: Have I returned?

Fingolfin Aeros
Hey all.... I doubt there are many in these parts that remember me. But hey, I'm back. I have returned..... And boy, have things sure changed.

Well, just lodging something here. I can't access the site. I keep getting redirected to a search engine. I've tried the KeenSpot page, no luck there either.

Just letting ya'll know. I might be the only one with this problem, might not be....

Oh, and congrats to Kerina for mod-ship.

Fingolfin Aeros
On second thought, maybe it's not me. Technical difficulties through KeenSpot, mayhaps?

Yep. Go to the reactions to September 26th for the details of DOOM.

welcome back Fingolfin... I myself am new here. but from looks of it your an artist which is good we need to populate the fan art it is second most neglected only to the sci-fi.
heh and speaking of doom i find it quite ironic i mentioned dan and doom in the dans hat thread came here only to read dan saying doom... quincidence... well yes.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
And Bob said welcome, and he did present a dead fish unto the old newcomer person thing.

Greetings from beyond, oldie! Welcome...TO THE WORLD OF TOMMORROW, TODAY!

Welcome to the post apocolypse Aeros, this place is weird.

Reminds me, I havent played fallout in ages.

Fingolfin Aeros
:: chuckles.::

What a bunch of goofs. The people may have changed, but the atmosphere is still the same.

welcome back!


derr out

p.s. if you don't remember me it's because I'm a newbie