: Inspiration! Where does yours flow from?

This is asked once every month or every couple I forget, anyway, Wheres yours come from?

My inspiration comes from love, or hatred, not sure really, as I'm quite fucked in the head, more often that not. So you'll likely be talking to more than one(on a good day...) people, so I'd say confusion inspires me. If anything.

I usually just steal MaRiNe's scripts, and fix the grammar.

So far, no one's noticed.

Ah, inspiration. Mine comes from the world around me, I observe, people doing whatever, watch the news, read other webcomics. Sometimes the idea is just totally unrelated but, eh 99% of everything I think of is always forgotten.
so I'd say confusion inspires me. If anything.I didn't know confusion could inspire. I've been confused throughout most of my life, and I still got notin'.

Not so much inspire, but torchure, I havent spelt for months, a good deep sleep, dreams of horribly bizzare things, and my love life exsists only in theory....

Litazia Tanxashira
Inspiration for me is random. Sometimes the ideas come from plotting out storylines, but sometimes I'll be in the grocery store and BAM! new comic idea, usually having nothing to do with groceries or stores. Usually, it's whatever I think I coulld work with, make funny, would be fun to draw, etc.

Inspiration for me is random. Sometimes the ideas come from plotting out storylines, but sometimes I'll be in the grocery store and BAM! new comic idea, usually having nothing to do with groceries or stores. Usually, it's whatever I think I coulld work with, make funny, would be fun to draw, etc.

I don't start my creative process until I've got my things out and ready to draw, maybe thats why my storylines don't make sense.

And Ronson has the rights to my writeings, damn my love of gambling.

I'm inspired by... The will to be inspired. I had no emotions for a real long time. So now, as I get them, I get real good control over them. I can just choose any emotion and have it... Certain states of mind are included in this, like hunger & inspiration... But in the case of inspiration, I have to be inspired with something pre-existing. I chose to use video games for this, as they are my life. I tend to keep myself in a happy, humorous, jovial mood. So I get jokes as I live & store them in my head until a point in the comic opens up for that joke. So I've got a resorvior to work from too... Although it has been dry once or twice & I did have to force a joke... Those ones didn't come out too good...

Most recent new emotion: Fear. It was a deadline fear... For a homework that was worth many points...

The crazy cartoony stuff that happens to me on a day to day basis. Actually, it's just every day stuff, but I like to find humor in and exaggerate everything. Also current events, stupid people, and of course my own wonderful inspiring characters.

So I get jokes as I live & store them in my head until a point in the comic opens up for that joke. So I've got a resorvior to work from too... Although it has been dry once or twice & I did have to force a joke... Those ones didn't come out too good...Well, at least you remember your jokes, I come up with a load of good ones, but I forget them when I get home, or when I get to my pc.

Erik the Hack
For me, as well, inspiration lurks everywhere and in everything. Sometimes I'll read a news article and think "There's a good joke in there somewhere," or I'll just break-out my pick and shovel (i.e. my TV remote) and go digging in the rich deposits of the entertainment world. Sometimes a cool punch-line will just pop into my head, and then I'll have to construct a joke around it. Usually that happens when I brainstorm about character interactions. For example (future spoiler coming up!), here's the conclusion of an exchange I just thought-up today between CG and the Voice of Reason.

CG: "I'd offer you a beer, but... well, ya know... you being a disembodied voice n all."
VOR: "Yeah, that joke just gets funnier every time."

So now I have to write an appropriate strip that leads up to those punch-lines. Other times, I'll have a storyline in mind, and I'll brainstorm about what can happen along the way, searching for ways to make the changing situation and events funny. I also find that inspiration is a very fickle collaborator. Some days, I can crank out ten sweet scripts, and other days I can't even get one right.

In the final analysis, inspiration is a very personal process that is unique to each of us. Where exactly does the humor come from? I have no idea. Sometimes I feel as though I'm writing things down that are being whispered in my ear, and the words aren't coming from me at all. Seriously... :Puzzled:

The Unknown Comic
my inspiration comes from life in general.
Me interacting with the other humans gives me the material I need.



Beer. Doxylamine Succinate. Death Metal. And a good dose of down-home bluegrass!


i started working on girl bomb after watching 'end of evangelion' 23 times in a row.

I usually get them when I'm talking to my friends. I try to be witty when around others, and sometimes it works. That's when I bust on my pen and paper and completely ruin the comic genius of the moment.

Otherwise it's really just random. Sometimes I get them when I'm just about to fall asleep, so I end up having to drag my arse out of bed just to write down a thought that usually ends up illegible and incoherent anyway.

...That's when I bust on my pen and paper and completely ruin the comic genius of the moment...:O_o:

I find inspiration in my own randomness. Time for history channel and sleep. G'night TWC

My inspiration comes right out of thin air. Really, really thin air.

Actually, I could use some inspiration right about now. When I started the comic, I had written months worth of strips, but I've mostly burned through them. I've really been flying by the seat of my pants for a few months now.

Funny, though, some of my strips that have gotten the most accolades were written at the last possible second. Hmm...

anything really - things that happened to me, current events, movies/tv shows etc.

what? am...am i the only one who whose inspriation comes from the almighty dollar?

...or pound...or euro...or yen...or whatever...mostly the dollar, though.

animes. lots of animes. especially mecha animes. Then there's Life of Riley (http://clanbob.net)

Everyday life filtered through my imagination. It makes stuff weirder on demand.

My inspiration comes right out of thin air. Really, really thin air.

I would have to say, I am exactly the same way. I don't necessarily go "looking" for inspiration, nor can I recall where it came from (unless I'm writing on a specific subject matter that pertains to past events). In writing anything, either serious, or of a comical nature, I’m inspired by a split-second thought that sparks into branches of ideas, few of which actually end up being used in the end.
In conclusion, all inspiration stems from recollection in one way or another. Mine is generally a subconscious one.

Well, sheesh. I give a joke answer and then EVERYONE else goes all serious on me. heh.

My inspiration is generally from all around me. But the story of "The Gods of Arr-Kelaan" is following a course I set for it more than ten years ago.

...And the first bits I knew I wanted to write/draw were the beginning and the end. Unfortunately, a good beginning and a good ending are useless without the middle. So everything I've done so far is to make the beginning more interesting and the ending more important.

Here's inspiration for ya, though: I was sitting in a tent in Georgia one night, just drawing, and suddenly I had pencilled every page of the first issue of "Myths and Legends". 18 pages, sketched out in one night. It was the only time that the whole story flew out of my brain so quickly. It wasn't until more than a year later that I actually inked it, and knew where the remainder of the story would go.

That was cool. :)

Well my comic is about time travel, which is a subject that totally fascinates me. The love of what I do makes the story just flow easily from me.

my inspiration comes from a bottom of a of jack daniels spike bottle and a trip to good ol' memory lane. hahaha...

seriously, i guess my inspiration comes from my perfectionist attitude... the need to improve... *shrugs*

Steve Hogan
The strip I posted today was inspired by the Archie digests I buy in the supermarket.

I'm inspired by those moments when you walk by someone and they're on their cell phone saying things like "He decided to take the 2 million and be a pirate" or "I don't know...I don't know...I don't know...I KNOW! I don't know..." or "I DO NOT write Harry Potter yaoi fanfics."

That or Chaucer, which is almost the same thing.

my inspiration comes from Japanese Otaku stuff. cultural difference. I am Japanese, I moved to America 2 years ago. I love Japan, I love otaku stuff, but I see my country from outside, sometime I wonder if something wrong with otaku people. and I saw many funny stuff in America. maybe it is not strange for american, but strange for me...

Anime, Cartoons, Sock Puppets,my dad, workout tapes, infomercials, animals, my penis, and all the other whacky goofy things in my life inspire me.

And dick jokes.

Stickmaster Brad
My current storyline is a parody of Shoujo Kakumei Utena, so that's the inspiration for that. ^_^

As for the other 250 or so comics, heavy amounts of anime and video games. But mostly video games, because I'm starting to watch less and less anime. Woe is me. :(

My inspiration flows from a mineral spring located deep in the heart of the Cascade Mountains.

I get my inspiration from everything. T.V., Video games, my life, outside, everything.