: The invisible forums.

Hello all,

I was just wondering if I was the only one haveing problems getting to the forums. I get page cannot be displayed errors and have to refresh 4-5 times to get the site to come up.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Yup. Nearly lost me a caterer it did.

That happens to me to sometimes. But then, I'm usually at working while reading the forums and the site is sometimes blocked.

Well I'm having a problem with these "new messages" icons. They don't seem to be working very well between logons... I only see some random updates in subforums.
Does someone know how does WCF store topic visitation information? I've been viewing these from several places, so if it's a cookie based system, it would almost make sense (except that I should now, being back on my home comp, see too MANY unread messages).

It worked fine for the first few times though?

I assumed they were cookie based until I started noticeing these irregularities as well. I'm not sure exactly how they store the info. However, I posted on this topic a while back and the general response was "Just live with it." :stolid:

71-hour Ahmed
I am currently refreshing 3 - 7 times due to an active X error message I am getting. It isnt a cookie issue this one as changing security settings has no effect. Grrrrr, this is the only site it happens with.