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Um, I tested it before posting it.

Um, I tested it before posting it.

Test again. It's down as of right now (10:40 PM, EST).

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Came up in less than a second for me.

elgoonishshive.keenspot.com is working for me, as is elgoonishshive.keenspot.com/filler/index.html, which is good because there's a filler that will show up later. I'm getting tired of the main address not working, but there's not much I can do, sadly.

Strange, it works for me. And I'm using opera.

Network voodoo scares me.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
*pulls out a mouse and a Nanase doll, begin chanting gibberish*

may be a late update... I can't connect through the ftp

Keenspot its "known" for having downtime like this. Real Life Comics left because of it.

Remind me again why we moved there.

Anyway, nothing is working for me either. Which is weird, because before now, EVERYTHING has been working. Suddenly I've got zip.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
The bunnies are restless. Bad sign.

unfortunately, I got my domain name pointing to Keenspot at one of the worst possible times due to server problems. I'm going to be bugging Gav about finding ways to speed up the sites... the fact that I don't have to pay for the site is a huge factor, as is ad revenue, in me being at Keenspot. I want to be doing EGS for a long time, but I'll be forced to either stop or cut back on comics a lot eventually if it can't generate decent revenue. Unless I marry into wealth... anybody know any desperate rich chicks? :hammer:

Something is really weird with the titlebar at Keenspot... it seems like if it could be made to download more quickly, it would make a huge difference for dial-up bunnies. I'm going to try to find out why that 9 kb of code makes such a big difference in download time.