: Need a quick character design crit, please

As halloween is approaching, i figured i'd do something festive, since i like the afore mentioned holiday so much.

so i made this character for my next story line, which should start (hopefully) in about 2 weeks.
this is just the first draft of the character. i did him straight on the computer, something i don't normally do.

as such, i was curious as to what everyone thought...what works, what doesn't.

here you go...

it should be noted that my friend tonight pointed out to me that he looks a little bit like an old ghostbusters villian, samhain. i remember samhain, and i know he had a pumpkin head, but other then that, i'm not sure what else he looked like, and couldn't find any pictures of him anywhere. :Puzzled:
...so comments on that in particular would be extra extra helpful. i don't want to rip something off!


The Unknown Comic
I think it looks good.
(the style reminds me a bit of Jack from nightmare before Christmas.)
nice work. It will be nice to see what comes about from it.

Remember the Pete and Pete halloween episode, the one where the bully and his friends wear pumpkin heads and terrorize the kids, Make acharacter like that with a creattize pumpkin design and a teenage outcast type body...

As of now hes pretty generic, but cool none the less.

Steve Hogan
The pumpkin head is cool, but why is he wearing a dress?

I was thinking about the Ghostbusters cartoon the other day. That cartoon was rad.

I can't find him right now on google (kinda at work) but He did have a big pumpkin head- he glowed yellow out his eyes and nose and mouth, though. I know he wore long robes, but I think he had a hood. I do think the "skinny pumpkin head bad guy" has been done in a lot of places, though. Maybe you can unique him up a bit. Vines for hands and legs that would grow? Maybe if he loses his head he needs to find a new one and carve a face in it... What's "Arawn" from, anything?

Lastly as an art crit, it's hard to see his body against that dark green background. ^_-

it's a robe... Right? Or maybe it's a female pumpkin. Oh yeah, and the first thing I thought when I saw it was "Jack" from the nightmare before xmas

looks good though.

Prince Karo
it looks nice... very cool looking. :)

Steve Hogan
it's a robe... Right? Or maybe it's a female pumpkin.

I figured "God" as opposed to "Goddess" indicated a male pumpkin. (Although that sounds weird....) The curve of the figure and the design of the robe looks very feminine and Morticia Addamsish though. (I can hear Gomez now "Tish! You spoke French and jammed your head in a pumpkin!")

Interesting work, I'd like to see how you use him.

arawn is the celtic god of death. is was going to be cerranous, as he symbolizes the end of summer, but it wasn't really...evil enough. obviously.

i was also thinking about giving him plant limbs. i tried, but it wasn't working out like i had hoped. i still haven't given up on that idea, though. heh- i just gave him generic claws out of frustration at the moment.

it is supposed to be a male, but if its looking like a female, i'll have to work on that. it was supposed to be a grim reaper type cloak.
...maybe i'll give him a cape and plant body?

thanks for you help so far! please keep it your thoughts coming!

Steve Hogan
The head and the claws are fine and it's an interesting character idea, but yeah...the body looks too much like a skinny Elvira. I'd advise researching pictures of druids, monks and whatnot.

To me he looks like Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas, except his head is a pumpkin instead of a skull. I think it has enough originality that you can go ahead with it. It's not bad really.

ok, i re-did him...i didn't touch the shape of his head or mouth, though. should i?

heres the modified original:

and heres the new one:

^personally, i think his cape needs to be longer. thoughts?


Erik the Hack
Very cool! I like the new one a bit better--I thought the neck was just a bit too long in the first version. And, yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing him with a slightly longer cape for comparison.

Well, he definitly will be an interesting addition and will intervene with the occasion.

There is one thing I can see that might be a problem with your comic. He seems to contrast a little with some of the other characters. I believe the particular way you used color in this might be an aspect to contribute to that.

The new one is much better!

Well, he definitly will be an interesting addition and will intervene with the occasion.

There is one thing I can see that might be a problem with your comic. He seems to contrast a little with some of the other characters. I believe the particular way you used color in this might be an aspect to contribute to that.
hmm...are you maybe reacting to all the black? or the gradiation in his head? please elaborate more, if you don't mind.

or the gradiation in his head?

Well, I believe that is one thing that does make it look different. After comparing it with some of the other characters though, it does seem to be fine. I guess I will not really be able to see until it will be used in a comic then.