: just a lil something more to wet your appetite.


i bet you cant WAIT can you.

comment to your hearts content.

here (http://www.fiftyandhalifax.com/timelines.gif) is the older one if youre interested.

You're right! I JUST CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!

Just in time for Thanksgiving!

im in the mood for promos apparently:


Mr Demaree
Those new character designs look awesome. Even more odd than halifax.

The Unknown Comic
Yeah, they're pretty but have they got personality? :grin:

Yeah, they're pretty but have they got personality? :grin:

If they're anything close to Fifty or Halifax, they have to be overflowing with personality. Especially when it comes to Fifty.


is that the Arbys mascot???

depends what the hell 'arbys' is

Yeah, they're pretty but have they got personality? http://www.webcomic.net/forums/images/smilies/grin.gif
The hell is that? Looks like he has a jam sandwich for a mouth. O_o

But YEAH! Hype! Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuhhh!! *runs in circles* They remind me a little of those freaky weird little animals in Lenore. The one that goes "SKREEEEEE" especially. *shudder* Looking forward to seeing them do stuff. :D

kyle, fiftyandhalifax is british and does not know the evil of arbys but I shall enlighten him.

this is the institution of a fast food restaurant.

this is it's evil "copy of hamburger helper" mascot. it sounds like tom arnold and is terribly stupid. makes me want hurt someone.


Steve Hogan
That first creature is what they actually use in McNuggets.

That turkey-bug scared the crap out of me.

That Arby's sign looks like it was designed on the inside of a school bus window. X_x

It was. The school bus was in the drive-thru of Jack in the Box at the time.

Speaking of Arby's, whose bright idea was it to offer 5 sandwiches for $5?* Who buys 5 sandwiches at one time? Besides potheads with the munchies, that is. Or really, really big-boned people.

Why not just say they're $1 apiece?

*(or $5.55, or whatever it is now)

here is ONE FINAL PROMO you lucky fucks.


I like it yo!

It was. The school bus was in the drive-thru of Jack in the Box at the time.

Speaking of Arby's, whose bright idea was it to offer 5 sandwiches for $5?* Who buys 5 sandwiches at one time? Besides potheads with the munchies, that is. Or really, really big-boned people.

Why not just say they're $1 apiece?

*(or $5.55, or whatever it is now)

if you think that is bad.. i don't know if your familiar of a place called White Castle. They'll sell you ten hamburgers for a dollar.. That have soo much grease that you don't have to chew. they just slide down your throat..

I like the sketches tho fifty.. I like the geriatric one the most.. Tho I think he needs some kinda super engine on his wheelchair.. imo...

i want 1000 burgers for 100 quid.

Don't we all.

yes. yes we do.