: profiles

Hey if you havne't checked out the profiles section go now.
espesialy the description of spoiler profiles.

Can't wait to see this section up to date.

Ryvaken Tal`Draco
Love the Ellen picture. You can just see here thinking.


Why are they so much less developed that the ones at the old site?

Cos they're the short non-spoiler version for new bunnies and casual readers. Dan's working on more advanced versions for those who actually know the comic.

So far we only have Ellen and Tedd on there though.

I may make some more with temporary "non-special" images from the comics, as it'll be a long time and forever before I get images for each character done what with school and comic

Really? But you draw the characters every day, don't you? I wouldn't think it would take that long to create one (admitted more detailed) image of each character... Guess I'm wrong...

Ah, but you're underestimating the loss of free-time for special projects for people who go to school and make a comic EVERY DAY. Ian at RPGWorld has had to cut down his schedule to twice a week because of time constraints. I think Dan is to be commended for putting out 5 a week, AND still put in witty humor and foreshadowy goodness in each of them. AND answer occasional questions on two message boards. It's a wonder he's not bombing out of College. Can this guy multi-task or what?

p.s. I know that sounds an awful lot like kissing ass, but I understand the effects of all this a lot more than you guys know.

hey, thanks :) for the record, I'm averaging a "B" in college... cursed unattainable 4.0, I oughtta kick it in the--er, ignore that. Besides, even if you round to the nearest 1.0, I'd still have a "B" :bunny:

B.... for Bunnies!