: OMGZ METAL SLUG 6 ART!!. well not really...


this took about 8-9 hours in total to make, the background was made from quite a few high resolution (512*512) textures that i'd made a while ago, which were shrunk down and duplicated to suit meh
All work in that image is mine, so don't be stealing now...

comments and cnc would be appreciated (yes, YOU squidi!)

The Unknown Comic
are you making sprites now?

Try posting that image to http://pixelation.swoo.net. It's a message board frequented by pixel artists who can give you much more detailed critiques than I could. I'm not really that good of a pixel artist. I hate to say it, but that's probably better than I could do.

One thing I can help you with is I think you could lighten the foreground characters up compared to the background. Eyes are just naturally attracted to shapes created out of bright spaces rather than dark shapes (which tend to create a silhouette effect, even when such images would be normally quite viewable against a darker background - that's why I always draw my art against a dark brown-gray background so that I can get the colors on my characters to stick out the best).

are you making sprites now?

i've been making sprites for a while ;)
eddache suggested i make a comic, but meh...

Try posting that image to http://pixelation.swoo.net. It's a message board frequented by pixel artists who can give you much more detailed critiques than I could. I'm not really that good of a pixel artist. I hate to say it, but that's probably better than I could do.

One thing I can help you with is I think you could lighten the foreground characters up compared to the background. Eyes are just naturally attracted to shapes created out of bright spaces rather than dark shapes (which tend to create a silhouette effect, even when such images would be normally quite viewable against a darker background - that's why I always draw my art against a dark brown-gray background so that I can get the colors on my characters to stick out the best).

i'll have a look at that site, and try what you said about lighting...

The Unknown Comic
well, good luck.

You seem to really have a grasp on color schemes.

That's so cool, make a game right now.

No, make me a sandwhich.

That's so cool, make a game right now.

as KCG would say..

no, YOU make a game right now!