: False New Thread Reporting.

For the past couple of days I have been getting the icons telling me that there are new threads to be viewed in different categories here on the forum. However if I go to reactions or polls, wherever the icon is indicateing new posts, there are no new posts. Has anyone else experienced this particular little quirk in the program, or is it just me?

For a while now (almost the whole time I've been here) I'll get the occasional day where either the new post icons show up incorrectly, or dissapear when I read a different thread. It's happening often enough to be annoying, but not so often that I can be bothered investigating.

Toby Ferret
I have the opposite problem every so often. I'll be looking at one forum or thread, and when I go back from reasing a thread, all the posts that were marked new, are now marked as read. Or soemtimes there's none marked new, even though they were just posted in.

It doesn't matter. People spam these forums so much there's always a new thread or reply scince last time I checked.

Liam Slider
I did get a similar problem, until I started refreshing the boards after I read them, and before going back to the main board.