: Random 1337

hi im stoo from random 1337 comics

i would like to introduce you to a new online comic

this is made by me and my friends and is improving all the time
we are looking for supposrt and it would be greatly appreciated if you would kindly add our site to your comic rounds. also please sign up and become a part of our active forums where new discussions happen everyday

thank you

Random 1337 comics

...it would be greatly appreciated if you would kindly ass our site...That typo is in the worst possible part of that sentence.

EDIT: Just so people know what I was talking about

lmfao, oops, i fixed it now

but seriously, we are in need of support

Are you looking for a critique? Or are you just advertising?

i am looking for support and suggestions

You compressed the images too small, I cant read any of it. Well I can, but I have to focus to read it.

The Unknown Comic
why is it that people seem to hide their comics and in this situation I was not impressed when I finally found them.

what do you mean hide ?, they are clearly there

The Unknown Comic
I click the splash page and get a forum.

Your comic link is on the left side, the 3rd box down.
Not too obvious. That's what I call hidden.

It should be the first thing you see when you get to your site.

1. Either remove the log in box, and put your main navagation there.

2. I would tone down the layout. The layour is very extravagent and well done, and the comic, well... it isn't there in art style.

3. Put the comic on the main page. Right where you have a link to the latest comic. Unless... there's a particular reason why you shouldn't put the comic there

4. Get more comics before asking for suggestions.

The site itself, awsome, the comic itself is funny (for the most part), but they just don't go together.
Buttons (back, next, and such) do not match with site
A)change them
B)get ride of them and just put in text
1. Either remove the log in box, and put your main navagation there.Yeah, just switch'em around.

Hey, you're making an effort.

However, when you're making a webcomic, your readers could care less about your HTML skills. They want the comic, not hardcore mad css skills or whatnot. If they can't find the comic in less than a click or two, they'll probably close out. You're basically making them dig for it.


The comic is witty, I really like that, the jokes are clever while at the same time people with only one brain cell can still get the joke before they pass out for thinking too much, speaking of whichmmmmmmm, oops, sorry about that I just passed out for tinking two mutch......

I second all points and add I have a feeling I don't like where you Doc character is going, considering over half of his lines are allready "let's get naked." Gee, another gay stereotype.

That the characters have hard outlines and the text boxes don't seems wrong to me. It makes the text seem behind the characters. And when there isn't text boxes? It's even harder to read.

thanks for your feedback so far, its much appreciated :). please keep your comments going, the more i hear from visitors the better the comic will become, just a few notes though...

the character doc is based on an actual person, this is the exact way he acts yet is completely straight :/ (go figure)

i am working on my site to get the comic to display on my mainpage so that is the first thing you see, shouldnt be too hard

i am dedicated to making my comic and site the best they can be and i need your feedback for that. thanks soo far :)

also if you like the comic please join us and discuss on our forums


P.S. Keep the info coming

The other end
comic site: great

punch lines: good

compression: ehhh.....

what I've learned is that you shouldn't just stretch the pic. I used Quick epics to resize, but it had a size ratio thing that I couldn't turn off so I tried photomud and it worked

great effort, hope I helped

Don`t use the cartoonists lounge as an advertisement center.